diverse topics in data management, especially big data, data mining
and machine learning, scientific data, semi-structured data and XML,
information integration, streaming query processing, data mining,
differencing, change management, intelligent transportation systems,
peer-to-peer systems, service-oriented and Web architectures, and
mobile applications.
[Consult publications for more.]
Contact Information:
(None, but please watch this space.)
Office: Boardman Hall, Room 329.
Office hours for Spring 2025 semester:
Please check for changes.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays (in Boardman 329):
09:30 a.m. — 09:50 a.m.
11:00 a.m. — 11:30 a.m.
Use meeting ID Taxi Taxi
followed by
the famous
number of a taxicab (or create your own meeting and send
me the information by email).
Zoom: If you cannot part with your zooming ways,
you may use my last name as meeting ID. A better option is
Phone: +1-207-581-3930. Email is much preferred.
Fax: +1-207-581-4977. Avoid; check with me before use.
Email: sudarshan.chawathe@maine.edu.
I do not accept email attachments in proprietary
GPG(GnuPG)/PGP public key (ASCII
armored, updated 2023-09-20).
Key fingerprint =
5C8C 2445 1671 0241 607D 53C9 FBEB AB5A 33B5 BB17
Or check the