{"status":"ok","message-type":"work","message-version":"1.0.0","message":{"indexed":{"date-parts":[[2024,9,7]],"date-time":"2024-09-07T09:29:59Z","timestamp":1725701399193},"publisher-location":"London","reference-count":25,"publisher":"Palgrave Macmillan UK","isbn-type":[{"type":"print","value":"9781349350452"},{"type":"electronic","value":"9781137032225"}],"license":[{"start":{"date-parts":[[2012,1,1]],"date-time":"2012-01-01T00:00:00Z","timestamp":1325376000000},"content-version":"unspecified","delay-in-days":0,"URL":"http:\/\/www.springer.com\/tdm"}],"content-domain":{"domain":[],"crossmark-restriction":false},"short-container-title":[],"published-print":{"date-parts":[[2012]]},"DOI":"10.1057\/9781137032225_11","type":"book-chapter","created":{"date-parts":[[2016,5,21]],"date-time":"2016-05-21T13:57:50Z","timestamp":1463839070000},"page":"193-232","source":"Crossref","is-referenced-by-count":6,"title":["Accountability and System Responsibility: New Concepts in Data Protection Law and Human Rights Law"],"prefix":"10.1057","author":[{"given":"Paul","family":"De Hert","sequence":"first","affiliation":[]}],"member":"297","reference":[{"issue":"2","key":"11_CR1","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","first-page":"21","DOI":"10.1080\/13600860600818227","volume":"20","author":"P Hert De","year":"2006","unstructured":"The mechanism of using non-legal concepts to challenge law is not new. Think about equity, natural law, or reason. With regard to data protection we recall the call for more \u2018interoperability\u2019 and the call for more \u2018availability\u2019. Both non-legal concepts proved and prove to be powerful instruments in challenging existing data protection ideas. See P. De Hert and S. Gutwirth, \u2018Interoperability of police databases within the EU: an accountable political choice?,\u2019 International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, March \u2013July 2006, vol. 20, no. 1\u20132, pp. 21\u201335.","journal-title":"International Review of Law, Computers & Technology"},{"issue":"3","key":"11_CR2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","first-page":"555","DOI":"10.1111\/1467-9299.00218","volume":"78","author":"R Mulgan","year":"2000","unstructured":"R. Mulgan, \u2018Accountability: aever-expanding concept?,\u2019 Public Administration, 2000, vol. 78, no. 3, pp. 555\u201373, p. 555.","journal-title":"Public Administration"},{"key":"11_CR3","doi-asserted-by":"crossref","first-page":"13","DOI":"10.1515\/9781685854133","volume-title":"The Self-Restraining State: Power and Accountability in New Democracies","author":"A Schedler","year":"1999","unstructured":"http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org \/wiki\/Accountability, sub 2.2. with ref. to A. Schedler, \u2018Conceptualizing Accountability\u2019, in Andreas Schedler, Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner. The Self-Restraining State: Power and Accountability in New Democracies. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999, pp. 13\u201328."},{"key":"11_CR4","first-page":"68","volume-title":"Public Sector Ethics: Finding and Implementing Values","author":"M Dubnick","year":"1998","unstructured":"Dubnick stresses the Anglo-Saxon nature of the concept and discusses the political importance of the publication of the Domesday Books in 1086: property holders were required to \u2018render a count\u2019 of what they possessed and they were to do so in the terms set by the king\u2019s agents. See Melvin Dubnick, \u2018Clarifying accountability: an ethical theory framework,\u2019 in Charles Sampford, Noel Preston and C. A. Bois (eds). Public Sector Ethics: Finding and Implementing Values. Leichhardt, NSW, Australia: The Federation Press\/Routledge, 1998, pp. 68\u20138l, pp. 70\u20131."},{"key":"11_CR5","first-page":"476","volume":"2","author":"R Gellert","year":"2010","unstructured":"R. Gellert, \u2018L\u2019Accountability, un concept adapt\u00e9 aux organisations internationales?,\u2019 Revue belge de droit internationale, 2010, no. 2, 476\u201397.","journal-title":"Revue belge de droit internationale"},{"issue":"1","key":"11_CR6","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","first-page":"4","DOI":"10.1504\/IJPLAP.2011.041888","volume":"1","author":"H Weber","year":"2011","unstructured":"Weber, H., \u2018Shift of legislative powers and multi-stakeholder governance,\u2019 International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2011, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 4\u201322.","journal-title":"International Journal of Public Law and Policy"},{"key":"11_CR7","first-page":"159","volume-title":"Mensenrechten. Actuele brandpunten","author":"P Hert De","year":"2008","unstructured":"Weber, H., l.c., pp. 4\u201322; P. De Hert and K. Van Laethem, \u2018Ondernemingen als nieuwe dragers van mensenrechtenplichten?,\u2019 in J. Wouters and C. Ryngaert (eds), Mensenrechten. Actuele brandpunten, Leuven-The Hague, Acco, Reeks Wereldvisie 2008, no. 5, pp. 159\u201378;"},{"issue":"153","key":"11_CR8","first-page":"11","volume":"34","author":"K Laethem Van","year":"2010","unstructured":"Van Laethem, K., and De Hert, P., \u2018Protect, Respect, Remedy: Het beleidsplan van de Verenigde Naties voor mensenrechten en ondernemingen,\u2019 Wereldbeeld. Tijdschrift voor de VN, 2010\u20131, vol. 34, no. 153, pp. 11\u201318.","journal-title":"Wereldbeeld. Tijdschrift voor de VN"},{"issue":"3","key":"11_CR9","first-page":"413","volume":"33","author":"C Jochnick","year":"2010","unstructured":"See also Chris Jochnick and Nina Rabaeus, \u2018Business and human rights revitalized: a new UN framework meets Texaco in the Amazon\u2019, Suffolk Transnational Law Review, 2010, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 413\u201337.","journal-title":"Suffolk Transnational Law Review"},{"key":"11_CR10","first-page":"68","volume-title":"Public Sector Ethics: Finding and Implementing Values","author":"M Dubnick","year":"1998","unstructured":"Melvin Dubnick, \u2018Clarifying accountability: an ethical theory framework\u2019, in Charles Sampford, Noel Preston and C. A. Bois (eds) Public Sector Ethics: Finding and Implementing Values. Leichhardt, NSW, Australia: The Federation Press\/Routledge, 1998, pp. 68\u20138l."},{"issue":"3","key":"11_CR11","first-page":"11","volume":"9","author":"H Vries De","year":"2010","unstructured":"But being accountable for alleged breaches of the law does not mean that compliance with the law is also an act of accountability or that the law itself is an accountability mechanism, again in the core sense. In this core sense, the legal accountability mechanism is confined to that part of the law which lays down enforcement procedures. The main body of the law, which most public servants follow as a matter of normal practice, is an instrument for controlling their behavior but not for holding them accountable\u2019 (R. Mulgan, l.c., p. 564). See for a broader definition (overbroad) of compliance: De Vries H. and W. Janssen, \u2018Compliance als kans\u2019, Ego. Magazine voor informatiemanagement, 2010, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 11\u201315.","journal-title":"Ego. Magazine voor informatiemanagement"},{"key":"11_CR12","first-page":"68","volume-title":"Oxford Dictionary of Law","year":"2006","unstructured":"E. Martin and J. Law (eds), Oxford Dictionary of Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 68."},{"key":"11_CR13","first-page":"27","volume-title":"Accountability as the Basis for Regulating Privacy: Can Information Security Regulations Inform Privacy Policy?","author":"MJ Culnan","year":"2011","unstructured":"See, for instance, the discussion of the accountability literature by Mary J. Culnan, \u2018Accountability as the Basis for Regulating Privacy: Can Information Security Regulations Inform Privacy Policy?\u2019, 2011, p. 27 via Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.as%20the%20Basis%20for%20Regulating%20Privacy%20Can%20Information%20Security%20Regulations%20In form%20Privacy%20 Policy.pdf."},{"key":"11_CR14","first-page":"17","volume-title":"The Role of the Nation-State in the 21st Century. Human Rights, International Organisations and Foreign Policy. Essays in Honour of Peter Baehr","author":"P Dijk Van","year":"1998","unstructured":"P. Van Dijk, \u2018Positive obligations implied in the European convention on human rights: are the states still the masters of the convention?,\u2019 in M. Castermans-Holleman, Fr. Van Hoof and J. Smith (eds), The Role of the Nation-State in the 21st Century. Human Rights, International Organisations and Foreign Policy. Essays in Honour of Peter Baehr, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1998, pp. 17\u201333."},{"key":"11_CR15","first-page":"98","volume-title":"La mise en oeuvre interne de la convention europ\u00e9enne des droits de lhomme","author":"J-L Renchon","year":"1994","unstructured":"J.-L. Renchon, \u2018La Convention europ\u00e9enne et la r\u00e9gulation des relations affectives et familiales dans une soci\u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9mocratique.\u2019 In P. Lambert (ed.), La mise en oeuvre interne de la convention europ\u00e9enne des droits de l\u2019homme, Brussels, Ed. du jeune barreau de Bruxelles, 1994, pp. 98\u2013102."},{"key":"11_CR16","first-page":"308","volume-title":"La Convention europ\u00e9enne des droits de lhomme. Commentaire article par article","author":"C Russo","year":"1995","unstructured":"See more in detail C. Russo, P. Trichilo and F. Marotta, \u2018Article 8, \u00a7 1\u2019 in L.E. Pettiti, E. Decaux and P.H. Imbert (eds), La Convention europ\u00e9enne des droits de l\u2019homme. Commentaire article par article, Paris, Economica, 1995, p. 308."},{"key":"11_CR17","first-page":"559","volume":"5","author":"R Lawson","year":"1995","unstructured":"ECtHR, Paula and Alexandra Marckx v. Belgium, judgement of 13 June 1979; ECtHR, Johanna Airey v. Ireland, judgement of 9 October 1979, \u00a7 32; ECtHR, Mark Rees v. United Kingdom, judgement of 17 October 1986, \u00a7 36; ECtHR, Graham Gaskin v. United Kingdom, judgement of 7 July 1989, \u00a7 42. Also see ECtHR, Johnston v. Ireland, judgement of 28 December 1987. See R. Lawson, \u2018Positieve verplichtingen onder het EVRM: opkomst en ondergang van de faire balance-test\u2019 (deel 1), NJCM-Bulletin, 1995, no. 5, pp. 559\u201367.","journal-title":"NJCM-Bulletin"},{"key":"11_CR18","first-page":"375","volume-title":"La Convention europ\u00e9enne des droits de lhomme","author":"G Cohen-Jonathan","year":"1989","unstructured":"We can conclude, based on the previous decisions, that a violation of the rights contained in article 8 ECHR is possible:\u2013when the state interferes in these rights\u2013when an abstention or a non-action on the part of the state ignores the rights recognised in the provision\u2013when abstention on the part of the state gives the opportunity to third parties to ignore the discussed rights. See G. Cohen-Jonathan, La Convention europ\u00e9enne des droits de l\u2019homme, Paris, Economica, 1989, p. 375."},{"key":"11_CR19","first-page":"18","volume-title":"Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric","author":"R Kreide","year":"2009","unstructured":"This contribution by no means wants to open the globalisation discussion. It strikes us, however that authors such as Tully and Kreide, both elaborating constructive proposals to strengthen the legitimacy of contemporary norm-setting procedures, highlight political legitimacy and participation, but ignore \u2018simple\u2019 legal responses, such as the Strasbourg system discussed here, which strengthen rule of law legitimacy. See J. Tully, l.c., pp. 204\u2013228 and Regina Kreide, \u2018The ambivalence of juridification. on legitimate governance in the international context,\u2019 Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric, 2009, no. 2, 18\u201334."},{"key":"11_CR20","first-page":"35","volume-title":"Disability Rights in Europe: From Theory to Practice","author":"O Schutter De","year":"2005","unstructured":"O. De Schutter, \u2018Reasonable Accommodations and Positive Obligations in the European Convention on Human Rights.\u2019 In Lawson, A. and Gooding, C. (eds), Disability Rights in Europe: From Theory to Practice, Oxford, Hart, 2005, pp. 35\u201364."},{"key":"11_CR21","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","first-page":"353","DOI":"10.2307\/1340368","volume":"92","author":"L Fuller","year":"1972","unstructured":"More than often judges restrain themselves because of the scarcity of societal resources. If a judge accepts a claim, it will often be at the expense of other necessary government functions (O. De Schutter, l.c., pp. 42\u20133). De Schutter refers to the work of Lon Fuller who developed the idea of poly-centrality: certain disputes are inherently incapable to be judged by courts because they hide complex issues and interests that are interlinked. See L Fuller, \u2018The forms and limits of adjudication,\u2019 Harvard L Rev, 1972, vol. 92, p. 353, and further.","journal-title":"Harvard L Rev"},{"key":"11_CR22","first-page":"179","volume-title":"Handboek EVRM: Deel I Algemene beginselen","author":"JV Lanotte","year":"2005","unstructured":"J. Vande Lanotte and Y. Haeck, Handboek EVRM: Deel I Algemene beginselen, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2005, pp. 179\u201380. The principle is not explicitly reflected in the European Convention on Human Rights, but rather inherently present."},{"issue":"10","key":"11_CR23","first-page":"513","volume":"77","author":"Lawson","year":"2002","unstructured":"Lawson and L. Verheij, \u2018Kroniek van de grondrechten 2002\u2019 Nederlands Juristenblad, 2002, vol. 77, no. 10, pp. 513\u201323, p. 514.","journal-title":"Nederlands Juristenblad"},{"key":"11_CR24","first-page":"145","volume-title":"Commercieel portretrecht","author":"D Voorhoof","year":"2009","unstructured":"See D. Voorhoof, \u2018Commercieel portretrecht in Belgi\u00eb,\u2019 in Dirk Visser, Richard van Oerle, Jaap Spoor (eds), Commercieel portretrecht, Amsterdam, Uitgeverij deLex, 2009, pp. 145\u201365, p. 155 with a discussion of Armonas v. Lithuania and similar judgements."},{"key":"11_CR25","first-page":"33","volume-title":"De staat van informatie","author":"PD Hert","year":"2011","unstructured":"See P. De Hert, \u2018Systeemverantwoordelijkheid voor de informatiemaatschappij als positieve mensenrechten verplichting,\u2019 in Dennis Broeders, C. Cuijpers and J. E. J. Prins (eds), De staat van informatie, WRR-verkenning 25, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2011, pp. 33\u201395."}],"container-title":["Managing Privacy through Accountability"],"original-title":[],"language":"en","link":[{"URL":"http:\/\/link.springer.com\/content\/pdf\/10.1057\/9781137032225_11","content-type":"unspecified","content-version":"vor","intended-application":"similarity-checking"}],"deposited":{"date-parts":[[2022,6,29]],"date-time":"2022-06-29T07:03:13Z","timestamp":1656486193000},"score":1,"resource":{"primary":{"URL":"http:\/\/link.springer.com\/10.1057\/9781137032225_11"}},"subtitle":[],"short-title":[],"issued":{"date-parts":[[2012]]},"ISBN":["9781349350452","9781137032225"],"references-count":25,"URL":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1057\/9781137032225_11","relation":{},"subject":[],"published":{"date-parts":[[2012]]}}}