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Service robot applications continue to increase globally which create competitive advantages for organizations and individuals. This study investigates the privacy concerns, privacy risks and perceived benefits on users’ trust and engagement in continual use of service robots, leading to the development of a conceptual framework within the theoretical background of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the privacy calculus theory for better exploring users’ trust and engagement in the continual use of service robots that can be tested and validated. From the theoretical side, this study will contribute to the IS body of knowledge on privacy and risk determinants, benefits and technology adoption by identifying factors affecting users’ trust and engagement in the continual use of service robots. On the practical side, this study will provide information into the influence of privacy concerns, privacy risks and perceived benefits on users’ trust and engagement in continual use of service robots, and provides insight for service robot providers to address those issues, and make a sensible decision in the adoption of service robots.

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Aug 10th, 12:00 AM

Exploring Privacy Concerns, Privacy Risks and Benefits on Users’ Trust and Engagement in Continual Use of Service Robots

Service robot applications continue to increase globally which create competitive advantages for organizations and individuals. This study investigates the privacy concerns, privacy risks and perceived benefits on users’ trust and engagement in continual use of service robots, leading to the development of a conceptual framework within the theoretical background of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the privacy calculus theory for better exploring users’ trust and engagement in the continual use of service robots that can be tested and validated. From the theoretical side, this study will contribute to the IS body of knowledge on privacy and risk determinants, benefits and technology adoption by identifying factors affecting users’ trust and engagement in the continual use of service robots. On the practical side, this study will provide information into the influence of privacy concerns, privacy risks and perceived benefits on users’ trust and engagement in continual use of service robots, and provides insight for service robot providers to address those issues, and make a sensible decision in the adoption of service robots.

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