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door (noun) በር / መዝጊያ (ስም)

  • He locks the door every night.
  • ማታ ማታ በሩን / መዝጊያውን ይቆልፋል

lay the blame at someone's door () ተጠያቂ

  • The blame for delinquency may be laid at the door of careless parents.
  • የወጣት ጥፋተኞች ተጠያቂዎች ግዴለሽ ወላጆች ናቸው

from door to door () ከቤት ቤት / ከበር ወደ በር

  • The peddler sold his wares from door to door.
  • ሱቅ በደረቴው እቃዎቹን ከቤት ቤት እያዞረ ሸጠ

next door () ጎረቤት

  • Who lives next door to you?
  • ጎረቤትህ ማነው?

out of doors () ውጭ / ደጅ

  • Did you sleep out of doors?
  • ውጭ / ደጅ አድረህ ታውቃለህ?
  • It is too cold to sit out of doors.
  • ውጭ ለመቀመጥ በጣም ብረድ ነው

show some one the door () አስወጣው

  • If he become insulting, show him the door.
  • የሚሳደብ ከሆነ አስወጣው