{"status":"ok","message-type":"work","message-version":"1.0.0","message":{"indexed":{"date-parts":[[2024,9,16]],"date-time":"2024-09-16T01:51:53Z","timestamp":1726451513660},"reference-count":273,"publisher":"Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)","issue":"2","funder":[{"name":"Interop NoE","award":["508011"]}],"content-domain":{"domain":["dl.acm.org"],"crossmark-restriction":true},"short-container-title":["ACM Comput. Surv."],"published-print":{"date-parts":[[2009,2]]},"abstract":"Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is the ability to identify the meaning of words in context in a computational manner. WSD is considered an AI-complete problem, that is, a task whose solution is at least as hard as the most difficult problems in artificial intelligence. We introduce the reader to the motivations for solving the ambiguity of words and provide a description of the task. We overview supervised, unsupervised, and knowledge-based approaches. The assessment of WSD systems is discussed in the context of the Senseval\/Semeval campaigns, aiming at the objective evaluation of systems participating in several different disambiguation tasks. Finally, applications, open problems, and future directions are discussed.<\/jats:p>","DOI":"10.1145\/1459352.1459355","type":"journal-article","created":{"date-parts":[[2009,2,25]],"date-time":"2009-02-25T14:44:30Z","timestamp":1235573070000},"page":"1-69","update-policy":"http:\/\/dx.doi.org\/10.1145\/crossmark-policy","source":"Crossref","is-referenced-by-count":877,"title":["Word sense disambiguation"],"prefix":"10.1145","volume":"41","author":[{"given":"Roberto","family":"Navigli","sequence":"first","affiliation":[{"name":"Universit\u00e0 di Roma La Sapienza, Rome, Italy"}]}],"member":"320","published-online":{"date-parts":[[2009,2,23]]},"reference":[{"key":"e_1_2_1_1_1","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1162\/0891201041850876"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_2_1","volume-title":"Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Unsupervised Learning in Natural Language Processing","author":"Abney S.","unstructured":"Abney , S. and Light , M . 1999. Hiding a semantic class hierarchy in a Markov model . 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McCarthy, D. 2006. Relating wordnet senses for word sense disambiguation. In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Making Sense of Sense (Trento, Italy). 17--24."},{"key":"e_1_2_1_168_1","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1162\/089120103322753365"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_169_1","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.3115\/1218955.1218991"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_170_1","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1162\/coli.2007.33.4.553"},{"key":"e_1_2_1_171_1","volume-title":"Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval, Prague, Czech Republic). 48--53","author":"McCarthy D.","unstructured":"McCarthy , D. and Navigli , R . 2007. Semeval-2007 task 10: English lexical substitution task . In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval, Prague, Czech Republic). 48--53 . McCarthy, D. and Navigli, R. 2007. Semeval-2007 task 10: English lexical substitution task. 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