Yingcheng Liu homepage

Yingcheng Liu

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Hello! I am a Ph.D. student in the Medical Vision Group at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), advised by Prof. Polina Golland. My research focuses on computer vision and applications in biomedical and healthcare problems.

Recently, my work often involves motion analysis. For example, understanding motion of babies to capture signs of neurodevelopmental issues before they are born [1]; or monitoring movement patterns in Parkinson's Disease to improve medication titration and at-home drug trials [2]. I also use diverse modalities for motion capture [3, 4] and develop computational models of the human body [1].

I am also affiliated with Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hospital with Prof. Ellen Grant. I obtained my S.M. in Computer Science from MIT with Prof. Dina Katabi, during which I co-developed large distributed digital health systems collaborating with Prof. Ray Dorsey. Before that, I received my B.S. in Computer Science with honors from Peking University, where I worked with Dr. Jian Sun on deep learning research. I also spent a summer at Google DeepMind on deep learning and image generative models.

In general, I am interested in thinking about machine learning and AI related problems. If you have interesting ideas or projects, feel free to reach out!

AI for Biomedicine & Healthcare:
Medical image analysis [1, 2 ]. Parkinson's Disease [2, 10].
Multi-modal computer vision:
intergrating image with language [3, 2] or sensor signals [8, 11, 9]. Image segmentation and registration:
medical image [1, 2, 4] and scene understanding [6].


(* denotes equal contributions)

Academic Service

Workshop Organizer: ML for IoT@ICLR2023

Program Committee: HVU@CVPR2021, PAIR^2Struct@ICLR2022

Conference Reviewer: CVPR(2020-2025), ICCV(2021,2023), ECCV(2022,2024), WACV(2021-2024), ICLR(2025)

Journal Reviewer: Medical Image Analysis, Scientific Reports (Nature Portfolio), IEEE MultiMedia, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

Teaching: 6.819/6.869: Advances in Computer Vision (Spring 2022 MIT) , 6.UAR: Undergraduate Advanced Research (Spring 2023 MIT), 6.819/6.869: Advances in Computer Vision (Spring 2024 MIT)




MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab
32 Vassar Street-D474
Cambridge, MA 02139

Avatar photo: Boston Common, MA. Sep. 2023 Photographer: J. Mao