COP18 Side Event : Low Carbon Actions in Asia
Past COP side events:

COP18 and CMP8 side event Low Carbon Actions in Asia : Modeling to Bridge Science and Policy

Date and Time 11:30 - 13:00, 30 Fri. Nov. 2012
Venue Side Event Room 6, Qatar National Convention Centre,
Doha, State of Qatar
Program  Program
Minutes   Minutes
Materials 1) Ten Actions toward Low Carbon Asia (6MB)
2) Low Carbon Society Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia 2025 (Summary for Policymakers:SPM) (10MB)
Press Release English / Japanese
Flyer  Flyer


   UNFCCC Press conference    UNFCCC Climate Studio     Side Event    

Report (Movie/Video, Articles in media, NIES Report)

 Movie / Video
 1  UNFCCC Press Conference     30 Nov., 2012
  National Institute for Environmental Studies: “Low Carbon Society Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia 2025”
Speakers: Datuk Ismail Ibrahim (Iskandar Regional Development Authority), Prof. Mohd. Azraai Kassim (UTM), Prof. Ho Chin Siong (UTM), Mr Kyosuke Inada (JICA), Dr. Junichi Fujino (NIES)
 2 UNFCCC Climate Studio        30 Nov., 2012
  “Providing best practice for low-carbon development across Asia”

Speakers: Prof. Mohd Azraai Kassim (UTM), Prof. Ho Chin Siong (UTM), Dr Junichi fujino (NIES) 

Articles in Media
    "Iskandar Malaysia launches Low Carbon Society Blue Print" (2 Dec., 2012) PDF
"Iskandar Malaysia LCS Blueprint to Spur Interest among Investors, Says Nijib"
(11 Dec., 2012) PDF
"Iskandar Malaysia Jan-Nov Investments at RM20.36 Billion"
(11 Dec., 2012) PDF
   2  The National
     Malaysia's exaple addresses urgency of climate change (3 Dec., 2012)
   3  The Star
    “Ismail says Iskandar corridor moving in right direction but more work needed”  (4 Dec., 2012)
   4  New Straits Times
    Najib confident of Iskandar M'sia's investment drawing power(12 Dec., 2012)
   5  Free Malaysia Today
     PM launches LCS Blueprint to promote Iskandar (11Dec., 2012)
   1  BERITA
     Pelan Tindakan LCS Iskandar Malaysia Tarik Minat Pelabur (12 Dec., 2012)
   1  Sin Chew Jit Poh
    Nijib: Najib: Iskandar attracted investment of RM20.3Bil in 2012(12 Dec., 2012)  English translation
   1 時事ドットコム
     「マレーシアに『日本式』環境都市=CO2減で協力-COP18」 (2012年12月1日)
   2  Green Plus カーボンオフセットニュース
     マレーシアに「日本式」環境都市 低炭素社会計画 (2012年12月3日)
  3  JICA ニュース
     COP18で気候変動対策支援の成果を共有(カタール) (2012年12月5日)
   4  JCCCA 全国地球温暖化防止活動推進センター 国際会議レポート
     [COPへの『参加』とは?」 (2012年12月1日)

 NIES Report
  Second bulletin from the NIES delegation at COP18/CMP8: NIES side event in Doha, Qatar
(30 Nov., 2012)

Visit of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Government of Malaysia to the NIES Booth at COP18/CMP8
(21 Dec., 2012)
  UNFCCC COP18/CMP8 国立環境研究所の取り組み
    ・「COP18/CMP8 サイドイベントの開催~カタール・ドーハから」 (2012年11月30日)
     ・国立環境研究所 会議レポート 「COPへの『参加』とは?」  (上記 #4 JCCCAからの転載)
     ・COP18/CMP8のNIESブースにマレーシア・天然資源環境省大臣が訪問 (2012年12月21日) event/kaigi/cop18/20121221.html
    COP18/CMP8 報告 「低炭素アジア実現に向けて:科学と政策を橋渡しするモデルの役割」 - COP18サイドイベントの開催 -
(国立環境研究所 地球環境研究センターニュース 2013年2月号[Vol.23 No.11]

Co-organized by

National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia



We have developed a methodology to create quantitative scenarios and roadmaps towards low carbon societies in Asia. The event will present our latest scientific findings and feedback from policy-makers, mainly on 1) Ten actions toward Low Carbon Asia, 2) Iskandar Malaysia Low Carbon Society Blueprint, 3) Asian challenges to develop sustainable low carbon society based on scientific approach and policy initiatives.


Chairperson: Dr. Junichi Fujino (NIES, Japan)
Opening Remarks
Dr. Hideyuki Shimizu, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
  Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd. Azraai Kassim, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Low Carbon Society Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia 2025
Datuk Ismail Ibrahim, Iskandar Regional Development Authority, Malaysia
material: Policymake Summary of Blueprint (SPM)
Ten Actions toward Low Carbon Asia
Dr. Mikiko Kainuma, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
material: Ten Actions toward Low Carbon Asia
Panel Discussion
Prof. P. R. Shukla, Indian Institute of Management, India.
Dr. Jiang Kejun, Energy Research Institute, China.
Prof. Dr. Ho Chin Siong, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.
Dr. Ryutaro Yatsu, Ministry of the Environment, Japan.
Mr. Kyosuke Inada, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan.
Dr. Shuzo Nishioka, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan.
Mr. Omairi Hashim, Putrajaya Corporation, Malaysia.
 12:40-13:00 Questions and Answers

This side event is partially funded by S-6 project supported by Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ); and "Project for Development of Low CCarbon Society Scenarios for Asian Regions" under Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development Program (SATREPS) supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).


   Dr. Junichi Fujino (NIES)
   Mr. Koichi Okabe (UTM)
Low-Carbon Society Research Project