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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in PDF document file format. Upon acceptance of the paper I will provide the document in the LaTeX format with figures in EPS or PDF format (see the guidelines above).
  • By choosing section ARTICLES the submission is intended for the AMC. The submission intended for the new journal The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics (ADAM) that is being launched in 2018 should be subitted at:

Author Guidelines

Before submission

Papers should be written in English, prepared in LaTeX, and must be submitted as a PDF file.  Person submitting the manuscript should be enrolled in the system as Author. Each person registered in the OJS system can achieve this by suitable change in one's profile.

The title page of the submissions must contain:

  • Title. The title must be concise and informative.
  • Author names and affiliations. For each author add his/her affiliation which should include the full postal address and the country name. If avilable, specify the e-mail address of each author. Clearly indicate who is the corresponding author of the paper.
  • Abstract. A concise abstract is required. The abstract should state the problem studied and the principal results proven.
  • Keywords. Please specify 2 to 6 keywords separated by commas.
  • Mathematics Subject Classification. Include one or more Math. Subj. Class. codes - see

After acceptance

Articles which are accepted for publication must be prepared in LaTeX using the class file amcjoucc.cls (which has replaced the deprecated amcjou.cls class file) and the bst file amcjoucc.bst (if you use BibTeX). If you don’t use BibTeX, please make sure that all your references are carefully formatted following the examples provided in the sample file.

An example on how to use the class file can be found here (LaTeX) and here (BibTeX)

You are encouraged to modify the sample.tex file when preparing your accepted manuscript.

Abstracts: Be concise. As much as possible, please use plain text in your abstract and avoid complicated formulas. Do not include citations in your abstract. All abstracts will be posted on the website in fairly basic HTML, and HTML can’t handle complicated formulas. It can barely handle subscripts and greek letters.

Cross-referencing: All numbering of theorems, sections, figures etc. that are referenced later in the paper should be generated using standard LaTeX \label{…} and \ref{…} commands. See the sample file for examples.

Theorems and proofs: The class file has pre-defined environments for theorem-like statements; please use them rather than coding your own. Please use the standard \begin{proof} … \end{proof} environment for your proofs.

Spacing and page formatting: Please do not modify the page formatting and do not use \medbreak, \bigbreak, \pagebreak etc. commands to force spacing. In general, please let LaTeX do all of the space formatting via the class file. The layout editors will modify the formatting and spacing as needed for publication.

Figures: Any illustrations included in the paper must be provided in PDF format, or via LaTeX packages which produce embedded graphics, such as TiKz, that compile with PdfLaTeX. (Note, however, that PSTricks is problematic.) Make sure that you use uniform lettering and sizing of the text. If you use other methods to generate your graphics, please provide .pdf versions of the images (or negotiate with the layout editor assigned to your article).


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7. Questions & Complaints
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