{"status":"ok","message-type":"work","message-version":"1.0.0","message":{"indexed":{"date-parts":[[2022,4,2]],"date-time":"2022-04-02T05:48:23Z","timestamp":1648878503257},"reference-count":29,"publisher":"Hindawi Limited","license":[{"start":{"date-parts":[[2022,1,4]],"date-time":"2022-01-04T00:00:00Z","timestamp":1641254400000},"content-version":"unspecified","delay-in-days":0,"URL":"https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by\/4.0\/"}],"funder":[{"DOI":"10.13039\/501100008047","name":"Hebei University","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","award":["2020ZRZD03","ZD2021037"],"id":[{"id":"10.13039\/501100008047","id-type":"DOI","asserted-by":"publisher"}]}],"content-domain":{"domain":[],"crossmark-restriction":false},"short-container-title":["Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing"],"published-print":{"date-parts":[[2022,1,4]]},"abstract":"Skyline query is a typical multiobjective query and optimization problem, which aims to find out the information that all users may be interested in a multidimensional data set. Multiobjective optimization has been applied in many scientific fields, including engineering, economy, and logistics. It is necessary to make the optimal decision when two or more conflicting objectives are weighed. For example, maximize the service area without changing the number of express points, and in the existing business district distribution, find out the area or target point set whose target attribute is most in line with the user\u2019s interest. Group Skyline is a further extension of the traditional definition of Skyline. It considers not only a single point but a group of points composed of multiple points. These point groups should not be dominated by other point groups. For example, in the previous example of business district selection, a single target point in line with the user\u2019s interest is not the focus of the research, but the overall optimality of all points in the whole target area is the final result that the user wants. This paper focuses on how to efficiently solve top-\n