Blockchain, DLT and Fintech
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This paper studies the impact of a policy of opening the platform's data to banks. This makes banks in a better position to compete with the platform, and some firms benefit from cheaper loans due to increased competition of financial service. However, our model shows that it might harm the platform ecosystem, and small firms can no longer get loans. We analyze the welfare of firms under different policies, and the optimal policy for the social planner. In the full paper, we will study the policy implications related to the economic circumstance in greater depth, as well as how different policies affect the incentive of the platform to generate data.
Recommended Citation
Zhou, Zhou and Shen, Zhouxiang, "Platform Ecosystems, Fintech, and Data" (2020). ICIS 2020 Proceedings. 14.
Platform Ecosystems, Fintech, and Data
This paper studies the impact of a policy of opening the platform's data to banks. This makes banks in a better position to compete with the platform, and some firms benefit from cheaper loans due to increased competition of financial service. However, our model shows that it might harm the platform ecosystem, and small firms can no longer get loans. We analyze the welfare of firms under different policies, and the optimal policy for the social planner. In the full paper, we will study the policy implications related to the economic circumstance in greater depth, as well as how different policies affect the incentive of the platform to generate data.
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