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Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), IEEE, Conference 14--16","author":"Petit Jonathan","year":"2011","unstructured":"Jonathan Petit , Michael Feiri , Frank Kargl; Spoofed Data Detection in VANETS using Dynamic Thresholds. Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), IEEE, Conference 14--16 Nov. 2011 , Page(s): 25 - 32 . Jonathan Petit, Michael Feiri, Frank Kargl; Spoofed Data Detection in VANETS using Dynamic Thresholds. Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), IEEE, Conference 14--16 Nov. 2011, Page(s): 25 - 32."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_3_1","first-page":"1","volume-title":"Cooperative Sybil Attack Detection for Position Based Applications in Privacy Preserved VANETs. Global Telecommunications Conference, IEEE, Conference: 5--9","author":"Hao Yong","year":"2011","unstructured":"Yong Hao , Jin Tang , Yu Cheng; Cooperative Sybil Attack Detection for Position Based Applications in Privacy Preserved VANETs. Global Telecommunications Conference, IEEE, Conference: 5--9 Dec. 2011 , Pages 1 - 5 . 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Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 7th International, Conference: 4--8","author":"Grover Jyoti","year":"2011","unstructured":"Jyoti Grover , Manoj Singh Gaur , Vijay Laxmi; Position Forging Attacks in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks : Implementation , Impact and Detection. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 7th International, Conference: 4--8 July 2011 , Pages: 701 - 706 . Jyoti Grover, Manoj Singh Gaur, Vijay Laxmi; Position Forging Attacks in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Implementation, Impact and Detection. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 7th International, Conference: 4--8 July 2011, Pages: 701 - 706."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_6_1","first-page":"V1","volume-title":"2nd International Conference, Conference: 21--24","author":"Tiang Daxin","year":"2010","unstructured":"Daxin Tiang , Yunpeng Wang , Guangquan Lu , Guizhen Yu; A Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Intrusion Detection System Based on BUS Net . 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Manohara Pai, Radhika M.Pai, Joseph MOUZNA; Traffic Monitoring and Routing in VANETs -- A Cluster Based Approach. 11th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST), 2011, Conference: 23--25 Aug. 2011, Pages: 27--32."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_11_1","first-page":"1","volume-title":"C-DRIVE: Clustering Based on Direction in Vehicular Environment. International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2011 4th IFIP, Conference: 7--10","author":"Boussedjra M.","year":"2011","unstructured":"M. Boussedjra , J. Mouzna , H. Labiod , N. Maslekar; C-DRIVE: Clustering Based on Direction in Vehicular Environment. International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2011 4th IFIP, Conference: 7--10 Feb. 2011 , Page(s): 1 -- 5 . M. Boussedjra, J. Mouzna, H. Labiod, N. Maslekar; C-DRIVE: Clustering Based on Direction in Vehicular Environment. International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2011 4th IFIP, Conference: 7--10 Feb. 2011, Page(s): 1--5."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_12_1","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/2069131.2069135"},{"volume-title":"Clustering Formation for Inter-Vehicle Communication. Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2007, ITSC 2007. IEEE, Conference: Sept. 30-Oct. 3, Page(s): 636--641","author":"Kayis O.","key":"e_1_3_2_1_13_1","unstructured":"O. Kayis , T. Acarman; Clustering Formation for Inter-Vehicle Communication. Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2007, ITSC 2007. IEEE, Conference: Sept. 30-Oct. 3, Page(s): 636--641 . O. Kayis, T. Acarman; Clustering Formation for Inter-Vehicle Communication. Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2007, ITSC 2007. IEEE, Conference: Sept. 30-Oct. 3, Page(s): 636--641."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_14_1","first-page":"1188","volume-title":"Stable Clustering Algorithm for Efficiency Application in VANETs.Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2011 7th International, Conference: 4--8","author":"Boussedjra M.","year":"2011","unstructured":"M. Boussedjra , J. Mouzna , H. Labiod , N. Maslekar; A Stable Clustering Algorithm for Efficiency Application in VANETs.Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2011 7th International, Conference: 4--8 July 2011 , Page(s): 1188 -- 1193 . M. Boussedjra, J. Mouzna, H. Labiod, N. Maslekar; A Stable Clustering Algorithm for Efficiency Application in VANETs.Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2011 7th International, Conference: 4--8 July 2011, Page(s): 1188--1193."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_15_1","first-page":"1172","volume-title":"2010 12th IEEE International Conference on, Conference: 11--14","author":"Song Tao","year":"2010","unstructured":"Tao Song , Weiwei Xia , Tiecheng Song , Lianfeng Shen; A Cluster-Based Directional Routing Protocol in VANET. Communication Technology (ICCT) , 2010 12th IEEE International Conference on, Conference: 11--14 Nov. 2010 , Page(s): 1172 -- 1175 . Tao Song, Weiwei Xia, Tiecheng Song, Lianfeng Shen; A Cluster-Based Directional Routing Protocol in VANET. 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