Trade topics
WTO trade topics
Information available on the WTO website, on issues handled by the WTO's councils and committees and its trade agreements.
See also
- Negotiations, implementation and development: the Doha agenda
- Ministerial conferences
- General Council
- For analysis, statistics, publications and other material, go to Resources
- For official documents, legal texts, go to Documents
- Agriculture
- Anti-dumping
- Balance of payments
- Customs valuation
- Goods Council
- Goods schedules
- Import licensing
- Information Technology Agreement
- Market access for goods
- Non-tariff measures
- Rules of origin
- Preshipment Inspection
- Safeguard measures
- Sanitary & phytosanitary measures
- State trading enterprises
- Subsidies & countervailing measures
- Tariffs
- Technical barriers to trade
- Textiles
- Trade facilitation
- Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs)