What we work on now
The EU Open Research Repository will be expanded with improved curation capabilities. Learn more about the planned features in HORIZON-ZEN FAIR-enabling deposit workflow design
Planned release in March 2025
We will be improving overall FAIRness of Zenodo. This will also include support for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) as well as some smaller improvements for marine science.
Planned December 2024
What we plan working on next
We will be improving the search capabilities of Zenodo. This includes both improved ranking as well as filters and facets for advanced search capabilities.
Planned Q2 2025
What we investigate
Last update: January 28, 2025
We will add support for sharing records and drafts with users. See docs.
As part of the FAIRCORE4EOSC project, we will be improving the support for software source code types in Zenodo, as well as integrate Zenodo with Software Heritage
Improvements are right now being tested on sandbox.zenodo.org
As part of HORIZON-ZEN, we'll add support for custom visual identity on communities. The feature will only be available for specific communities.
Launched on EU Open Research Repository
The EU Open Research Repository will be expanded to allow projects to more easily sign up.
Completed June 2024.
Support for storing and displaying WADM-based annotations for PDFs and images for the Biodiversity Literature Repository. Part of the work will focus on improving performance of the IIIF APIs so that we can make image Zoom generally available.
Planned July 2024.
As part of the BiCIKL project, provide the infrastructure to support the FAIR preservation of liberated data and next-generation semantic publishing in biodiversity.
Migrate our ElasticSearch infrastructure to OpenSearch.
Planned March 2023
We are migrating Zenodo's underlying technical platform to InvenioRDM. Follow the progress on https://zenodo-rdm.web.cern.ch as well as the InvenioRDM Roadmap
Completed October 13, 2023
We are kicking off a new EU-funded project that over the coming 2 years will adding multiple new features to communities such as branding capabilities, subcommunities, basic automated curation checks, and integrate third-party FAIR assessment tools directly in the Zenodo interface.
Webhook notifications support for community events.
Allowing user to enhance uploads with their domain-specific vocabulary metadata.
Introduce safe listing of users and a process to safe list new users and block publishing from identified spammer domains.
Being able to specify funding information for uploads on the funder level, or fill-in custom funding metadata.
Add basic support for existing Zenodo legacy APIs in InvenioRDM and perform the first initial data migration tests.
Introduce a new Workflow upload type and integrate with REANA.
Setup a Zenodo-themed instance of InvenioRDM and make it publicly available so that users can follow progress on the move to InvenioRDM.
Available on https://zenodo-rdm.web.cern.ch
Integrate with OpenAIRE AAI to allow researchers to sign-in via their institution.
In collaboration with the DBoD team at CERN, upgrade our databases to PostgreSQL v12.
Allowing users in the upload form to search and auto-fill author names coming from ORCiD's database.
Automatic retries for failed GitHub releases, better documentation on .zenodo.json
, and overall easier troubleshooting.
Introduce a review workflow for adding records to communities.
Import a dataset of 300.000 biodiversity treatments records into Zenodo in collaboration with Plazi and Pensoft via an Arcadia Fund project.
Produce thumbnails via IIIF APIs with proper caching.
Integration of Zenodo into the Dryad submission process.
Support for two new resource types: Data Management Plan, Annotation Collection
Support for the DCAT export format via the DataCite XML to DCAT XSLT.
Improve the regular import of citations from NASA ADS, OpenAIRE ScholExplorer, CrossRef and EuropePMC.
Centralise logging of web server access logs into Elasticsearch cluster.
Migrate our Elasticsearch cluster to v7 on CERN's Elasticsearch On Demand service.
Beta support for geospatial, temporal and method metadata in the REST API (display and searching to come later).
Minor optimizations in the release processing workflow.