{"status":"ok","message-type":"work","message-version":"1.0.0","message":{"indexed":{"date-parts":[[2023,1,4]],"date-time":"2023-01-04T05:24:17Z","timestamp":1672809857946},"reference-count":84,"publisher":"Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)","issue":"8","content-domain":{"domain":["dl.acm.org"],"crossmark-restriction":true},"short-container-title":["SIGPLAN Not."],"published-print":{"date-parts":[[1978,8]]},"abstract":"In preparing this account of some of the developments leading to ALGOL 60 I have primarily sought to present such relevant information that is readily available to myself, but not otherwise accessible or well known. In addition I have tried to answer the specific questions formulated by the organizers of the Conference on the History of Programming Languages. The notes fall in three freely intermixed groups: those that relate to existing documents, those that reflect my own reasoning as a participant in the development, and those that try to answer the organizers' questions. Where the proper support has been lacking I have left open holes in the presentation. Otherwise I have tried to be specific, giving names, dates, and reasons, as far as I have them available.<\/jats:p>\n While this manner of presentation seems to me the best way to support more penetrating historical research into the period, it is also bound to give rise to controversy. First, it is openly one-sided, in the manner that any autobiography is. Further, by being specific the presentation will offer sensitive points of attack to those who see the same development from a different angle and with different eyes. When these circumstances are combined with real events that involved differences of opinion and interest, strong reactions are bound to be provoked. This emerged clearly in the remarks from the reviewers of the draft of the paper.<\/jats:p>","DOI":"10.1145\/960118.808370","type":"journal-article","created":{"date-parts":[[2005,11,14]],"date-time":"2005-11-14T18:08:27Z","timestamp":1131991707000},"page":"15-44","update-policy":"http:\/\/dx.doi.org\/10.1145\/crossmark-policy","source":"Crossref","is-referenced-by-count":6,"title":["The European side of the last phase of the development of ALGOL 60"],"prefix":"10.1145","volume":"13","author":[{"given":"Peter","family":"Naur","sequence":"first","affiliation":[{"name":"Copenhagen University"}]}],"member":"320","published-online":{"date-parts":[[1978,8]]},"reference":[{"key":"e_1_2_1_1_2","first-page":"40","volume-title":"Proceedings of a Symposium on Automatic Programming for Digital Computers","author":"Bulletin Adams","unstructured":"AB, see ALGOL Bulletin . Adams , C.W. and Laning jr., J.H. 1954. The MIT systems of automatic coding . In Proceedings of a Symposium on Automatic Programming for Digital Computers , pp. 40 - 68 . Washington DC. AB, see ALGOL Bulletin. Adams, C.W. and Laning jr., J.H. 1954. The MIT systems of automatic coding. In Proceedings of a Symposium on Automatic Programming for Digital Computers, pp. 40-68. Washington DC."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_2_2","volume-title":"During the conference the available documents were numbered 1 to 30","year":"1959","unstructured":"ALGOL 60 documents 1959 -60. (Unpublished technical memoranda prepared in connection with the ALGOL 60 conference in Paris, 1960 Jan. 11 -16) . During the conference the available documents were numbered 1 to 30 . Here the numbers 31 and 201 to 221 have been used for further related documents. ALGOL 60 documents 1959-60. (Unpublished technical memoranda prepared in connection with the ALGOL 60 conference in Paris, 1960 Jan. 11 -16). During the conference the available documents were numbered 1 to 30. Here the numbers 31 and 201 to 221 have been used for further related documents."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_3_2","volume-title":"Meeting of the European representatives to the ALGOL conference. Mainz. 4 pages.","author":"European","unstructured":"European representatives to the ALGOL 60 conference 1959 Dec. 14 - 16 . Meeting of the European representatives to the ALGOL conference. Mainz. 4 pages. European representatives to the ALGOL 60 conference 1959 Dec. 14 - 16. Meeting of the European representatives to the ALGOL conference. Mainz. 4 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_4_2","volume-title":"Material related to the coming international ALGOL conference in Paris","author":"Naur P.","unstructured":"Naur , P. 1960 Jan . 2. Material related to the coming international ALGOL conference in Paris . Copenhagen . 1 + 7 pages. Naur, P. 1960 Jan. 2. Material related to the coming international ALGOL conference in Paris. Copenhagen. 1 + 7 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_5_2","unstructured":"European ALGOL committee 1959 Dec. 19. Aide-memoir on revisions of the Zürich report. Mainz. 2 pages. European ALGOL committee 1959 Dec. 19. Aide-memoir on revisions of the Zürich report. Mainz. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_6_2","volume-title":"ALGOL 60 - draft report","author":"Naur P.","unstructured":"Naur , P. 1960 Jan . 9. ALGOL 60 - draft report . Regnecentralen , Copenhagen . 18 pages. Naur, P. 1960 Jan. 9. ALGOL 60 - draft report. Regnecentralen, Copenhagen. 18 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_7_2","volume-title":"Proposals for the conference. 12 pages.","author":"American","unstructured":"American representatives to the ALGOL 60 conference 1960 Jan . Proposals for the conference. 12 pages. American representatives to the ALGOL 60 conference 1960 Jan. Proposals for the conference. 12 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_8_2","unstructured":"Turanski Wm. 1960 Jan. 11. Report on ACM proposal for FOR-clauses. 2 pages. Turanski Wm. 1960 Jan. 11. Report on ACM proposal for FOR-clauses. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_9_2","unstructured":"Katz C. 1960 Jan. 11. Report on switch declaration and do statement for ACM. 1 page. Katz C. 1960 Jan. 11. Report on switch declaration and do statement for ACM. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_10_2","unstructured":"Perlis A. 1960 Jan. 12. A proposal on the global - equivalence controversy. 2 pages. Perlis A. 1960 Jan. 12. A proposal on the global - equivalence controversy. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_11_2","unstructured":"Naur P. 1960 Jan. 11. Procedure declaration (supplement to document 5). 3 pages. Naur P. 1960 Jan. 11. Procedure declaration (supplement to document 5). 3 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_12_2","unstructured":"Backus J.; Green J.; Samelson K.; and Wijngaarden A. van 1960 Jan. 13. Report of the committee on local etc.. 1 page. Backus J.; Green J.; Samelson K.; and Wijngaarden A. van 1960 Jan. 13. Report of the committee on local etc.. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_13_2","unstructured":"Bauer F.L. and Rutishauser H. 1960 Jan. 13. Semantics of procedure statements. 2 pages. Bauer F.L. and Rutishauser H. 1960 Jan. 13. Semantics of procedure statements. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_14_2","unstructured":"Vauquois B. 1960 Jan. 13. Proposal about subscripted variables. 1 page. Vauquois B. 1960 Jan. 13. Proposal about subscripted variables. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_15_2","unstructured":"Naur P. 1960 Jan. 13. Summary of parameter replacement rules of document 5. 1 page. Naur P. 1960 Jan. 13. Summary of parameter replacement rules of document 5. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_16_2","unstructured":"Naur P. and Perlis A. Meaning of types and assignments. 1 page. Naur P. and Perlis A. Meaning of types and assignments. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_17_2","unstructured":"Naur P. and Perlis A. 1960 Jan. 13. Types of expressions - assignments. 3 pages. Naur P. and Perlis A. 1960 Jan. 13. Types of expressions - assignments. 3 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_18_2","unstructured":"Katz C.; Wijngaarden A. van; and Woodger M. 1960 Jan. 14. Report of the committee on procedure declarations and procedure calls with only one list of parameters. 1 page. Katz C.; Wijngaarden A. van; and Woodger M. 1960 Jan. 14. Report of the committee on procedure declarations and procedure calls with only one list of parameters. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_19_2","unstructured":"Green J.; Perlis A.; and Samelson K. 1960 Jan. 14. Procedure statements. 3 pages. Green J.; Perlis A.; and Samelson K. 1960 Jan. 14. Procedure statements. 3 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_20_2","unstructured":"Naur P. 1960 Jan. 14. Addition to document 5 - conditional statements. 2 pages. Naur P. 1960 Jan. 14. Addition to document 5 - conditional statements. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_21_2","unstructured":"Rutishauser H. 1960 Jan. 14. Remark concerning function declaration. 1 page. Rutishauser H. 1960 Jan. 14. Remark concerning function declaration. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_22_2","unstructured":"McCarthy J. 1960 Jan. 14. Name change. 1 page. McCarthy J. 1960 Jan. 14. Name change. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_23_2","unstructured":"Rutishauser H. 1960 Jan. 14. Array—functions. 1 page. Rutishauser H. 1960 Jan. 14. Array—functions. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_24_2","unstructured":"Naur P. 1960 Jan. 15. Compound statements and blocks (correction to document 5). 1 page. Naur P. 1960 Jan. 15. Compound statements and blocks (correction to document 5). 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_25_2","unstructured":"McCarthy J. Scopes of identifiers. 1 page. McCarthy J. Scopes of identifiers. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_26_2","unstructured":"For statement. 2 pages. For statement. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_27_2","unstructured":"Procedure statements. 1960 Jan. 16. 2 pages. Procedure statements. 1960 Jan. 16. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_28_2","unstructured":"Procedure declarations. 1960 Jan. 16. 2 pages. Procedure declarations. 1960 Jan. 16. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_29_2","unstructured":"Wegstein J.H. Report on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60 (draft for the introduction). 3 pages. Wegstein J.H. Report on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60 (draft for the introduction). 3 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_30_2","unstructured":"Wegstein J.H. At the end of the introduction add. 1 page. Wegstein J.H. At the end of the introduction add. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_31_2","unstructured":"Samelson K. and Woodger M. Syntax of expressions and statements. 2 pages. Samelson K. and Woodger M. Syntax of expressions and statements. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_32_2","unstructured":"ALGOL 60 committee 1960 Jan. 13 - 16. First and Second list of suggested changes in document 5. Each item is authored by a member of the committee. The items are numbered 101 to 175 followed by 173 - 175 (used again) and @@@@-1. 33 pages. ALGOL 60 committee 1960 Jan. 13 - 16. First and Second list of suggested changes in document 5. Each item is authored by a member of the committee. The items are numbered 101 to 175 followed by 173 - 175 (used again) and @@@@-1. 33 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_33_2","volume-title":"To the members of the ALGOL 60 committee","author":"Naur P.","unstructured":"Naur , P. 1960 Jan . 17. To the members of the ALGOL 60 committee . Paris . 2 pages. Naur, P. 1960 Jan. 17. To the members of the ALGOL 60 committee. Paris. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_34_2","volume-title":"Letter to P","author":"Wijngaarden A.","unstructured":"Wijngaarden , A. van 1960 Jan . 19. Letter to P . Naur . Amsterdam . 1 page. Wijngaarden, A. van 1960 Jan. 19. Letter to P. Naur. Amsterdam. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_35_2","volume-title":"Letter to P. Naur","author":"McCarthy J.","unstructured":"McCarthy , J. 1960 Jan . 20. Letter to P. Naur . Cambridge , Mass . 1 page. McCarthy, J. 1960 Jan. 20. Letter to P. Naur. Cambridge, Mass. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_36_2","unstructured":"Rutishauser H. 1960 Jan. 20. Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee. Zürich. 2 pages. Rutishauser H. 1960 Jan. 20. Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee. Zürich. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_37_2","volume-title":"Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee","author":"Perlis A.","unstructured":"Perlis , A. 1960 Jan . 20. Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee . Pittsburgh . 1 page. Perlis, A. 1960 Jan. 20. Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee. Pittsburgh. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_38_2","unstructured":"Wegstein J.H. 1960 Jan. 21. Letter to P. Naur. Washington DC. 1 page. Wegstein J.H. 1960 Jan. 21. Letter to P. Naur. Washington DC. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_39_2","unstructured":"Bauer F.L. and Samelson K. 1960 Jan. 22. Letter to P. Naur. Mainz. 1 page. Bauer F.L. and Samelson K. 1960 Jan. 22. Letter to P. Naur. Mainz. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_40_2","unstructured":"Woodger M. 1960 Jan. 25. Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee. Teddington. 3 + 5 pages. Woodger M. 1960 Jan. 25. Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee. Teddington. 3 + 5 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_41_2","unstructured":"Katz C. 1960 Jan. 25. Letter to P. Naur. 2 pages. Katz C. 1960 Jan. 25. Letter to P. Naur. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_42_2","unstructured":"Rutishauser H. 1960 Jan. 25. Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee. Zürich. 1 page. Rutishauser H. 1960 Jan. 25. Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee. Zürich. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_43_2","volume-title":"1960 Jan. 26. Telegram to P. Naur","author":"Green J.","unstructured":"Green , J. and Backus , J . 1960 Jan. 26. Telegram to P. Naur . White Plains , New York . 1 page. Green, J. and Backus, J. 1960 Jan. 26. Telegram to P. Naur. White Plains, New York. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_44_2","unstructured":"Naur P. 1960 Febr. 4. Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee. Copenhagen - Valby. 1 page. Naur P. 1960 Febr. 4. Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee. Copenhagen - Valby. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_45_2","unstructured":"Backus J. et al. 1960 Febr. 4. Report on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60 (draft). Copenhagen - Valby. 26 pages. Backus J. et al. 1960 Febr. 4. Report on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60 (draft). Copenhagen - Valby. 26 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_46_2","volume-title":"Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee","author":"Wijngaarden A.","unstructured":"Wijngaarden , A. van 1960 Febr . 4. Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee . Amsterdam . 4 pages. Wijngaarden, A. van 1960 Febr. 4. Letter to the members of the ALGOL 60 committee. Amsterdam. 4 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_47_2","volume-title":"Comments on the report draft","author":"Perlis A.J.","unstructured":"Perlis , A.J. (for Holt , A. and McCarthy , J. ) 1960 Febr . Comments on the report draft . Pittsburgh . 5 pages. Perlis, A.J. (for Holt, A. and McCarthy, J.) 1960 Febr. Comments on the report draft. Pittsburgh. 5 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_48_2","unstructured":"Bauer F.L. and Samelson K. 1960 Febr. 12. Letter to P. Naur. Mainz. 2 pages. Bauer F.L. and Samelson K. 1960 Febr. 12. Letter to P. Naur. Mainz. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_49_2","unstructured":"Rutishauser H. 1960 Febr. 14. Letter to P. Naur. Zürich. 5 pages. Rutishauser H. 1960 Febr. 14. Letter to P. Naur. Zürich. 5 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_50_2","unstructured":"Woodger M. 1960 Febr. 16. Letter to P. Naur. Teddington. 2 pages. Woodger M. 1960 Febr. 16. Letter to P. Naur. Teddington. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_51_2","unstructured":"Rutishauser H. 1960 Febr. 17. Letter to P. Naur. Zürich. 2 pages. Rutishauser H. 1960 Febr. 17. Letter to P. Naur. Zürich. 2 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_52_2","unstructured":"Naur P. 1960 Febr. 18. Letter to H. Rutishauser. Copenhagen - Valby. 1 page. Naur P. 1960 Febr. 18. Letter to H. Rutishauser. Copenhagen - Valby. 1 page."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_53_2","unstructured":"Rutishauser H. 1960 Febr. 26. Letter to P. Naur. Zürich. 4 pages. Rutishauser H. 1960 Febr. 26. Letter to P. Naur. Zürich. 4 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_54_2","volume-title":"Naur). No. (AB) 1","author":"Bulletin P.","year":"1959","unstructured":"ALGOL Bulletin . 1959. (Mimeographed discussion letters, ed. P. Naur). No. (AB) 1 , 1959 March 16, 6 pp. No. 2, 1959 May 5, 8 pp. No. 3, 1959 June 8, 6 pp. No. 4, 1959 Aug. 13, 7 pp. No. 5, 1959 Sept. 28, 9 pp. No. 6, 1959 Oct. 17, 2 pp. No. 7, 1959 Nov. 3, 21 pp. No. 8, 1959 Dec. 12, 15 pp. Regnecentralen, Copenhagen. ALGOL Bulletin. 1959. (Mimeographed discussion letters, ed. P. Naur). No. (AB) 1, 1959 March 16, 6 pp. No. 2, 1959 May 5, 8 pp. No. 3, 1959 June 8, 6 pp. No. 4, 1959 Aug. 13, 7 pp. No. 5, 1959 Sept. 28, 9 pp. No. 6, 1959 Oct. 17, 2 pp. No. 7, 1959 Nov. 3, 21 pp. No. 8, 1959 Dec. 12, 15 pp. Regnecentralen, Copenhagen."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_55_2","volume-title":"Proc. International Conf. on Information Processing, UNESCO, 125 - 132","author":"Backus J.","year":"1959","unstructured":"Backus , J. 1959 . The syntax and semantics of the proposed international algebraic language of the Zürich ACM-GAMM conference . Proc. International Conf. on Information Processing, UNESCO, 125 - 132 . Backus, J. 1959. The syntax and semantics of the proposed international algebraic language of the Zürich ACM-GAMM conference. Proc. International Conf. on Information Processing, UNESCO, 125 - 132."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_56_2","unstructured":"Backus J.W.; Desilets P.H.; Evans D.D.; Goodman R.; Huskey H.; Katz C.; McCarthy J.; Orden A.; Perlis A.J.; Rich R.; Rosen S.; Turanski W.; Wegstein J. 1958. Proposal for a programming language. Unpublished memorandum. 20 pages. Backus J.W.; Desilets P.H.; Evans D.D.; Goodman R.; Huskey H.; Katz C.; McCarthy J.; Orden A.; Perlis A.J.; Rich R.; Rosen S.; Turanski W.; Wegstein J. 1958. Proposal for a programming language. Unpublished memorandum. 20 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_57_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/377924.594925"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_58_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/367236.367262"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_59_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/366193.366201"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_60_2","unstructured":"Bauer F.L.; Bottenbruch H.; Graeff P.; Läuchli P.; Paul M.; Penzlin F.; Rutishauser H.; and Samelson K. 1958 Febr. 19. Formelübersetzungsprojekt Zürich-München-Darmstadt - Projektstufe 1: Festlegung der Formelsprache - Interner Bericht Nr. 2c. Unpublished memorandum. 21 + 23 pages. Bauer F.L.; Bottenbruch H.; Graeff P.; Läuchli P.; Paul M.; Penzlin F.; Rutishauser H.; and Samelson K. 1958 Febr. 19. Formelübersetzungsprojekt Zürich-München-Darmstadt - Projektstufe 1: Festlegung der Formelsprache - Interner Bericht Nr. 2c. Unpublished memorandum. 21 + 23 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_61_2","volume-title":"H.","author":"Bauer F.L.","year":"1958","unstructured":"Bauer , F.L. ; Bottenbruch , H. : Rutishauser , H. ; Samelson, K .; under cooperation of Graeff, P,; Läuchli, P.; and Paul, M. 1958 May 9. Proposal for a universal language for the description of computing processes. Unpublished memorandum, Z ürich. 1 + 21 pages. Bauer, F.L.; Bottenbruch, H.: Rutishauser, H.; Samelson, K.; under cooperation of Graeff, P,; Läuchli, P.; and Paul, M. 1958 May 9. Proposal for a universal language for the description of computing processes. Unpublished memorandum, Zürich. 1 + 21 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_62_2","first-page":"151","volume-title":"Annual review in automatic programming","author":"Bemer R.W.","unstructured":"Bemer , R.W. 1969. A politico-social history of ALGOL . In Annual review in automatic programming , Vol. 5 , ed. M. Halpern and C. Shaw, pp. 151 - 237 . Oxford-New York: Pergamon Press . Bemer, R.W. 1969. A politico-social history of ALGOL. In Annual review in automatic programming, Vol. 5, ed. M. Halpern and C. Shaw, pp. 151 - 237. Oxford-New York: Pergamon Press."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_63_2","doi-asserted-by":"crossref","unstructured":"Boehm C. 1954. Calculatrices digitales du dechiffrage de formules logico-mathematiques par la machine meme. Thesis ETH Zürich. Boehm C. 1954. Calculatrices digitales du dechiffrage de formules logico-mathematiques par la machine meme. Thesis ETH Zürich.","DOI":"10.1007\/BF02415099"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_64_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/365813.365819"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_65_2","volume-title":"Programming program for the BESM computer (translated from Russian by M. Nadler)","author":"Ershov A.P.","unstructured":"Ershov , A.P. 1959. Programming program for the BESM computer (translated from Russian by M. Nadler) . London : Pergamon Press . Ershov, A.P. 1959. Programming program for the BESM computer (translated from Russian by M. Nadler). London: Pergamon Press."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_66_2","unstructured":"Hoffmann W. and Walther A. 1956. Elektronische Rechenmaschinen und Informationsverarbeitung. Nachrichtentechnische Fachberichte Bd. 4. Braunschweig. F. Vieweg und Sohn. Hoffmann W. and Walther A. 1956. Elektronische Rechenmaschinen und Informationsverarbeitung. Nachrichtentechnische Fachberichte Bd. 4. Braunschweig. F. Vieweg und Sohn."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_67_2","volume-title":"Internat","unstructured":"IBM 1954. Specifications for the IBM mathematical formula translating system FORTRAN. Preliminary report. Applied Science Division , Internat . Business Machines Corp., New York . IBM 1954. Specifications for the IBM mathematical formula translating system FORTRAN. Preliminary report. Applied Science Division, Internat. Business Machines Corp., New York."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_68_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/366062.366083"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_69_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/355588.365140"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_70_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/363717.363743"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_71_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1007\/BF02163002"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_72_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/361227.361229"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_73_2","volume-title":"A vector-handling subroutine using call by name written for EDSAC","author":"Naur P.","year":"1951","unstructured":"Naur , P. 1977. A vector-handling subroutine using call by name written for EDSAC in 1951 . Unpublished . Naur, P. 1977. A vector-handling subroutine using call by name written for EDSAC in 1951. Unpublished."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_74_2","volume-title":"Automatische Rechenplanfertigung bei programmgesteuerten Rechenmaschinen. Mitt. Nr. 3 aus dem Inst. Für angewandte Math. der ETH. 45","author":"Rutishauser H.","unstructured":"Rutishauser , H. 1952. Automatische Rechenplanfertigung bei programmgesteuerten Rechenmaschinen. Mitt. Nr. 3 aus dem Inst. Für angewandte Math. der ETH. 45 p. Basel: Birkh äuser. Rutishauser, H. 1952. Automatische Rechenplanfertigung bei programmgesteuerten Rechenmaschinen. Mitt. Nr. 3 aus dem Inst. Für angewandte Math. der ETH. 45 p. Basel: Birkhäuser."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_75_2","unstructured":"Rutishauser H. 1953. Bemerkungen zum programmgesteuerten Rechnen. Vorträge über Rechenanlagen. S. 34 -37. Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Göttingen. Rutishauser H. 1953. Bemerkungen zum programmgesteuerten Rechnen. Vorträge über Rechenanlagen. S. 34 -37. Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Göttingen."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_76_2","volume-title":"Description of ALGOL 60. Handbook for Automatic Computation","author":"Rutishauser H.","unstructured":"Rutishauser , H. 1967. Description of ALGOL 60. Handbook for Automatic Computation Vol. I part a. Berlin Heidelberg New York : Springer Verlag. Rutishauser, H. 1967. Description of ALGOL 60. Handbook for Automatic Computation Vol. I part a. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer Verlag."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_77_2","first-page":"176","article-title":"Sequentielle Formelübersetzung","volume":"1","author":"Samelson K.","year":"1959","unstructured":"Samelson , K. ; u. Bauer , F. L. 1959 . Sequentielle Formelübersetzung . Elektronische Rechenanlagen 1 : 176 - 182 . Samelson, K.; u. Bauer, F. L. 1959. Sequentielle Formelübersetzung. Elektronische Rechenanlagen 1: 176 - 182.","journal-title":"Elektronische Rechenanlagen"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_78_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/366959.366968"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_79_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1007\/BF00264291"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_80_2","volume-title":"Report on a visit to Germany and Switzerland","author":"Woodger M.","year":"1958","unstructured":"Woodger , M. 1959 Jan . 19. Report on a visit to Germany and Switzerland in November 1958 . Unpublished memorandum. Teddington, National Physical Laboratory . 5 pages. Woodger, M. 1959 Jan. 19. Report on a visit to Germany and Switzerland in November 1958. Unpublished memorandum. Teddington, National Physical Laboratory. 5 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_81_2","volume-title":"Copenhagen ALGOL conference. Unpublished, handwritten notes 6 pages.","author":"Woodger M.","year":"1959","unstructured":"Woodger , M. 1959 Jan . 19. 1959 Febr. 27 - 28 . Copenhagen ALGOL conference. Unpublished, handwritten notes 6 pages. - 1959 Febr. 27 - 28. Copenhagen ALGOL conference. Unpublished, handwritten notes 6 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_82_2","volume-title":"ALGOL 60 conference in Paris. Unpublished, handwritten notes. 17 pages.","author":"Woodger M.","year":"1960","unstructured":"Woodger , M. 1959 Jan . 19. 1960 Jan. 10- 16 . ALGOL 60 conference in Paris. Unpublished, handwritten notes. 17 pages. - 1960 Jan. 10- 16. ALGOL 60 conference in Paris. Unpublished, handwritten notes. 17 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_83_2","volume-title":"conference on \"universal language\", 1958 May 27 - 30. Unpublished summaries of the agreements of the conference. Zürich. 20 pages.","author":"Zurich","unstructured":"Zurich conference on \"universal language\", 1958 May 27 - 30. Unpublished summaries of the agreements of the conference. Zürich. 20 pages. Zurich conference on \"universal language\", 1958 May 27 - 30. Unpublished summaries of the agreements of the conference. Zürich. 20 pages."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_84_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1007\/BF02038459"}],"container-title":["ACM SIGPLAN Notices"],"original-title":[],"language":"en","link":[{"URL":"https:\/\/dl.acm.org\/doi\/pdf\/10.1145\/960118.808370","content-type":"unspecified","content-version":"vor","intended-application":"similarity-checking"}],"deposited":{"date-parts":[[2023,1,3]],"date-time":"2023-01-03T07:35:29Z","timestamp":1672731329000},"score":1,"resource":{"primary":{"URL":"https:\/\/dl.acm.org\/doi\/10.1145\/960118.808370"}},"subtitle":[],"short-title":[],"issued":{"date-parts":[[1978,8]]},"references-count":84,"journal-issue":{"issue":"8","published-print":{"date-parts":[[1978,8]]}},"alternative-id":["10.1145\/960118.808370"],"URL":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1145\/960118.808370","relation":{},"ISSN":["0362-1340","1558-1160"],"issn-type":[{"value":"0362-1340","type":"print"},{"value":"1558-1160","type":"electronic"}],"subject":[],"published":{"date-parts":[[1978,8]]},"assertion":[{"value":"1978-08-01","order":2,"name":"published","label":"Published","group":{"name":"publication_history","label":"Publication History"}}]}}