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Teaching Children Mathematics","author":"Willoughby Stephen S","year":"1997","unstructured":"Stephen S Willoughby . 1997. Functions from kindergarten through sixth grade. Teaching Children Mathematics ( 1997 ). Stephen S Willoughby. 1997. Functions from kindergarten through sixth grade. Teaching Children Mathematics (1997)."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_54_1","volume-title":"Where should students with disabilities receive special education services? Is one place better than another? The Journal of special education","author":"Zigmond Naomi","year":"2003","unstructured":"Naomi Zigmond . 2003. Where should students with disabilities receive special education services? Is one place better than another? The Journal of special education ( 2003 ). Naomi Zigmond. 2003. Where should students with disabilities receive special education services? Is one place better than another? 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