Taiwan Association for Academic Innovation

       The 15th IEEE & 16th The International Conference on Science, Education, and Viable Engineering (16th ICSEVEN 2025) will be held in Okayama, Japan  on Apr. 12-16, 2025. The International Conference is a communication platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practices in the fields of Engineering, Science, Education, Management of Global Resources, Cultures, and emerging disciplines which are essentially to be determined and be perceptively used from precious global resources that are the embodiment of novel ideas and technologies, and or more.
     This conference enables interdisciplinary collaborations between science and engineering technologists in the academic and industrial fields. The main topics of the conference are (I) Alternative Energy which especially focuses on Renewable Energy and or Fuel Cells. The systems of technologies, devices and manufacture process of Alternative Energy are involved. For example, the films for solar cells such as Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS) or Organic Solar Cell (OSC); battery technologies are involved in the renewable energy, such as Lead-acid, Lithium, and Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries. It is believed the battery will define the future of renewable energy. (II) Engineering Education such as Engineering or vocational education. The conference also includes various and useful diverse group meetings of international educators, engineers, technologists to explore different fields of global resources and cultures across disciplines to generate new ideas and potential collaborations.
    During the conference, there will be substantial time for presentation and discussion. The aim of the conference is to share and learn from experiences made in different education systems all over the world and to find out about the core elements leading to successful learning, implementation, and business opportunities. Excellent papers selected in ICSEVEN 2025 will be recommended to be published in suitable different SCI or SSCI journals after an additional review process and may need extra publication charge. This international conference is organized by Taiwan Association for Academic Innovation (TAAI), and IEEE Electron Device Society Tainan Chapter.


1. Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049; IF:4.411; SCI)

2. Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050; IF:3.889; SCI)

3.Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220; IF:3.847; SCI)

4. Micromachines (ISSN 2072-666x; IF:2.891; SCI)

5.Crystals (ISSN 2073-4352; IF:2.670; SCI)
6.Applications of Metal Composites in Batteries (including 6 Joural; Batteries, Compounds, Materials, Metals, Nanomaterials, Sci)

7.Sensors and Materials (ISSN 0914-4935; IF: 1.2; SCI)
8.Advances in Decision Scince (ISSN 2090-3359 Online: 2090-3367)

Online Submission
Conference Agenda

Copyright © , ICSEVEN 2025; Contact us Mr. Chen or Mr. Kuo Tel: +886-7-5919478 Fax: +886-7-5919357 Email: ic7.office@gmail.com