About the Journal

Ars Mathematica Contemporanea(AMC) is a platinum open access journal in which neither the authors nor the readers incur any costs. 

The aim of AMC is to publish peer-reviewed high-quality articles in contemporary mathematics
that arise from the discrete and concrete mathematics paradigm. It favors themes
that combine at least two different fields of mathematics. In particular, papers intersecting
discrete mathematics with other branches of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry,
topology, theoretical computer science, and combinatorics, are most welcome.

Copyright and Open Access

  • All contributions to the journal are subject to Diamond Open Access, with no costs for authors and no costs for readers. 
  • The authors retain the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) for their work. In case of reuse, the original article must be properly cited.
  • There is no restriction on the prepublication of submitted papers in repositories, such as arXiv or departmental websites. Authors may deposit all versions of their article, including the submitted and accepted versions, without embargo, provided they include the URL of the original article.

Authorship Policy

  • Authorship should be limited to those who have made significant contributions to the submission.
  • All individuals who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research should be acknowledged.
  • Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of their work.
  • All authors should agree to the submission of the manuscript and take responsibility for its content.

Corrections Policy

  • The authors are responsible for informing the journal of any errors they discover in their work, and the editorial board is responsible for making necessary corrections to ensure the integrity of the published literature.

Publishing Malpractice and Retractions Policy

  • All parties involved in the publication process (editors, authors, reviewers) must abide by ethical standards to avoid malpractice.
  • The journal will investigate all allegations of publication malpractice.
  • Retractions will be issued if there is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable due to misconduct (e.g., data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, duplicate publication) or honest error (e.g., miscalculation, flawed proof etc).
  • The decision to retract an article will be made by the editorial board after a thorough investigation.
  • A retraction notice will be published in the journal, clearly stating the reasons for the retraction, linked to the original article.

Conflict of Interest Policy

  • Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships that could be viewed as potential conflicts of interest at the time of manuscript submission.
  • Reviewers and editors must also disclose any conflicts of interest that could affect their impartiality in the review process. Such conflicts of interest may include authors who have personal or business relationships, are currently in an advising or mentoring role or are colleagues at the same institution.

Plagiarism Policy

  • Manuscripts found to contain significant plagiarism will be rejected immediately.
  • If plagiarism is discovered post-publication, the journal will issue a retraction or correction as appropriate, and the authors' institutions will be notified.
  • Authors should avoid reusing significant portions of their own previously published work without proper citation or acknowledgement, known as self-plagiarism.

Peer review processes

Each submission is initially reviewed by the Editors-in-Chief. If the paper aligns with the journal’s mission and meets its standards, it is assigned by the Editors-in-Chief to an editor who selects two independent (external) referees to evaluate the submission and suggests to the Editors-in-Chief the decision about submission. Should the Editors-in-Chief determine that a submission does not meet the journal's standards or scope, the authors will be informed, and the paper may be rejected without further review. Referees are typically expected to submit their evaluations within three months of receiving the manuscript, with extensions possible for longer articles. The Editors rely on the referee reports to assess the research's merit, quality, and relevance to the field. Decisions on submissions are based solely on these criteria, without consideration of the authors' gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, citizenship, religious belief, political philosophy, or institutional affiliation. The same standards apply for special issues which are handled by guest editors invited by the Editors-in-Chief.



AMC is owned by the University of Primorska and published by the University of Primorska in collaboration with the Slovenian Society of Discrete and Applied Mathematics.


The publication is partially supported by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency from the Call for co-financing of scientific periodical publications.

Open Journal System is served from Microsoft Azure cloud managed by University of Primorska, however, the design, maintenance, upgrades and tests of the portal are performed by Abelium d.o.o., using additional equipment in part sponsored by the Slovenian Research Agency.

Sources of Support

On The Cover

Sculpture The Group of Genus Two, 2007, painted steel and plastic (681/2in L x 36in W x 36in D, excluding base), at the Technical Museum of Slovenia; by DeWitt Godfrey, Assoc. Prof. Art and Art History, Colgate University and Duane Martinez, Artist, Hamilton, New York, with consultation by Dr. Tomaž Pisanski, Neil Grabois Visiting Professor, Colgate University 2003.

For description see the Editorial in Ars Math Contemp. Vol. 2 No 1, (2009).