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In Computer games and technical communication: Critical methods and applications at the intersection, Jennifer deWinter and Ryan M. Moeller (eds.). Ashgate, Burlington, VT, 141\u2013156."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_60_1","unstructured":"Temtem on Steam. Retrieved May 11 2021 from https:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/app\/745920\/Temtem\/ Temtem on Steam. Retrieved May 11 2021 from https:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/app\/745920\/Temtem\/"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_61_1","volume-title":"Steam Support. Retrieved","author":"Guidelines For Steam Rules","year":"2021","unstructured":"Rules and Guidelines For Steam : Discussions, Reviews, and User Generated Content . Steam Support. Retrieved April 30, 2021 from https:\/\/support.steampowered.com\/kb_article.php?ref=4045-USHJ-3810 Rules and Guidelines For Steam: Discussions, Reviews, and User Generated Content. Steam Support. Retrieved April 30, 2021 from https:\/\/support.steampowered.com\/kb_article.php?ref=4045-USHJ-3810"}],"event":{"name":"SIGDOC '21: The 39th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication","sponsor":["SIGDOC ACM Special Interest Group for Design of Communications"],"location":"Virtual Event USA","acronym":"SIGDOC '21"},"container-title":["The 39th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication"],"original-title":[],"link":[{"URL":"https:\/\/dl.acm.org\/doi\/pdf\/10.1145\/3472714.3473649","content-type":"unspecified","content-version":"vor","intended-application":"similarity-checking"}],"deposited":{"date-parts":[[2022,8,2]],"date-time":"2022-08-02T10:27:28Z","timestamp":1659436048000},"score":1,"resource":{"primary":{"URL":"https:\/\/dl.acm.org\/doi\/10.1145\/3472714.3473649"}},"subtitle":["Analyzing Gender-Based Aggression on a Containment Thread for an Open Game Development"],"short-title":[],"issued":{"date-parts":[[2021,10,12]]},"references-count":61,"alternative-id":["10.1145\/3472714.3473649","10.1145\/3472714"],"URL":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1145\/3472714.3473649","relation":{},"subject":[],"published":{"date-parts":[[2021,10,12]]}}}