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Usenix Association, i992. Rozier, M. CHORUS. In Proceedings of Usemx Micro-Kernels and Other Kernel Architectures (Seattle, Wash., Apr. :27-2.8). Usenix Association, i992."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_20_2","volume-title":"Proceedings ~ the Sixth ICDS Con}erence","author":"Shapiro M.","unstructured":"Shapiro , M. Structure and encapsula.- tion in distributed systems: The I'roxy Principle . In Proceedings ~ the Sixth ICDS Con}erence ( Paris, France. May 19.8.6). Shapiro, M. Structure and encapsula.- tion in distributed systems: The I'roxy Principle. In Proceedings ~ the Sixth ICDS Con}erence (Paris, France. May 19.8.6)."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_21_2","volume-title":"Proceedings to the Second inter. national Workshop on Object Orientation in O#erating Systems (IWO00S)","author":"Tenma T.","unstructured":"Tenma , T. , Yokote , Y. and Tokoro , M . Implementing persistent objects in the Apertos operating system . In Proceedings to the Second inter. national Workshop on Object Orientation in O#erating Systems (IWO00S) ( Dourdan, France). IEEE Press, New York, i 992. Tenma, T., Yokote, Y. and Tokoro, M. Implementing persistent objects in the Apertos operating system. In Proceedings to the Second inter. national Workshop on Object Orientation in O#erating Systems (IWO00S) (Dourdan, France). IEEE Press, New York, i 992."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_22_2","volume-title":"ISA~Esprit project 22.67","author":"The Integrated Systems Architecture Consortium","unstructured":"The Integrated Systems Architecture Consortium . ISA~Esprit project 22.67 , The ISA Consortium , APM ltd, Cambridge, England. The Integrated Systems Architecture Consortium. ISA~Esprit project 22.67, The ISA Consortium, APM ltd, Cambridge, England."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_23_2","volume-title":"proceedings. Usenix Micro-Kev, ets and Other Kernel Architectures","author":"Van Renesse R.","unstructured":"Van Renesse , R. Amoeba . in proceedings. 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