{"status":"ok","message-type":"work","message-version":"1.0.0","message":{"indexed":{"date-parts":[[2024,10,30]],"date-time":"2024-10-30T18:58:58Z","timestamp":1730314738156,"version":"3.28.0"},"publisher-location":"New York, NY, USA","reference-count":194,"publisher":"ACM","content-domain":{"domain":["dl.acm.org"],"crossmark-restriction":true},"short-container-title":[],"published-print":{"date-parts":[[1993,3]]},"DOI":"10.1145\/154766.155373","type":"proceedings-article","created":{"date-parts":[[2004,2,4]],"date-time":"2004-02-04T23:19:04Z","timestamp":1075936744000},"page":"231-270","update-policy":"http:\/\/dx.doi.org\/10.1145\/crossmark-policy","source":"Crossref","is-referenced-by-count":26,"title":["The evolution of Lisp"],"prefix":"10.1145","author":[{"suffix":"Jr.","given":"Guy L.","family":"Steele","sequence":"first","affiliation":[{"name":"Thinking Machines Corp., Cambridge, MA"}]},{"given":"Richard P.","family":"Gabriel","sequence":"additional","affiliation":[{"name":"Lucid, Inc., Menlo Park, CA"}]}],"member":"320","published-online":{"date-parts":[[1993,3]]},"reference":[{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_1_2","first-page":"661","volume-title":"ProceedingJ of the 1966 AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference","volume":"29","author":"Abrahams Paul W","year":"1966","unstructured":"Abrahams , Paul W . , Jeffrey A . Barnett , Erwin Book , Donna Firth , Stanley L . Kemeny , Ciazk Weiaaman , Lowell Hv .wkin ~n , Michael I. Levin~ and Kohert A. Saunden. The LISP 2 programming language and system . In ProceedingJ of the 1966 AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference , volume 29 , pp. 661 - 676 , Sen l:'ranci~.~o, California , November 1966 . American Federation of Information Proeeuing Societlm. Spartan Books, WMhington, D. C., 19e8. Abrahams, Paul W., Jeffrey A. Barnett, Erwin Book, Donna Firth, Stanley L. Kemeny, Ciazk Weiaaman, Lowell Hv.wkin~n, Michael I. Levin~ and Kohert A. Saunden. The LISP 2 programming language and system. In ProceedingJ of the 1966 AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference, volume 29, pp. 661-676, Sen l:'ranci~.~o, California, November 1966. American Federation of Information Proeeuing Societlm. Spartan Books, WMhington, D. C., 19e8."},{"volume-title":"Proceedings of the Artificial intelligence and Programming Languages Conference","year":"1977","key":"e_1_3_2_1_2_2","unstructured":"Az~ocistion for Computing Machinery . Proceedings of the Artificial intelligence and Programming Languages Conference , Rochester, New York , August 1977 . ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 12:8, August 1977. ACM SIGART Newsletter, 64, August 1977. Az~ocistion for Computing Machinery. Proceedings of the Artificial intelligence and Programming Languages Conference, Rochester, New York, August 1977. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 12:8, August 1977. ACM SIGART Newsletter, 64, August 1977."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_3_2","first-page":"082","volume-title":"Proceedings of the 1982 ACM S~\/mposium on l, iap and Fun~:tional Programming","author":"Association for","year":"1982","unstructured":"Association for Computing Machinery . Proceedings of the 1982 ACM S~\/mposium on l, iap and Fun~:tional Programming , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , August 1982 . {SBN 0-89791- 082 - 086 . Association for Computing Machinery. Proceedings of the 1982 ACM S~\/mposium on l, iap and Fun~:tional Programming, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1982. {SBN 0-89791-082-6."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_4_2","first-page":"142","volume-title":"Proceedings of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming","author":"Association for","year":"1984","unstructured":"Association for Computing Machinery . Proceedings of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming , Austin, Texas , August 1984 . ISBN 0.89791- 142 - 143 . Association for Computing Machinery. Proceedings of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming, Austin, Texas, August 1984. ISBN 0.89791-142-3."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_5_2","volume-title":"Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Progr,,mming","author":"Association for","year":"1986","unstructured":"Association for Computing Machinery . Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Progr,,mming , Cambridge, Masaachusettz , August 1986 . ISBN 0-89791-200*4. Association for Computing Machinery. Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Progr,,mming, Cambridge, Masaachusettz, August 1986. ISBN 0-89791-200*4."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_6_2","volume-title":"Proceedings of the 1988 A CM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, Snowbird, Ut-',h","author":"Association for","year":"1988","unstructured":"Association for Computing Machinery . Proceedings of the 1988 A CM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, Snowbird, Ut-',h , July 1988 . ISBN 0-89791-273-X. Association for Computing Machinery. Proceedings of the 1988 A CM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, Snowbird, Ut-',h, July 1988. ISBN 0-89791-273-X."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_7_2","first-page":"204","volume-title":"ProceedinfJ of the ACM Conference on Objected.Oriented Progremming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '86)","author":"Association for Computing Mar.hinery.","year":"1986","unstructured":"Association for Computing Mar.hinery. ProceedinfJ of the ACM Conference on Objected.Oriented Progremming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '86) , Portland, Oregon , October 1986 . ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 21:11, November 1986. ISBN 0-89791- 204 - 207 . Association for Computing Mar.hinery. ProceedinfJ of the ACM Conference on Objected.Oriented Progremming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '86), Portland, Oregon, October 1986. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 21:11, November 1986. ISBN 0-89791-204-7."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_8_2","first-page":"364","volume-title":"Proceedings o.f the 19g0 ACM SIGPLAN '90 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation","author":"Association for","year":"1990","unstructured":"Association for Computing Machinery . Proceedings o.f the 19g0 ACM SIGPLAN '90 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation , White Plains, New York , June 1990 . ACM SIGPLAN Notices 25:6, June 1990. ISBN 0-89791- 364 - 367 . Association for Computing Machinery. Proceedings o.f the 19g0 ACM SIGPLAN '90 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, White Plains, New York, June 1990. ACM SIGPLAN Notices 25:6, June 1990. ISBN 0-89791-364-7."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_9_2","volume-title":"AN Si\/mpoJium on Practical Soflt~are Development Enrironmenta","author":"Association for Computing Machinery.","year":"1984","unstructured":"Association for Computing Machinery. ProceedingJ o.? the ACM SIGSOFT\/SIGPI , AN Si\/mpoJium on Practical Soflt~are Development Enrironmenta , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1984 . ACM SIGPI, AN Notices, 19:5, May 1984; also ACM Software Engineering Notes, 9:3, May 1984. ISBN 0-89791-131-8. Association for Computing Machinery. ProceedingJ o.? the ACM SIGSOFT\/SIGPI, AN Si\/mpoJium on Practical Soflt~are Development Enrironmenta, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1984. ACM SIGPI, AN Notices, 19:5, May 1984; also ACM Software Engineering Notes, 9:3, May 1984. ISBN 0-89791-131-8."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_10_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/359576.359579"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_11_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/359460.359470"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_12_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/319838.319852"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_13_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/62678.62687"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_14_2","volume-title":"The Programming Language LISP: Its Operation and Applications. Information international","author":"Berkeley Edmund C","year":"1964","unstructured":"Berkeley , Edmund C . , and Daniel G . Bobrow , eds. The Programming Language LISP: Its Operation and Applications. Information international , Inc., and MIT Press , Cambridge, MMsar.husetts, 1964 . Berkeley, Edmund C., and Daniel G. Bobrow, eds. The Programming Language LISP: Its Operation and Applications. Information international, Inc., and MIT Press, Cambridge, MMsar.husetts, 1964."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_15_2","first-page":"96","volume-title":"Styles of programming in LISP. In {Berkeley,1964}","author":"Black Fischer","unstructured":"Black , Fischer . Styles of programming in LISP. In {Berkeley,1964} , pp. 96 - 107 . Black, Fischer. Styles of programming in LISP. In {Berkeley,1964}, pp. 96-107."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_16_2","first-page":"161","volume-title":"Daniel G. METEOR: A LISP interpreter for string transformations. In {Berkeley","author":"Bobrow","year":"1964","unstructured":"Bobrow , Daniel G. METEOR: A LISP interpreter for string transformations. In {Berkeley , 1964 }, pp. 161 - 190 . Bobrow, Daniel G. METEOR: A LISP interpreter for string transformations. In {Berkeley, 1964}, pp. 161-190."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_18_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/362375.362379"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_19_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/28697.28700"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_20_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/319838.319860"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_21_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800068.802141"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_22_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800230.807000"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_23_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800055.802016"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_24_2","volume-title":"MIT Laboratory for Computer Science","author":"Burke G. S., G. J.","year":"1983","unstructured":"Burke , G. S., G. J. Carrette , and C. P,. Eliot . NIL Reference Manual. Report MIT\/LCS\/TR- 311 , MIT Laboratory for Computer Science , Cambridge, Massachusetts , 1983 . Burke, G. S., G. J. Carrette, and C. P,. Eliot. NIL Reference Manual. Report MIT\/LCS\/TR- 311, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1983."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_25_2","volume-title":"Programming in POP-t","author":"Burstall R. M., J. S.","year":"1971","unstructured":"Burstall , R. M., J. S. Collins , and K. J. Popplestone , eds . Programming in POP-t . Edinburgh University Press , 1971 . Burstall, R. M., J. S. Collins, and K. J. Popplestone, eds. Programming in POP-t. Edinburgh University Press, 1971."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_26_2","volume-title":"lmplementationJ o} Proiog. Ellis Horwood Limited","author":"Campbell J. A.","year":"1984","unstructured":"Campbell , J. A. , ed. lmplementationJ o} Proiog. Ellis Horwood Limited , Chichester , 1984 . ISBN 0-470-20045-6. Aho published by John Wiley & amp; Sons, New York. Campbell, J. A., ed. lmplementationJ o} Proiog. Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester, 1984. ISBN 0-470-20045-6. Aho published by John Wiley & Sons, New York."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_27_2","volume-title":"The Calculi of ~ambda Conversion. Annals of Mathematics Studies 6","author":"Church Alonlo","year":"1941","unstructured":"Church , Alonlo . The Calculi of ~ambda Conversion. Annals of Mathematics Studies 6 . Princeton University Press , Princeton, New Jersey, 1941 . Reprinted by Klaus Reprint Corp., New York, 1965. Church, Alonlo. The Calculi of ~ambda Conversion. Annals of Mathematics Studies 6. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1941. Reprinted by Klaus Reprint Corp., New York, 1965."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_28_2","volume-title":"Logic Programming","author":"Clark K. L.","year":"1982","unstructured":"Clark , K. L. , and S. -,~. Tgrulund , eds. Logic Programming . Academic Press , New York , 1982 . . Clark, K. L., and S.-,~. Tgrulund, eds. Logic Programming. Academic Press, New York, 1982. ."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_29_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800055.802052"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_30_2","volume-title":"The Revised Revised Reporl on ScJieme","author":"Clinger William","year":"1985","unstructured":"Clinger , William (ed.). The Revised Revised Reporl on ScJieme ; or, An Uncommon Lisp. AI Memo 848, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Carahfidge, Maua~husetts, Aught 1985 . Clinger, William (ed.). The Revised Revised Reporl on ScJieme; or, An Uncommon Lisp. AI Memo 848, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Carahfidge, Maua~husetts, Aught 1985."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_31_2","volume-title":"Indiana University","author":"Clinger The","year":"1985","unstructured":"Clinger , William (ed.). The Ray\/ned Ree\/ Jed Report on Scheme; or, An Uncommon Lisp . Computer Science Department Technical Report 174 , Indiana University , Bloomington , June 1985 . Clinger, William (ed.). The Ray\/ned Ree\/Jed Report on Scheme; or, An Uncommon Lisp. Computer Science Department Technical Report 174, Indiana University, Bloomington, June 1985."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_32_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/62678.62692"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_33_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/93542.93557"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_34_2","first-page":"155","volume-title":"Proceedings of the Eighteend, Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages","author":"Clinger William","year":"1991","unstructured":"Clinger , William , and Jonathan Ru'es . Macrm that work . In Proceedings of the Eighteend, Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages , pp. 155 - 162 , Orlando, Florida , January 1991 . Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 0-89791-419-8. 10.1145\/99583.99607 Clinger, William, and Jonathan Ru'es. Macrm that work. In Proceedings of the Eighteend, Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pp. 155-162, Orlando, Florida, January 1991. Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 0-89791-419-8. 10.1145\/99583.99607"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_35_2","volume-title":"Scott E. Fahlman, Richard P. Gabriel, David A. Moon, and Daniel L. Weinreb","author":"Common Lisp","year":"1984","unstructured":"Common Lisp : The Language. By Guy L. Steele Jr ., Scott E. Fahlman, Richard P. Gabriel, David A. Moon, and Daniel L. Weinreb . Digital Press , Burlington , Ma~aehusettJ, 1984 . ISBN 0-932376- 41-X. Common Lisp: The Language. By Guy L. Steele Jr., Scott E. Fahlman, Richard P. Gabriel, David A. Moon, and Daniel L. Weinreb. Digital Press, Burlington, Ma~aehusettJ, 1984. ISBN 0-932376- 41-X."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_36_2","volume-title":"The Language","author":"Common Lisp","year":"1990","unstructured":"Common Lisp : The Language ( Second Edition). By Guy L. Steele Jr., Scott E. Fahlman, Richard P. Gabriel, David A. Moon, Daniel L. Weinreb, Dante{ G. Bohrow, Linda G. DeMichte{, Sonya E. Keene, Gregor Kiczales, Crispin Perdue, Kent M. Pitman, Richard C. Waters, and .Ion L White. Digital Press , Bedford, Massachusetts, 1990 . ISBN 1-55558-041-6. Common Lisp: The Language (Second Edition). By Guy L. Steele Jr., Scott E. Fahlman, Richard P. Gabriel, David A. Moon, Daniel L. Weinreb, Dante{ G. Bohrow, Linda G. DeMichte{, Sonya E. Keene, Gregor Kiczales, Crispin Perdue, Kent M. Pitman, Richard C. Waters, and .Ion L White. Digital Press, Bedford, Massachusetts, 1990. ISBN 1-55558-041-6."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_37_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/356850.356854"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_38_2","volume-title":"The 5-I Project Ig79 Annual Report","author":"Correll Steven","year":"1979","unstructured":"Correll , Steven . S-1 uniprocessor architecture (SMA-4) . In The 5-I Project Ig79 Annual Report , volume I , chapter 4. Lawrence Li,termore Laboratory, Liyermore, California , 1979 . Correll, Steven. S-1 uniprocessor architecture (SMA-4). In The 5-I Project Ig79 Annual Report, volume I, chapter 4. Lawrence Li,termore Laboratory, Liyermore, California, 1979."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_39_2","first-page":"28","volume-title":"I984}","author":"Davies J.","unstructured":"Davies , J. POPLER: Implementation of a POP-2-based PLANNER. In {Campbell , I984} , pp. 28 - 49 . Davies, J. POPLER: Implementation of a POP-2-based PLANNER. In {Campbell, I984}, pp. 28-49."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_40_2","volume-title":"Programmed Dais Processor-.6 tfandbook","author":"Digital Equipment Corporation","year":"1964","unstructured":"Digital Equipment Corporation , Maynard , Ma. s.sathuse~.~. Programmed Dais Processor-.6 tfandbook , 1964 . Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Ma.s.sathuse~.~. Programmed Dais Processor-.6 tfandbook, 1964."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_41_2","volume-title":"ta. PDP-IO Reference Handbook","author":"Digital Equipment Corporation","year":"1969","unstructured":"Digital Equipment Corporation , Maynard , Ma. ~achuset , ta. PDP-IO Reference Handbook , 1969 . Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Ma.~achuset, ta. PDP-IO Reference Handbook, 1969."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_42_2","volume-title":"VAX Architecture Handbook","author":"Digits\/Equipment Corp","year":"1981","unstructured":"Digits\/Equipment Corp or,tion, Maynard , Massachusetts . VAX Architecture Handbook , 1981 . Digits\/Equipment Corpor,tion, Maynard, Massachusetts. VAX Architecture Handbook, 1981."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_43_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"de Kleer Johan","year":"1978","unstructured":"de Kleer , Johan , ,}on Doyle , Charles Rich , Guy L . Steele Jr ., and Gerald Jay Summan . AMORD : A Deductive Procedure System. AI Memo 435 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , January 1978 . de Kleer, Johan, ,}on Doyle, Charles Rich, Guy L. Steele Jr., and Gerald Jay Summan. AMORD: A Deductive Procedure System. AI Memo 435, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 1978."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_44_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Kl ~r","year":"1978","unstructured":"d.e Kl , ~r , ~ Iob .~.~, ,.s ad Ge~z ,ld 3a~ S~man . Pro\/~afation o} Conslraint , Applied to Circuit Stmthesis . AI Memo 485 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , September 1978 . Also in Circuit Theor~ and Applications, 8, pp. 127-144, 1980. d.e Kl,~r, ~Iob.~.~, ,.sad Ge~z,ld 3a~ S~man. Pro\/~afation o} Conslraint, Applied to Circuit Stmthesis. AI Memo 485, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 1978. Also in Circuit Theor~ and Applications, 8, pp. 127-144, 1980."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_45_2","unstructured":"Deutsch L. Peter and Edmund C. Berkeley. The LISP implementation for the PDP-1 computer. In {Berkeley 1964} pp. 326-375. Deutsch L. Peter and Edmund C. Berkeley. The LISP implementation for the PDP-1 computer. In {Berkeley 1964} pp. 326-375."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_46_2","first-page":"697","volume-title":"A LISP machhte with very comp~t programs. In {IJCAI","author":"Deutsch L. Peter.","year":"1973","unstructured":"Deutsch , L. Peter. A LISP machhte with very comp~t programs. In {IJCAI , 1973 ), pp. 697 - 703 . Deutsch, L. Peter. A LISP machhte with very comp~t programs. In {IJCAI, 1973), pp. 697- 703."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_47_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/360336.360345"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_48_2","volume-title":"LMI (LISP Machine","author":"Drescher Gary","year":"1987","unstructured":"Drescher , Gary . O~jectLISP User Manual , LMI (LISP Machine , Inc.), Cambridge, Massachusetts , 1987 . Drescher, Gary. O~jectLISP User Manual, LMI (LISP Machine, Inc.), Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1987."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_49_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/319838.319858"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_50_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Eastlake D., R.","year":"1908","unstructured":"Eastlake , D., R. Greenblatt , J. Holloway , T. Knight , and S. Nelson . ITS 2.5 Reference Manual. AI Memo I61 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , June 1908 . Revised as AI Memo 161A, July 1969. Eastlake, D., R. Greenblatt, J. Holloway, T. Knight, and S. Nelson. ITS 2.5 Reference Manual. AI Memo I61, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 1908. Revised as AI Memo 161A, July 1969."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_51_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Labors, tory","author":"Eastlake Donald E. ITS","year":"1972","unstructured":"Eastlake , Donald E. ITS Stats ., Report . AI Memo 238 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Labors, tory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , April 1972 . Eastlake, Donald E. ITS Stats., Report. AI Memo 238, MIT Artificial Intelligence Labors, tory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 1972."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_52_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/1086803.1086804"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_53_2","first-page":"1193","volume-title":"Proceedings of the 197~. AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference","volume":"41","author":"Feldman A., J. R.","year":"1972","unstructured":"Feldman , 2. A., J. R. Low , D. C. Swinehart , and R. R. Taylor . Recent developments in SAIL . In Proceedings of the 197~. AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference , volume 41 , pp. 1193 - 1202 , Stanford, California , November 1972 . American Federation of Information Processing Societies. Feldman, 2. A., J. R. Low, D. C. Swinehart, and R. R. Taylor. Recent developments in SAIL. In Proceedings of the 197~. AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference, volume 41, pp. 1193-1202, Stanford, California, November 1972. American Federation of Information Processing Societies."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_54_2","volume-title":"Technical Report 137","author":"Fesseuden C~ol","year":"1983","unstructured":"Fesseuden , C~ol , William Clinger , Daniel P. Friedman , and Christopher Haynes . Scheme 311 Version .4 Reference Manual . Technical Report 137 . Indiana University , February 1983 . Fesseuden, C~ol, William Clinger, Daniel P. Friedman, and Christopher Haynes. Scheme 311 Version .4 Reference Manual. Technical Report 137. Indiana University, February 1983."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_55_2","volume-title":"The FRANZ Lisp Manual","author":"Foderaro J. K.","year":"1982","unstructured":"Foderaro , J. K. , and K. L. Sklower . The FRANZ Lisp Manual . University of California , Berkeley, California , April 1982 . Foderaro, J. K., and K. L. Sklower. The FRANZ Lisp Manual. University of California, Berkeley, California, April 1982."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_56_2","first-page":"933","volume-title":"Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IjCAI.77)","author":"ForD' C.","year":"1977","unstructured":"ForD' , C. , and J. McDermott . aPE, a domain-independent production system language . In Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IjCAI.77) , pp. 933 - 935 , Cambridge, Massachusetts , August 1977 . International Joint Council on Artificial Intelligence. ForD', C., and J. McDermott. aPE, a domain-independent production system language. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IjCAI.77), pp. 933- 935, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 1977. International Joint Council on Artificial Intelligence."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_58_2","volume-title":"The Little LISPer. Trade edition","author":"Friedman Daniel P","year":"1987","unstructured":"Friedman , Daniel P . , and Matthiaa Felleisen . The Little LISPer. Trade edition . MIT Press , Cambridge, Massachusetts , 1987 . ISBN 0-262-56038-0. Also published by Science Research Associates, Chicago, Third Edition, 1989. ISBN 0-574-24005-5. Friedman, Daniel P., and Matthiaa Felleisen. The Little LISPer. Trade edition. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1987. ISBN 0-262-56038-0. Also published by Science Research Associates, Chicago, Third Edition, 1989. ISBN 0-574-24005-5."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_59_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800068.802143"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_60_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800020.808264"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_61_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800055.802019"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_62_2","doi-asserted-by":"crossref","DOI":"10.7551\/mitpress\/5298.001.0001","volume-title":"Performance and Evaluation of Lisp Systems","author":"Gabriel Richard P","year":"1985","unstructured":"Gabriel , Richard P . Performance and Evaluation of Lisp Systems . MIT Press , Cambridge, Massachusetts , 1985 . ISBN 0-262-07093.6. Gabriel, Richard P. Performance and Evaluation of Lisp Systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1985. ISBN 0-262-07093.6."},{"issue":"1","key":"e_1_3_2_1_63_2","doi-asserted-by":"crossref","first-page":"81","DOI":"10.1007\/BF01806178","article-title":"Technical issues of separation in function celts and value cells","volume":"1","author":"Gabriel Richard P","year":"1988","unstructured":"Gabriel , Richard P . , and Kent M . Pitman . Technical issues of separation in function celts and value cells . Lisp and Symbolic Computation , 1 : 1 , pp. 81 - 101 , June 1988 . ISSN 0892-4635. Gabriel, Richard P., and Kent M. Pitman. Technical issues of separation in function celts and value cells. Lisp and Symbolic Computation, 1:1, pp. 81-101, June 1988. ISSN 0892-4635.","journal-title":"Lisp and Symbolic Computation"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_64_2","volume-title":"Steele Jr.","author":"Gabriel Richard P","year":"1992","unstructured":"Gabriel , Richard P . Personal communication to Guy L . Steele Jr. , November 30, 1992 (two hours before handing off thLs manuscript to Federal Express). Gabriel, Richard P. Personal communication to Guy L. Steele Jr., November 30, 1992 (two hours before handing off thLs manuscript to Federal Express)."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_65_2","volume-title":"MIT Project MAC","author":"Galley S.W.","year":"1975","unstructured":"Galley , S.W. , and Greg P~ter . The MDL Language. Programming Technology Division Document SYS.11.01 , MIT Project MAC , Cambridge, Memachusetts , November 1975 . Galley, S.W., and Greg P~ter. The MDL Language. Programming Technology Division Document SYS.11.01, MIT Project MAC, Cambridge, Memachusetts, November 1975."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_66_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/359763.359771"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_67_2","volume-title":"A User's Guide to the A","author":"Golden Jeffrey P","year":"1970","unstructured":"Golden , Jeffrey P . A User's Guide to the A . I. Group L !SCOM Lisp Compiler : Interim Report AI Memo 210, MIT Project MAC, Cambridge, Mansadauaetts, December 1970 . Golden, Jeffrey P. A User's Guide to the A. I. Group L!SCOM Lisp Compiler: Interim Report AI Memo 210, MIT Project MAC, Cambridge, Mansadauaetts, December 1970."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_68_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/62678.62696"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_69_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Greenbtatt Richard","year":"1974","unstructured":"Greenbtatt , Richard . The (, ISP Machine . Working Paper 79 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , November 1974 . Greenbtatt, Richard. The (,ISP Machine. Working Paper 79, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 1974."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_70_2","volume-title":"Universit~ de Path VI","author":"Greussay P.","year":"1977","unstructured":"Greussay , P. Contribution i ia d~t\/inition interpritive d d l'impl~mentation des lambda. ianfages. Thee d'Etat , Universit~ de Path VI , November 1977 . Greussay, P. Contribution i ia d~t\/inition interpritive d d l'impl~mentation des lambda. ianfages. Thee d'Etat, Universit~ de Path VI, November 1977."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_71_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/359897.359903"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_72_2","doi-asserted-by":"crossref","first-page":"541","DOI":"10.1002\/spe.4380110603","article-title":"A portable LISP compiler","volume":"11","author":"Grisa Martin L","year":"1981","unstructured":"Grisa , Martin L . , and Anthony C . Hearn . A portable LISP compiler . Software Practice and E~erience , 11 , pp. 541 - 605 , 1981 . Grisa, Martin L., and Anthony C. Hearn. A portable LISP compiler. Software Practice and E~erience, 11, pp. 541-605, 1981.","journal-title":"Software Practice and E~erience"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_73_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800068.802139"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_74_2","volume-title":"MIT Project MAC","author":"Guzman Addfo","year":"1966","unstructured":"Guzman , Addfo , and llardd V. Mclntc~h. CONVERT. AI Memo 99 , MIT Project MAC , Cambridge, Massachusetts , June 1966 . Guzman, Addfo, and llardd V. Mclntc~h. CONVERT. AI Memo 99, MIT Project MAC, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 1966."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_76_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800055.802017"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_77_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/4472.4478"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_78_2","volume-title":"Steele Jr. C: A Reference Manual","author":"Harbison Samuel P","year":"1991","unstructured":"Harbison , Samuel P . , and Guy L . Steele Jr. C: A Reference Manual . Prentice-Hall , Englewood Cliffs , New Jersey, third edition, 1991 . ISRN 0-13-119933-2. Harbison, Samuel P., and Guy L. Steele Jr. C: A Reference Manual. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, third edition, 1991. ISRN 0-13-119933-2."},{"volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Project--RLE and hilT Computation Center","key":"e_1_3_2_1_79_2","unstructured":"tiart, Timothy P. MACRO Definitions for LISP. AI Memo 57 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Project--RLE and hilT Computation Center , Cambridge, Massachusetts , October 19{}3. tiart, Timothy P. MACRO Definitions for LISP. AI Memo 57, MIT Artificial Intelligence Project--RLE and hilT Computation Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 19{}3."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_80_2","first-page":"191","volume-title":"Notes on implementing LISP for the M-460 computer. In {Berkeley","author":"Hart Timothy P","year":"1964","unstructured":"Hart , Timothy P . , and Thomas G . Evans . Notes on implementing LISP for the M-460 computer. In {Berkeley , 1964 }, pp. 191 - 203 . Hart, Timothy P., and Thomas G. Evans. Notes on implementing LISP for the M-460 computer. In {Berkeley, 1964}, pp. 191-203."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_81_2","first-page":"128","volume-title":"Proceedings of the Second Symposium on S~lmbolic and Algebraic Manipulation","author":"Iearn A. C.","year":"1971","unstructured":"} Iearn , A. C. REDUCE 2 : A system and language for algebraic manipulation . In Proceedings of the Second Symposium on S~lmbolic and Algebraic Manipulation , pp. 128 - 133 , Los Angeles , March 1971 . 10.1145\/800204.806277 }Iearn, A. C. REDUCE 2: A system and language for algebraic manipulation. In Proceedings of the Second Symposium on S~lmbolic and Algebraic Manipulation, pp. 128-133, Los Angeles, March 1971. 10.1145\/800204.806277"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_82_2","first-page":"239","volume-title":"An auxiliary language for more natural expression--The A- language. In {Berkeley","author":"Henneman William","year":"1964","unstructured":"Henneman , William . An auxiliary language for more natural expression--The A- language. In {Berkeley , 1964 1, pp. 239 - 248 . Henneman, William. An auxiliary language for more natural expression--The A- language. In {Berkeley, 19641, pp. 239-248."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_83_2","first-page":"295","volume-title":"Proceedings o.f the {First\/International J'oin~ Conference on Arti\/icial Intelligence (IJCAI)","author":"Hewitt Carl","year":"1969","unstructured":"Hewitt , Carl . PLANNER : A language for proving theorems in robots . In Proceedings o.f the {First\/International J'oin~ Conference on Arti\/icial Intelligence (IJCAI) , pp. 295 - 301 , Washington, D. C. , May 1969 . International Joint Council on Artificial Intelligence. Hewitt, Carl. PLANNER: A language for proving theorems in robots. In Proceedings o.f the {First\/International J'oin~ Conference on Arti\/icial Intelligence (IJCAI), pp. 295-301, Washington, D. C., May 1969. International Joint Council on Artificial Intelligence."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_85_2","first-page":"189","volume-title":"Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence","volume":"1","author":"Bewitt Carl","year":"1975","unstructured":"Bewitt , Carl . How to use what you know . In Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , volume 1 , pp. 189 - 198 , Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR , September 1975 . International Joint Council on Artificial Intelligence. Originally circulated M Working Paper 93, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, May I975. Bewitt, Carl. How to use what you know. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 1, pp. 189-198, Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR, September 1975. International Joint Council on Artificial Intelligence. Originally circulated M Working Paper 93, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, May I975."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_86_2","first-page":"1409","volume-title":"DAI betwixt and between: From \"intelligent agents\" to open systems science","author":"Rewitt Carl","year":"1991","unstructured":"Rewitt , Carl , and Jeff\" Inman . DAI betwixt and between: From \"intelligent agents\" to open systems science . IEEE 23\"ansactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 21:6, pp. 1409 -- 1419 , November\/December 1991 . Rewitt, Carl, and Jeff\" Inman. DAI betwixt and between: From \"intelligent agents\" to open systems science. IEEE 23\"ansactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 21:6, pp. 1409--1419, November\/December 1991."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_87_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/93542.93554"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_88_2","first-page":"754","article-title":"IEEE Standard for Binary Floating.Point Arithmetic","author":"New York","year":"1985","unstructured":"IEEE, New York . IEEE Standard for Binary Floating.Point Arithmetic , ANSI\/IEEE STD 754 - 1985 , 1985 . An American National Standard. IEEE, New York. IEEE Standard for Binary Floating.Point Arithmetic, ANSI\/IEEE STD 754-1985, 1985. An American National Standard.","journal-title":"ANSI\/IEEE STD"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_89_2","first-page":"1178","article-title":"IEEE Standard for the Scheme Programming Language","author":"IEEE Computer Society","year":"1991","unstructured":"IEEE Computer Society , New York . IEEE Standard for the Scheme Programming Language , IEEE STD 1178 - 1990 , 1991 . IEEE Computer Society, New York. IEEE Standard for the Scheme Programming Language, IEEE STD 1178-1990, 1991.","journal-title":"IEEE STD"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_90_2","volume-title":"Proceedings o\/the Third International Joint Conference on Arti}icial Intelligence (IJCAI$)","author":"International","year":"1973","unstructured":"International Joint Council on Artificial Intelligence . Proceedings o\/the Third International Joint Conference on Arti}icial Intelligence (IJCAI$) , Stanford, California , August 1973 . International Joint Council on Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings o\/the Third International Joint Conference on Arti}icial Intelligence (IJCAI$), Stanford, California, August 1973."},{"volume-title":"A Programming Language","author":"Iverson Kenneth E","key":"e_1_3_2_1_91_2","unstructured":"Iverson , Kenneth E . A Programming Language . Wiley , New York , I962. Iverson, Kenneth E. A Programming Language. Wiley, New York, I962."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_92_2","doi-asserted-by":"crossref","DOI":"10.1007\/978-3-662-21554-8","volume-title":"Pascal User Manual and Report","author":"Jensen Kathleen","year":"1974","unstructured":"Jensen , Kathleen , and Niklaus Wirth . Pascal User Manual and Report . Springer-Verlag , New York , 1974 . Jensen, Kathleen, and Niklaus Wirth. Pascal User Manual and Report. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1974."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_93_2","first-page":"117","volume-title":"How\" to implement Prolog on a LISP machine. In {Campbell","author":"Kahn K. M.","year":"1984","unstructured":"Kahn , K. M. , and M. Carlsson . How\" to implement Prolog on a LISP machine. In {Campbell , 1984 }, pp. 117 - 134 . Kahn, K. M., and M. Carlsson. How\" to implement Prolog on a LISP machine. In {Campbell, 1984}, pp. 117-134."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_94_2","first-page":"214","volume-title":"Alan Snyder. Experience with Common- Loops. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Objected-Oriented Programming SysteraJ, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '87)","author":"Kempf Warren Harris","year":"1987","unstructured":"Kempf , james, Warren Harris , Roy D'Souza , and Alan Snyder. Experience with Common- Loops. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Objected-Oriented Programming SysteraJ, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '87) , pp. 214 - 226 , Orlando, Florida , October 1987 . Association for Computing M~hinery. ACM SIGP{,AN Notices, 22:12, December 1987. ISBN 0-89791-247-0. 10.1145\/38807.38827 Kempf, james, Warren Harris, Roy D'Souza, and Alan Snyder. Experience with Common- Loops. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Objected-Oriented Programming SysteraJ, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '87), pp. 214-226, Orlando, Florida, October 1987. Association for Computing M~hinery. ACM SIGP{,AN Notices, 22:12, December 1987. ISBN 0-89791-247-0. 10.1145\/38807.38827"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_95_2","volume-title":"The C Programming Language","author":"Kernighan Brian W","year":"1978","unstructured":"Kernighan , Brian W . , and Dennis Ritchie . The C Programming Language . Prentice-Hall , Englewood Cliffs , New Jersey, 1978 , Kernighan, Brian W., and Dennis Ritchie. The C Programming Language. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1978,"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_96_2","series-title":"The A~ o\/Computer Programming","volume-title":"Seminumericai Algorithms","author":"Knuth Donald E","year":"1969","unstructured":"Knuth , Donald E . Seminumericai Algorithms , volume 2 of The A~ o\/Computer Programming . Addison-Wesley, Reading , Massachusetts , 1969 . Knuth, Donald E. Seminumericai Algorithms, volume 2 of The A~ o\/Computer Programming. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1969."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_97_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/356635.356640"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_98_2","series-title":"The Art of Computer Programming","volume-title":"Seminumerical Algorithms","author":"Knuth Donald E","year":"1981","unstructured":"Knuth , Donald E . Seminumerical Algorithms ( Second Edition), volume 2 of The Art of Computer Programming . Addison-Wesley, Reading , Massachusetts , 1981 . ISBN 0-201-03822-6. Knuth, Donald E. Seminumerical Algorithms (Second Edition), volume 2 of The Art of Computer Programming. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1981. ISBN 0-201-03822-6."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_99_2","first-page":"13445","volume-title":"Addison- Wesley","author":"Knuth Donald E","year":"1986","unstructured":"Knuth , Donald E . TAe METAFONT Book, volume C of Computers and ~pcsetting . Addison- Wesley , Reading, Massachu~tts , 1986 . ISBN 0-201- 13445 - 13444 . Knuth, Donald E. TAe METAFONT Book, volume C of Computers and ~pcsetting. Addison- Wesley, Reading, Massachu~tts, 1986. ISBN 0-201-13445-4."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_100_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/319838.319859"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_102_2","first-page":"315","volume-title":"QLOG: The programming environment for PROLOG in LISP. In {Clark","author":"Komorowski H. J.","year":"1982","unstructured":"Komorowski , H. J. QLOG: The programming environment for PROLOG in LISP. In {Clark , 1982 }, pp. 315 - 322 . Komorowski, H. J. QLOG: The programming environment for PROLOG in LISP. In {Clark, 1982}, pp. 315-322."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_103_2","first-page":"219","volume-title":"Proceedings of the I986 ACM SIGPLAN '86 Symposium on Compiler Construction","author":"Kranz David","year":"1986","unstructured":"Kranz , David , Richard Kelsey , Jonathan Rues , Paul Hudak , James Philbin , and Norman Adama . ORBIT : An optimizing compiler for Scheme . In Proceedings of the I986 ACM SIGPLAN '86 Symposium on Compiler Construction , pp. 219 - 233 , Pale Alto, California , June 1986 . Association for Computing Machinery. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 21:7, ~}uly 1~86. ISBN 0-89791-1<.)7-0. 10.1145\/13310.13333 Kranz, David, Richard Kelsey, Jonathan Rues, Paul Hudak, James Philbin, and Norman Adama. ORBIT: An optimizing compiler for Scheme. In Proceedings of the I986 ACM SIGPLAN '86 Symposium on Compiler Construction, pp. 219-233, Pale Alto, California, June 1986. Association for Computing Machinery. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 21:7, ~}uly 1~86. ISBN 0-89791-1<.)7-0. 10.1145\/13310.13333"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_104_2","first-page":"4","article-title":"The mechanical evaluation of expressiona","volume":"6","author":"Landis Peter J","year":"1964","unstructured":"Landis , Peter J . The mechanical evaluation of expressiona . Computer Journal , 6 : 4 , 1964 . Landis, Peter J. The mechanical evaluation of expressiona. Computer Journal, 6:4, 1964.","journal-title":"Computer Journal"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_105_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/363744.363749"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_106_2","unstructured":"LISP tRCltIV. On-line archive of MacLisp release notes I969-1981 with entries by Jon L White Guy L. Steele Jr. Howard I. Cannon Richard P. Gabriel Richa.rd M. Stailman Eric C. gosen Richard Greenblatt and Robert W. Kerns. LISP tRCltIV. On-line archive of MacLisp release notes I969-1981 with entries by Jon L White Guy L. Steele Jr. Howard I. Cannon Richard P. Gabriel Richa.rd M. Stailman Eric C. gosen Richard Greenblatt and Robert W. Kerns."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_107_2","volume-title":"Record of the 1980 LISP Conference","author":"Conference","year":"1980","unstructured":"Conference Record of the 1980 LISP Conference , Stanford, California , August 1980 . Republished by Association Mr Computing Machinery. Conference Record of the 1980 LISP Conference, Stanford, California, August 1980. Republished by Association Mr Computing Machinery."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_108_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800055.802049"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_109_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/953997.953999"},{"volume-title":"MACSYMA Reference Manual (Version Nine). MIT Laboratory for Computer Science","author":"Mathlab Group","key":"e_1_3_2_1_110_2","unstructured":"Mathlab Group , The . MACSYMA Reference Manual (Version Nine). MIT Laboratory for Computer Science , Cambridge, M ,'~sachusetts, I977. Mathlab Group, The. MACSYMA Reference Manual (Version Nine). MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Cambridge, M,'~sachusetts, I977."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_111_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Iester David A","year":"1978","unstructured":"McAI Iester , David A . A Three Valued 23\"ath Maintenance S~.tstem. AI Memo 473 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Masaachusettn , May 1978 . McAIIester, David A. A Three Valued 23\"ath Maintenance S~.tstem. AI Memo 473, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Masaachusettn, May 1978."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_112_2","volume-title":"LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual","author":"McCarthy John","year":"1962","unstructured":"McCarthy , John , Paul W . Abrahams , Daniel J . Edwards , Timothy P . Hart , and Michael I . Levin . LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual . MIT Press, Cambridge , Massachusetts , 1962 . McCarthy, John, Paul W. Abrahams, Daniel J. Edwards, Timothy P. Hart, and Michael I. Levin. LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1962."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_113_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800087.802782"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_114_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/960118.808387"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_115_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"McDermott Drew V","year":"1974","unstructured":"McDermott , Drew V . , and Gerald Jay Sussman . The CONNIVER Reference Manual. AI Memo 295a , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , January 1974 . McDermott, Drew V., and Gerald Jay Sussman. The CONNIVER Reference Manual. AI Memo 295a, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 1974."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_116_2","volume-title":"Rochester","author":"McDermott Drew V","year":"1977","unstructured":"McDermott , Drew V . Oral remark at the ACM Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Programming Languages , Rochester , New York , August 1977 , as recollected by Guy L. Steele Jr. McDermott, Drew V. Oral remark at the ACM Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Programming Languages, Rochester, New York, August 1977, as recollected by Guy L. Steele Jr."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_117_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800087.802801"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_118_2","first-page":"147","volume-title":"Integrating Prolog in the POPLOG environment. In {Campbell","author":"Mellish C.","year":"1984","unstructured":"Mellish , C. , and S. Hardy . Integrating Prolog in the POPLOG environment. In {Campbell , 1984 }, pp. 147 - 162 . Mellish, C., and S. Hardy. Integrating Prolog in the POPLOG environment. In {Campbell, 1984}, pp. 147-162."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_120_2","unstructured":"MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics. MIT Press Cambridge Ma~achusetts. COM rT Proge~mmers Reference Manual June 1962. MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics. MIT Press Cambridge Ma~achusetts. COM rT Proge~mmers Reference Manual June 1962."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_121_2","unstructured":"MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics. MIT Press Cambridge Ma.~achusetts. An Introduction to COMIT Programming June 1962. MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics. MIT Press Cambridge Ma.~achusetts. An Introduction to COMIT Programming June 1962."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_122_2","volume-title":"MIT Project MAC","author":"Moon David A","year":"1974","unstructured":"Moon , David A . MacLISP Reference Manttal . MIT Project MAC , Cambridge, Massachusetts , April 1974 . Moon, David A. MacLISP Reference Manttal. MIT Project MAC, Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 1974."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_123_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800055.802040"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_124_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/28697.28698"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_126_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Moues Joel","year":"1970","unstructured":"Moues , Joel . The Function of FUNCTION in LISP. AI Memo 199 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge , Massachusetts , 3une 1970 . Moues, Joel. The Function of FUNCTION in LISP. AI Memo 199, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 3une 1970."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_127_2","volume-title":"MIT room number NFAJ-834, circa","author":"Moses Joel","year":"1978","unstructured":"Moses , Joel , as recalled (and probably paraphrased) by Guy L. Steele Jr. There has been s persistent confusion in the literature about this remark. Some have reported that Mos~ said it while on a panel at the ACM APL 79 Conference. Moses denies having ever made that particular remark, however, and indeed Steele has heard him deny it. Steele, however, is equally certain that Moses did make such a remark--not at the APL conference, but while standing in the doorway of Steele and White's office , MIT room number NFAJ-834, circa 1978 . Jon L White {personal communication to Steele, November 30, 1992} independently recalls having heard Moses comparing APL to a diamond and Lisp to a ball of mud on at least three separate occasions in that office building, once in NE43-834. The confusion will undoubtedly persist. Moses, Joel, as recalled (and probably paraphrased) by Guy L. Steele Jr. There has been s persistent confusion in the literature about this remark. Some have reported that Mos~ said it while on a panel at the ACM APL 79 Conference. Moses denies having ever made that particular remark, however, and indeed Steele has heard him deny it. Steele, however, is equally certain that Moses did make such a remark--not at the APL conference, but while standing in the doorway of Steele and White's office, MIT room number NFAJ-834, circa 1978. Jon L White {personal communication to Steele, November 30, 1992} independently recalls having heard Moses comparing APL to a diamond and Lisp to a ball of mud on at least three separate occasions in that office building, once in NE43-834. The confusion will undoubtedly persist."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_128_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/366193.366201"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_129_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800055.802030"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_130_2","volume-title":"Strncture","author":"Organick Elliot I","year":"1972","unstructured":"Organick , Elliot I . The Mullics S~\/stem: An Ezamination of It ., Strncture . MIT Press, Cambridge , Massachusetts , 1972 . Organick, Elliot I. The Mullics S~\/stem: An Ezamination of It., Strncture. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1972."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_131_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/319838.319850"},{"volume-title":"MIT Project MAC","year":"1987","key":"e_1_3_2_1_132_2","unstructured":"PDP-5 LISP (LISP 1.6). AI Memo I16 , MIT Project MAC , Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 1987 . Revised as Memo 116A, April 1967. The report does not hear the author's name, but Jeffrey P. Golden {Golden, 1970} attributes it to Jon L White . PDP-5 LISP (LISP 1.6). AI Memo I16, MIT Project MAC, Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 1987. Revised as Memo 116A, April 1967. The report does not hear the author's name, but Jeffrey P. Golden {Golden, 1970} attributes it to Jon L White."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_133_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800087.802804"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_134_2","volume-title":"MIT Laboratory fo~\" Computer Science","author":"Pitman Kent M","year":"1983","unstructured":"Pitman , Kent M . The Revised Mac~rSP Manual. MIT\/LCS\/TR 295 , MIT Laboratory fo~\" Computer Science , Cambridge, Mazaachusetts , May 1983 . Pitman, Kent M. The Revised Mac~rSP Manual. MIT\/LCS\/TR 295, MIT Laboratory fo~\" Computer Science, Cambridge, Mazaachusetts, May 1983."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_135_2","first-page":"41","volume-title":"Prococeedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages","author":"Pratt Vaughan R","year":"1973","unstructured":"Pratt , Vaughan R . Top down operator precedence . In Prococeedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages , pp. 41 - 51 ., Boston , October 1973 . Association for Computing Machinery. 10.1145\/512927.512931 Pratt, Vaughan R. Top down operator precedence. In Prococeedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pp. 41-51., Boston, October 1973. Association for Computing Machinery. 10.1145\/512927.512931"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_136_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Pratt Vaughan R. CGOL","year":"1976","unstructured":"Pratt , Vaughan R. CGOL : An Alternative External Representation for LISP ~fsers. AI Working Paper 121 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , March 1976 . Pratt, Vaughan R. CGOL: An Alternative External Representation for LISP ~fsers. AI Working Paper 121, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 1976."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_137_2","volume-title":"Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Quam Lynn H","year":"1972","unstructured":"Quam , Lynn H . , and Whitfield Diffe . Stanford LISP 1.6 Manual. SAIL Operating Note 28.6 , Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Stanford, California , 1972 . Quam, Lynn H., and Whitfield Diffe. Stanford LISP 1.6 Manual. SAIL Operating Note 28.6, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Stanford, California, 1972."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_138_2","volume-title":"The New Hacker's Dictionary","author":"Raymond Eric","year":"1901","unstructured":"Raymond , Eric , ed. The New Hacker's Dictionary . MIT Press , Cambridge, Massachusetts , 1901 . ISBN 0` 262-6806~.6. Raymond, Eric, ed. The New Hacker's Dictionary. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1901. ISBN 0` 262-6806~.6."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_139_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800068.802142"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_140_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/15042.15043"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_141_2","first-page":"717","volume-title":"Proceedings of the A CM National Con\/e~nce","author":"Pa~ynokb John C","year":"1972","unstructured":"Pa~ynokb , John C . Definitional interpreters for higher order programming languages . In Proceedings of the A CM National Con\/e~nce , pp. 717 - 740 , Boston , August 1972 . Association for Com. puling Machinery. 10.1145\/800194.805852 Pa~ynokb, John C. Definitional interpreters for higher order programming languages. In Proceedings of the A CM National Con\/e~nce, pp. 717-740, Boston, August 1972. Association for Com. puling Machinery. 10.1145\/800194.805852"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_142_2","first-page":"299","volume-title":"LOGLISP:~Motivation, design, and implementation. In {Clark","author":"Robinson J. A.","year":"1982","unstructured":"Robinson , J. A. , and E. E. Sibert . LOGLISP:~Motivation, design, and implementation. In {Clark , 1982 }, pp. 299 - 313 . Robinson, J. A., and E. E. Sibert. LOGLISP:~Motivation, design, and implementation. In {Clark, 1982}, pp. 299-313."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_143_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/62678.62680"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_144_2","volume-title":"Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.","author":"Rudloe H. Tape Editor.","year":"1962","unstructured":"Rudloe , H. Tape Editor. Program Write-up BBN-101 , Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. , Cambridge, Massachtmetts , January 1962 . Rudloe, H. Tape Editor. Program Write-up BBN-101, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., Cambridge, Massachtmetts, January 1962."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_145_2","volume-title":"The Paralation Model.\" A~hifectere-Independent Parallel Programming","author":"Sabot Gary W","year":"1988","unstructured":"Sabot , Gary W . The Paralation Model.\" A~hifectere-Independent Parallel Programming . MIT Press, Cambridge , Ma~achuaetts , 1988 . ISBN 0-262-19277-2. Sabot, Gary W. The Paralation Model.\" A~hifectere-Independent Parallel Programming. MIT Press, Cambridge, Ma~achuaetts, 1988. ISBN 0-262-19277-2."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_146_2","volume-title":"Programming Languages: History and Fundamentalz","author":"Sammet","year":"1969","unstructured":"Jean E. Sammet . Programming Languages: History and Fundamentalz . Prentice-Hall , Englewood Cli~ , New Jersey, 1969 . Jean E. Sammet. Programming Languages: History and Fundamentalz. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cli~, New Jersey, 1969."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_147_2","first-page":"290","volume-title":"The LISP listing for the Q-32 compiler, and some samples. In {Berkeley","author":"Saunderl Robert A","year":"1964","unstructured":"Saunderl , Robert A . The LISP listing for the Q-32 compiler, and some samples. In {Berkeley , 1964 }, pp. 290 - 317 . Saunderl, Robert A. The LISP listing for the Q-32 compiler, and some samples. In {Berkeley, 1964}, pp. 290-317."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_148_2","first-page":"220","volume-title":"The LISP system for the Q-32 computer. In {Berkeley","author":"Saunders Robert A","year":"1964","unstructured":"Saunders , Robert A . The LISP system for the Q-32 computer. In {Berkeley , 1964 }, pp. 220 - 238 . Saunders, Robert A. The LISP system for the Q-32 computer. In {Berkeley, 1964}, pp. 220-238."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_149_2","doi-asserted-by":"crossref","first-page":"73","DOI":"10.1007\/978-1-4612-5979-4_7","volume-title":"Alphard: Iteration and generators","author":"Shaw Mary","year":"1981","unstructured":"Shaw , Mary , Win . A. Wulf , and Ralph L . London . Abstraction and verification in Alphard: Iteration and generators . In Shaw, Mary, ed., AI, PHARD : Form and Content, chapter 3, pp. 73 - 116 . Springer-Verla .g, New York, 1981 . ISBN 0-387-90663-0. Shaw, Mary, Win. A. Wulf, and Ralph L. London. Abstraction and verification in Alphard: Iteration and generators. In Shaw, Mary, ed., AI, PHARD: Form and Content, chapter 3, pp. 73-116. Springer-Verla.g, New York, 1981. ISBN 0-387-90663-0."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_150_2","volume-title":"Technical Report AIM-135, Stanford A{tificial Intelligence Project","author":"Smith David Canfield","year":"1970","unstructured":"Smith , David Canfield . MLISP . Technical Report AIM-135, Stanford A{tificial Intelligence Project , October 1970 . Smith, David Canfield. MLISP. Technical Report AIM-135, Stanford A{tificial Intelligence Project, October 1970."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_151_2","first-page":"677","volume-title":"sad Horace J. Enea. Backtracking in MLISP2: An efficient backtracking method for LISP. In fIJCAI","author":"Smith David Canfield","year":"1973","unstructured":"Smith , David Canfield , sad Horace J. Enea. Backtracking in MLISP2: An efficient backtracking method for LISP. In fIJCAI , 1973 }, pp. 677 - 685 . Smith, David Canfield, sad Horace J. Enea. Backtracking in MLISP2: An efficient backtracking method for LISP. In fIJCAI, 1973}, pp. 677-685."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_152_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Smith Brian C","year":"1975","unstructured":"Smith , Brian C . , and Carl Hewitt . A PLASMA Primer. Working Paper 92 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge , Massam .htmet~, October 1975 . Smith, Brian C., and Carl Hewitt. A PLASMA Primer. Working Paper 92, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massam.htmet~, October 1975."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_153_2","doi-asserted-by":"crossref","DOI":"10.21236\/ADA290169","volume-title":"A Lifetime-b~ed Garbage Collector for LISP Syeterrts on General- Purpose Computers. Bachelor's Thesis","author":"Sobalvarro Patrick G","year":"1988","unstructured":"Sobalvarro , Patrick G . A Lifetime-b~ed Garbage Collector for LISP Syeterrts on General- Purpose Computers. Bachelor's Thesis , Ma~achuaetta Institute of Technology, Cambridge , Massar .hu~ttJ, September 1988 . Sobalvarro, Patrick G. A Lifetime-b~ed Garbage Collector for LISP Syeterrts on General- Purpose Computers. Bachelor's Thesis, Ma~achuaetta Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massar.hu~ttJ, September 1988."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_154_2","first-page":"135","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Stallman Richard M","year":"1976","unstructured":"Stallman , Richard M . , and Gerald Jay Summan . Fort~ard R .eaaoning and Dependencp Directed Hat ,racking in a System j'or Computer . Aided Circuit Analysis . AI Memo 380 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Mammm .htmetta, September 1976 . Also in Artificial Intelligence , 9, pp. 135 - 196 , 1977. Stallman, Richard M., and Gerald Jay Summan. Fort~ard R.eaaoning and Dependencp Directed Hat,racking in a System j'or Computer.Aided Circuit Analysis. AI Memo 380, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Mammm.htmetta, September 1976. Also in Artificial Intelligence, 9, pp. 135-196, 1977."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_155_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/361002.361005"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_156_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Steele Guy Lewis","year":"1976","unstructured":"Steele , Guy Lewis , Jr. , and Gerald Jay Suasman . LAMBDA : The Ultimate Imperative. AI Memo 353 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , March 1976 . Steele, Guy Lewis, Jr., and Gerald Jay Suasman. LAMBDA: The Ultimate Imperative. AI Memo 353, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 1976."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_157_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Steele Guy Lewis","year":"1976","unstructured":"Steele , Guy Lewis , Jr. LAMBDA : The Ultimate Declarative. AI Memo 379 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , November 1976 . Steele, Guy Lewis, Jr. LAMBDA: The Ultimate Declarative. AI Memo 379, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 1976."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_158_2","volume-title":"Compiler Optimization Based on Fleering LAMBDA as Rename pl~ Gala. Master's thesis","author":"Steele Guy Lewis","year":"1977","unstructured":"Steele , Guy Lewis , Jr. Compiler Optimization Based on Fleering LAMBDA as Rename pl~ Gala. Master's thesis , Massachusetts Institute at\" Technology, May 1977 . Published M {Steele, 1978a}. Steele, Guy Lewis, Jr. Compiler Optimization Based on Fleering LAMBDA as Rename pl~ Gala. Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute at\" Technology, May 1977. Published M {Steele, 1978a}."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_159_2","first-page":"203","volume-title":"Proceeding# of the 1977 MACSYMA Users' Con.{events","author":"Steele Guy Lewis","year":"1977","unstructured":"Steele , Guy Lewis , Jr. Data representations in PDP-10 MacLISP . In Proceeding# of the 1977 MACSYMA Users' Con.{events , pp. 203 - 214 , WMhington, D. C. , July 1977 . NASA Scientific and Technical Information Office. Also published a~ AI Memo 420, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts , September 1977. Steele, Guy Lewis, Jr. Data representations in PDP-10 MacLISP. In Proceeding# of the 1977 MACSYMA Users' Con.{events, pp. 203-214, WMhington, D. C., July 1977. NASA Scientific and Technical Information Office. Also published a~ AI Memo 420, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 1977."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_160_2","first-page":"215","volume-title":"Proceedings of the 1977 MACSYMA User,' Conference","author":"Steele Guy Lewis","year":"1977","unstructured":"Steele , Guy Lewis , Jr. FMt arithmetic in maclisp . In Proceedings of the 1977 MACSYMA User,' Conference , pp. 215 -- 224 , Washington, D. C. , July 1977 . NASA Scientific and Technical Information Office. Also published as AI Memo 421, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Mama~uaetts, September 1977. Steele, Guy Lewis, Jr. FMt arithmetic in maclisp. In Proceedings of the 1977 MACSYMA User,' Conference, pp. 215--224, Washington, D. C., July 1977. NASA Scientific and Technical Information Office. Also published as AI Memo 421, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Mama~uaetts, September 1977."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_161_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800228.806933"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_162_2","first-page":"153","volume-title":"Proceedings of t\/Je ACM National Conference","author":"Steele Guy Lewis","year":"1977","unstructured":"Steele , Guy Lewis , Jr. Debunking the 'expensive procedure call' myth; or , Procedure call implementations considered harmful; or, LAMBDA: The ultimate GOTO . In Proceedings of t\/Je ACM National Conference , pp. 153 - 162 , Seattle, October I977. Association for Computing Machinery. Revi, ed version published as AI Memo 443, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Masaachuscttl , October 1977 . 10.1145\/800179.810196 Steele, Guy Lewis, Jr. Debunking the 'expensive procedure call' myth; or, Procedure call implementations considered harmful; or, LAMBDA: The ultimate GOTO. In Proceedings of t\/Je ACM National Conference, pp. 153-162, Seattle, October I977. Association for Computing Machinery. Revi, ed version published as AI Memo 443, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Masaachuscttl, October 1977. 10.1145\/800179.810196"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_164_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Steele Guy Lewis","year":"1978","unstructured":"Steele , Guy Lewis , Jr. , and Gerald Jay Suuman . The Art of the Interpreter; or, The Modularity Complez (Paris Zero, One, and Two). AI Memo 453 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massa~htmettj , May 1978 . Steele, Guy Lewis, Jr., and Gerald Jay Suuman. The Art of the Interpreter; or, The Modularity Complez (Paris Zero, One, and Two). AI Memo 453, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massa~htmettj, May 1978."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_165_2","volume-title":"MIT Arti~cial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Steele Guy Lewis","year":"1978","unstructured":"Steele , Guy Lewis , Jr. , and Gerald ~ay Susaman . The Revised Report on SCHEME: A Dialect o\/LISP. AI Memo 452 , MIT Arti~cial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Memachuaette , January 1978 . Steele, Guy Lewis, Jr., and Gerald ~ay Susaman. The Revised Report on SCHEME: A Dialect o\/LISP. AI Memo 452, MIT Arti~cial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Memachuaette, January 1978."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_166_2","first-page":"208","volume-title":"Gerald Jay Stmsman. Constraints. In Proceedings of the APL 79 Conference","author":"Steele Guy Lewis","year":"1979","unstructured":"Steele , Guy Lewis , Jr. , and Gerald Jay Stmsman. Constraints. In Proceedings of the APL 79 Conference , pp. 208 - 225 , Rochester, New York , June 1979 . Association for Computing Madainery. APt. Quote Quad, 9:4, June 1979. Also published ae AI Memo 502, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 1978. 10.1145\/800136.804464 Steele, Guy Lewis, Jr., and Gerald Jay Stmsman. Constraints. In Proceedings of the APL 79 Conference, pp. 208-225, Rochester, New York, June 1979. Association for Computing Madainery. APt. Quote Quad, 9:4, June 1979. Also published ae AI Memo 502, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 1978. 10.1145\/800136.804464"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_167_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800087.802802"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_168_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800068.802140"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_169_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/319838.319870"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_170_2","first-page":"218","volume-title":"Proceedings of the Seventeenlh Anneal ACM Symposium on Principles of Pragrammin9 Languages","author":"Steele Guy L., Jr.","year":"1990","unstructured":"Steele , Guy L., Jr. Making asynchronous parallelism safe for the world . In Proceedings of the Seventeenlh Anneal ACM Symposium on Principles of Pragrammin9 Languages , pp. 218 - 231 , SAn Francisco , January 1990 . Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 0-89791-343-4. 10.1145\/96709.96731 Steele, Guy L., Jr. Making asynchronous parallelism safe for the world. In Proceedings of the Seventeenlh Anneal ACM Symposium on Principles of Pragrammin9 Languages, pp. 218-231, SAn Francisco, January 1990. Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 0-89791-343-4. 10.1145\/96709.96731"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_171_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/93542.93559"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_172_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Sussmem Gerald Jay","year":"1971","unstructured":"Sussmem , Gerald Jay , Terry Winograd , and Eugene Charniak . Micro-PLANNER Re~crease Manual. AI Memo 203A , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , December 1971 . Sussmem, Gerald Jay, Terry Winograd, and Eugene Charniak. Micro-PLANNER Re~crease Manual. AI Memo 203A, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 1971."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_173_2","first-page":"1171","volume-title":"Proceedings o\/the 197~ Fall Joint Computer Conference","author":"Susaman Gerald Jay","year":"1972","unstructured":"Susaman , Gerald Jay , and Drew Vincent McDermott . From PLANNER to CONNIVER~ A genetic approach . In Proceedings o\/the 197~ Fall Joint Computer Conference , pp. 1171 - 1179 , Montvale, New Jersey , August 1972 . AFIPS Press. This ia the published version of tSusaman, 1972b}. Susaman, Gerald Jay, and Drew Vincent McDermott. From PLANNER to CONNIVER~ A genetic approach. In Proceedings o\/the 197~ Fall Joint Computer Conference, pp. 1171-1179, Montvale, New Jersey, August 1972. AFIPS Press. This ia the published version of tSusaman, 1972b}."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_174_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Stmsman Gerald Jay","year":"1972","unstructured":"Stmsman , Gerald Jay , and Drew Vincent McDermott . WA~ Conniving is Better than Planninj. AI Memo 255A , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Mvasschusetts , April 1972 . Stmsman, Gerald Jay, and Drew Vincent McDermott. WA~ Conniving is Better than Planninj. AI Memo 255A, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Mvasschusetts, April 1972."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_175_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Inte|ligence Laboratory","author":"Sussman Gerald Jay","year":"1975","unstructured":"Sussman , Gerald Jay , sad Richard M Stallman. Heuristic Techniques in Computer.Aided Cireui| Anallssis. At Memo 328 , MIT Artificial Inte|ligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , March 1975 . Sussman, Gerald Jay, sad Richard M Stallman. Heuristic Techniques in Computer.Aided Cireui| Anallssis. At Memo 328, MIT Artificial Inte|ligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 1975."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_176_2","volume-title":"MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Susaman Gerald Jay","year":"1975","unstructured":"Susaman , Gerald Jay , and Guy Lewis Steele Jr . SCHEME : An InterlJrete,r .for Extended Lambda Calculus. AI Memo 349 , MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massa~usetts , December 1975 . Susaman, Gerald Jay, and Guy Lewis Steele Jr. SCHEME: An InterlJrete,r .for Extended Lambda Calculus. AI Memo 349, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massa~usetts, December 1975."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_177_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/62678.62679"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_178_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/62678.62694"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_179_2","volume-title":"StAnford","author":"Swinehart D. C.","year":"1972","unstructured":"Swinehart , D. C. , and R. F. Sproull . SAIL. SAIL Operating Note 57.2, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , StAnford , California , 1972 . Swinehart, D. C., and R. F. Sproull. SAIL. SAIL Operating Note 57.2, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, StAnford, California, 1972."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_180_2","unstructured":"Symbolic.s Inc. Cambridge Massachusetts. Reference Guide to Sl\/mbolicJ-Lisp March 198 5. Symbolic.s Inc. Cambridge Massachusetts. Reference Guide to Sl\/mbolicJ-Lisp March 198 5."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_181_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/988216.988224"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_183_2","volume-title":"Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.","author":"Teitelmsa W., D. G.","year":"1971","unstructured":"Teitelmsa , W., D. G. Bobrow , A. K. tlartley, and D. L. Murphy . BBN-LISP: TENEX Reference Manual . Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. , Cambridge, Massachusetts , 1971 . Teitelmsa, W., D. G. Bobrow, A. K. tlartley, and D. L. Murphy. BBN-LISP: TENEX Reference Manual. Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1971."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_184_2","first-page":"686","volume-title":"CLISP: Conversational LISP. In {IJCAI","author":"Teitelman Warren","year":"1973","unstructured":"Teitelman , Warren . CLISP: Conversational LISP. In {IJCAI , 1973 }, pp. 686 -- 690 . Teitelman, Warren. CLISP: Conversational LISP. In {IJCAI, 1973}, pp. 686--690."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_185_2","volume-title":"lnterLISP Reference Manual","author":"Teitelman Warren","year":"1974","unstructured":"Teitelman , Warren , et al. lnterLISP Reference Manual . Xerox Pals Alto Research Center , P ,do Alto, California, 1974 . First revision. Teitelman, Warren, et al. lnterLISP Reference Manual. Xerox Pals Alto Research Center, P,do Alto, California, 1974. First revision."},{"volume-title":"et at. InterLISP Reference Manual","author":"Teitelmsa Warren","key":"e_1_3_2_1_186_2","unstructured":"Teitelmsa , Warren , et at. InterLISP Reference Manual . Xerox Pals Alto Research Center , Pals Alto , California, October i978. Third revision. Teitelmsa, Warren, et at. InterLISP Reference Manual. Xerox Pals Alto Research Center, Pals Alto, California, October i978. Third revision."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_187_2","first-page":"671","volume-title":"The LISPT0 pattern matching system, la {IJCAI","author":"Teshr Lawrence G","year":"1973","unstructured":"Teshr , Lawrence G . , Horace J . Enea , and David C . Smith . The LISPT0 pattern matching system, la {IJCAI , 1973 }, pp. 671 - 676 . Teshr, Lawrence G., Horace J. Enea, and David C. Smith. The LISPT0 pattern matching system, la {IJCAI, 1973}, pp. 671-676."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_188_2","first-page":"549","volume-title":"Siewiorek, Daniel P., C. Gordon Bell, and Allen Newell, erie.","author":"Thacker C. P., E. M.","unstructured":"Thacker , C. P., E. M. McCreight , B. W. Lampson , R. F. Sproull , and D. K. Boggs . Alto: A personal computer . In Siewiorek, Daniel P., C. Gordon Bell, and Allen Newell, erie. , Computer Structures : PrincipleJ and Ezamplea, Computer Science Series, chapter 33, pp. 549 - 572 . McGraw-Hill , New York, I982. ISBN 0-07-057302-0. Thacker, C. P., E. M. McCreight, B. W. Lampson, R. F. Sproull, and D. K. Boggs. Alto: A personal computer. In Siewiorek, Daniel P., C. Gordon Bell, and Allen Newell, erie., Computer Structures: PrincipleJ and Ezamplea, Computer Science Series, chapter 33, pp. 549-572. McGraw-Hill, New York, I982. ISBN 0-07-057302-0."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_189_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800228.806934"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_190_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800020.808261"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_192_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/62678.62681"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_194_2","first-page":"1","volume-title":"Proceedings of the, Eleve,nth Annual ACM Syrups. siam on Principles ofProgrammin9 Languages","author":"Waters Richard C","unstructured":"Waters , Richard C . Expressioned loops . In Proceedings of the, Eleve,nth Annual ACM Syrups. siam on Principles ofProgrammin9 Languages , pp. 1 - 10 , Salt Lake City, Utah, January I984. Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 0-89791-125-3. 10.1145\/800017.800511 Waters, Richard C. Expressioned loops. In Proceedings of the, Eleve,nth Annual ACM Syrups. siam on Principles ofProgrammin9 Languages, pp. 1-10, Salt Lake City, Utah, January I984. Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 0-89791-125-3. 10.1145\/800017.800511"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_195_2","unstructured":"Waters Richard C. Oplimization of Se ries Ezpressiona Part I: User's Manual for tar Series Macro Package. AI Memo 1082 MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge Mazeachusette January I989. Waters Richard C. Oplimization of Se ries Ezpressiona Part I: User's Manual for tar Series Macro Package. AI Memo 1082 MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge Mazeachusette January I989."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_196_2","unstructured":"Waters Richard C. Optimization of Seriea F rpresaion.s Part II: O~e~ieup of the T\/~eory and Imple mentation. AI Memo 1083 MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge Massa~usetts January I989. Waters Richard C. Optimization of Seriea F rpresaion.s Part II: O~e~ieup of the T\/~eory and Imple mentation. AI Memo 1083 MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge Massa~usetts January I989."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_197_2","volume-title":"Harvard Uni. versity","author":"Wegbreit Ben","year":"1970","unstructured":"Wegbreit , Ben . Studies in Eztensible Programming Languages. PhD theeis , Harvard Uni. versity , Cambridge , Masaachusetts , 1970 . Wegbreit, Ben. Studies in Eztensible Programming Languages. PhD theeis, Harvard Uni. versity, Cambridge, Masaachusetts, 1970."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_198_2","first-page":"253","volume-title":"Proceedings of the 197I Fall Joint Computer Conference","author":"Wegbreit Ben","year":"1971","unstructured":"Wegbreit , Ben . The ECL programming system . In Proceedings of the 197I Fall Joint Computer Conference , pp. 253 - 262 , Montvale, New Jersey , August 1971 . AFIPS Prese. Wegbreit, Ben. The ECL programming system. In Proceedings of the 197I Fall Joint Computer Conference, pp. 253-262, Montvale, New Jersey, August 1971. AFIPS Prese."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_201_2","volume-title":"Preliminar~ Version. MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory","author":"Weinreb Daniel","year":"1978","unstructured":"Weinreb , Daniel , and David Moon . LISP Machine Manual , Preliminar~ Version. MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , November 1978 . Weinreb, Daniel, and David Moon. LISP Machine Manual, Preliminar~ Version. MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 1978."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_202_2","volume-title":"LISP Machine Manual","author":"Weinreb Daniel","year":"1981","unstructured":"Weinreb , Daniel , and David Moon . LISP Machine Manual , Third Edition~ MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory , Cambridge, Massachusetts , March 1981 . Weinreb, Daniel, and David Moon. LISP Machine Manual, Third Edition~ MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 1981."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_203_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/800087.802797"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_204_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/319838.319861"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_205_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1145\/362919.362936"},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_206_2","series-title":"Programming Language Seriea","volume-title":"The Delign of an Opiimizin9 Compiler","author":"Wulf William","year":"1975","unstructured":"Wulf , William , Pdchatd K . 2ohnmon, Charles B. Weimtock , Steven O . Hobbo , and Charles M . Geschke . The Delign of an Opiimizin9 Compiler , volume 2 of Programming Language Seriea . American Elsevier , New York , 1975 . ISBN 0-444-00164-6. Wulf, William, Pdchatd K. 2ohnmon, Charles B. Weimtock, Steven O. Hobbo, and Charles M. Geschke. The Delign of an Opiimizin9 Compiler, volume 2 of Programming Language Seriea. American Elsevier, New York, 1975. ISBN 0-444-00164-6."},{"key":"e_1_3_2_1_207_2","volume-title":"Computer Programming with COMIT II","author":"Yngve Victor H","year":"1972","unstructured":"Yngve , Victor H . Computer Programming with COMIT II . MIT Press, Reading , M M- sachusette, 1972 . ISBN 0-262-74007-9. Yngve, Victor H. Computer Programming with COMIT II. MIT Press, Reading, MM- sachusette, 1972. ISBN 0-262-74007-9."}],"event":{"name":"HOPL93: History of Programing Languages 1993","sponsor":["SIGPLAN ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages"],"location":"Cambridge Massachusetts USA","acronym":"HOPL93"},"container-title":["The second ACM SIGPLAN conference on History of programming languages"],"original-title":[],"link":[{"URL":"https:\/\/dl.acm.org\/doi\/pdf\/10.1145\/154766.155373","content-type":"unspecified","content-version":"vor","intended-application":"similarity-checking"}],"deposited":{"date-parts":[[2023,9,4]],"date-time":"2023-09-04T16:16:07Z","timestamp":1693844167000},"score":1,"resource":{"primary":{"URL":"https:\/\/dl.acm.org\/doi\/10.1145\/154766.155373"}},"subtitle":[],"short-title":[],"issued":{"date-parts":[[1993,3]]},"references-count":194,"alternative-id":["10.1145\/154766.155373","10.1145\/154766"],"URL":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1145\/154766.155373","relation":{"is-identical-to":[{"id-type":"doi","id":"10.1145\/155360.155373","asserted-by":"object"}]},"subject":[],"published":{"date-parts":[[1993,3]]},"assertion":[{"value":"1993-03-01","order":2,"name":"published","label":"Published","group":{"name":"publication_history","label":"Publication History"}}]}}