CNMS Suggestion Box Survey
Your opinion matters, and we want to hear from you. Please feel free to fill out this form OR contact any of us directly as you prefer:
  • Dr. Karren More, CNMS Director, 865-574-7788
  • Dr. Brad Lokitz, CNMS User Program Director, 865-576-2858
  • Prof. Shengxi Huang, Penn State, Chair of the User Executive Committee
  • Dr. Zachary Hood, Argonne National Laboratory, Vice Chair of the User Executive Committee
*Email to All
Answer as few or as many questions as you like.

Question Title

* 1. Are there areas of specific scientific expertise or equipment that you would like to see strengthened or added at the CNMS? If so, please list.

Question Title

* 2. In what subject areas would you find a CNMS sponsored tutorial or workshop useful?

Tutorial: Experts provide special instruction or training in use of instruments or techniques.

Question Title

* Workshop: Experts meet together to identify research opportunities, needs, challenges, strategies for future development.

Question Title

* 3. Are you more likely to attend tutorials and workshops if they are scheduled with the CNMS user meeting or at some other time?

Question Title

* 4. What other suggestions would you like to make to improve your overall user experience at CNMS?

Question Title

* If you can be available to provide clarification or would like to have feedback to any of your responses above, please include your name and email address (Optional).