Tools that support the discovery, analysis and re-use of data
- Cloud-based virtual desktop to run and share experiments (CoESRA)
- Data submission, harmonisation and retrieval of ecological data (SHaRED)
- Discovery, mapping and analysis of landscape-scale ecosystem datasets (Data Visualiser)
- Cloud-based analysis, synthesis and training platform

Open data
Long-term preservation and open access for ecosystem and biophysical data via the TERN Data Discovery Portal
- Continental-scale gridded remote sensing, soil and landscape products
- Plot-based soil and vegetation surveillance monitoring data
- Aggregated state government survey data
- Calibration and validation data for remote sensing
- Time series flux tower, phenocam and acoustic monitoring sensor data

Tools that support the discovery, analysis and re-use of data
- Cloud-based virtual desktop to run and share experiments (CoESRA)
- Data submission, harmonisation and retrieval of ecological data (SHaRED)
- Discovery, mapping and analysis of landscape-scale ecosystem datasets (Data Visualiser)
- Cloud-based analysis, synthesis and training platform

Standard Methods, Protocols
& Collections
Services that facilitate research, education and management
- Catalogued plant and soil sample collection
- Nationally consistent field methods
- Guidelines for calibration and validation of remotely-sensed data
- Field data collection apps

Site-Based Instruments
& Monitoring
A network of ecosystem monitoring sites and sensor data streams available to long-term researchers
- Eddy covariance flux towers; Heat flux plates; Radiometers; Anemometers; Infrared Gas Analysers; Spectrometers; CosmOz soil moisture meters; Groundwater bores; Ecoacoustic sensors; Phenocams; Terrestrial laser scanners; UAV/drones; Camera traps; Photopoints and more.
Open Data
Open access ecosystem data via the TERN Data portal
- Continental-scale gridded remote sensing, soil and landscape products
- Plot-based soil and vegetation surveillance monitoring data
- Aggregated state government survey data
- Calibration and validation data for remote sensing
- Time series flux tower, phenocam and acoustic monitoring sensor data
Data Infrastructure
Tools that support the discovery, analysis and re-use of data
- Cloud-based virtual desktop to run and share experiments (CoESRA)
- Data submission, harmonisation and retrieval of ecological data (SHaRED)
- Discovery, mapping and analysis of landscape-scale ecosystem datasets (Data Visualiser)
- Cloud-based analysis, synthesis and training platform
Research & Management Tools
Services that facilitate research, education and management
- Catalogued plant and soil sample collection
- Nationally consistent field methods
- Guidelines for calibration and validation of remotely-sensed data
- Field data collection apps
Site-Based Research Equipment
A network of ecosystem monitoring sites and sensor data streams available to long term researchers
- Eddy covariance flux towers; Heat flux plates; Radiometers; Anemometers; Infrared Gas Analysers; Spectrometers; CosmOz soil moisture meters; Groundwater bores; Ecoacoustic sensors; Phenocams; Terrestrial laser scanners; UAV/drones; Camera traps; Photopoints; & more…
observing sites
international partners
for datasets
using TERN data

If have a question for TERN, you can call us on 07 3365 9097, email the Engagement team at, or submit your enquiry online.
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