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From Transparency to Accountability of Intelligent Systems: Moving Beyond Aspirations. Data & Policy 4 ( 2022 ). https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1017\/dap.2021.37 10.1017\/dap.2021.37 Rebecca Williams, Richard Cloete, Jennifer Cobbe, Caitlin Cottrill, Peter Edwards, Milan Markovic, Iman Naja, Frances Ryan, Jatinder Singh, Wei Pang, and et al.2022. From Transparency to Accountability of Intelligent Systems: Moving Beyond Aspirations. Data & Policy 4 (2022). https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1017\/dap.2021.37"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_117_1","volume-title":"Automated Detection of Near-Miss Fall Incidents in Iron Workers Using Inertial Measurement Units. In Construction Research Congress","author":"Yang Kanghyeok","year":"2014","unstructured":"Kanghyeok Yang , Sepi Aria , Changbum R. Ahn , and Terry L. Stentz . 2014 . Automated Detection of Near-Miss Fall Incidents in Iron Workers Using Inertial Measurement Units. In Construction Research Congress 2014 . American Society of Civil Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, 935\u2013944. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1061\/9780784413517.096 10.1061\/9780784413517.096 Kanghyeok Yang, Sepi Aria, Changbum R. Ahn, and Terry L. Stentz. 2014. Automated Detection of Near-Miss Fall Incidents in Iron Workers Using Inertial Measurement Units. In Construction Research Congress 2014. 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