
Lens API – Terms of Use

Published On: September 14, 2021 | 2.1 min read | 524 words |

The Terms of Use below outline permissions associated with use of The Lens Scholarly and Patent APIs (the “API”). For all requests for API access, The Lens asks that you provide an official email address and inform the Lens team of your use case, affiliation, and project timeline. Lens API service is only available through an institutional subscription. Individuals are encouraged to approach their institutional librarian to take up a lens institutional subscription.

Terms of Use:

By accessing the API, you agree to be bound by these terms. Cambia reserves the right to not grant access to and use of the API or to revoke access if in our own estimation, the specific usage does not comply with these terms. We may revise and update these Terms of Use from time to time at our sole discretion with all changes effective immediately when we post them.

Your Lens API access may not be transferred, sold or re-licensed to third parties and may not be used in unfair or deceptive practices. Trial access is provided to evaluate the API and is for non-commercial use only.

For this service, it is important that you provide accurate information about your institution or organisation to which you are employed, and your intended use of the data. Once you submit the request, you will receive a confirmation notification by email that your request has been received. Your request will be reviewed and processed manually and once approved, you will get another email with instructions on how to generate API tokens.

Commercial Use

Commercial Use is defined as any use of Lens data that results in a business or corporate outcome – financial or otherwise. Examples of Commercial Use include, but are not limited to, any of the following: commercial research & development, data services and products, consultancy reports, investment decisions, government activities, including policy development etc. Commercial Use API access plans provide access to the API as well as other benefits, and contribute to the support of The Lens as a public good.

API Access Plans:

Trial Access

To request Trial Access to the API, please sign in to your Lens account and go to the API & Data page and select your preferred option. Once approved, you will be able to generate an API token and access the API and data under the Acceptable Use and Attribution terms and conditions that are detailed in the Lens general Terms of Use. Please review these terms carefully before using the API. Note, that trial access does not include commercial permissions.

Custom Access

Custom API plans provide subscription access for a wide range of use cases, rates or volumes, or commercial use. Pricing is determined by use case, attribution plan and API volume and speed requirements. To request custom access, please complete the API request form or contact us directly for further information or trial access. Once your request has been assessed and approved, an agreement will be provided for signing and invoice payable to Cambia.

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