
Main info

St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded in 1978 according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 12/19/1977 and to the Decision of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences dated 01/19/1978 on the basis of the Computer Science Department of Ioffe Physical and Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and was assigned the name of Leningrad Research Computer Center (LRCC) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1985 LRCC was transformed into Leningrad Institute for Informatics
and Automation of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1992 when historic name of St. Petersburg was returned to the city the Institute in turn was renamed in St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS (SPIIRAS).  According to the Decree of the Russian Federation Government dated 12/30/2013 No. 2591-p the Institute was handed over to The Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FASO Russia). The Russian Academy of Sciences and its Department of Nano-Technologies and Information Technologies (DNTIT RAS) provide for the scientific and methodological guidance in regard to the Institute research activities.

The Institute does basic research and application developments in informatics, automation intelligent systems and information technologies.

The Institute director is Professor of RAS Andrey L. Ronzhin.




On Friday, February 25, 2022 at 11:00 am in SPC RAS (site address: V.O., 14 Line, 39, # 401- the Scientific Council Hall) a meeting of the permanent city seminar “INFORMATICS AND AUTOMATION” at the Scientific Council for Informatization of St. Petersburg will be held.
Two presentations will be delivered as follows :

Presentation #1
Envelope method as applied to differential games and optimal control theory
Presenter: Ivanov Vladimir P. , Senior Researcher of SPC RAS.
Research Problem: Basics development at the synthesis of optimal and game control on a parametric family of singular curves, which allows for avoiding explicit solutions of boundary value problems, simplifying computational algorithms, and improving the quality of control under varying conditions.

Presentation #2
Modeling of the management system for Hi-tech medical organizations based on intelligent data analysis platform
Presenter: Ilyashenko Victoriya Mikhailovna, Graduate Student of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Research Superviser: Ilyin Igor V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.
Research Problem: As part of the approach, a system of performance indicators (SPIs) of a medical organization has been developed, and proposed to be monitored via an intelligent data analysis platform integrated into the IT architecture of a medical organization. This allows for accessing the goals achievability as set for the development of a Hi-tech medical organization, to enhance the efficiency and quality of managerial decision-making to preserve and improve the health of population.

To join the workshop on-line please:
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Access Code: 546470
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Workshop Secretary
Fedorchenko Lyudmila N.,
Senior Researcher Cand of Tech. Sci (SPIIRAS-SPC RAS).
+7(812)-328-1919 (office)
mob. +7(921) 183-8657.