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(Eds.), Teaching and Learning Within and Across Disciplines","author":"Zariski A.","year":"1996","unstructured":"Zariski , A. ( 1996 ). ' Student Peer Assessment in Tertiary Education: Promise , Perils & Practice'. In Abbott, J. & Willcoxson, L. (Eds.), Teaching and Learning Within and Across Disciplines , pp. 189 -- 200 . The Proceedings of the 5th Annual Teaching Learning Forum. Murdoch University . (Last Accessed: 21 December 2002). Zariski, A. (1996). 'Student Peer Assessment in Tertiary Education: Promise, Perils & Practice'. In Abbott, J. & Willcoxson, L. (Eds.), Teaching and Learning Within and Across Disciplines, pp. 189--200. The Proceedings of the 5th Annual Teaching Learning Forum. Murdoch University. 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