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SPEC CPU® 95 Benchmarks (RETIRED: July 2000)


Submitted Results
Text, HTML3.0, and PostScript outputs for the SPEC CPU® 95 benchmark metrics. Includes SPEC CPU 95 results submitted to SPEC.
Results Search
Search across all available SPEC CPU 95 benchmark results.
Flag Descriptions
Explanations from the vendors for what all those cryptic flags in the notes section really mean.
Configuration Files
Examples of real configuration files used in some of the submitted results.
SPEC CPU 95 Benchmark Example Result
An annotated example of a result page.


SPEC Plans for Retiring the SPEC CPU 95 Benchmark
What SPEC plans to do with the benchmark with the release of its successor: the SPEC CPU® 2000 benchmark.

What's The Difference Compared to Older SPEC Suites?
A quick survey of what is different from the SPEC CPU® 92 benchmark.
Benchmark Press Release
The full text of SPEC's press release from announcement day.

Press Q&A
The Q&A prepared by SPEC for the press announcement.

CPU95 Benchmark Rules
The actual rules that govern the running and reporting of results for this benchmark.

Benchmark Information
A survey of the benchmarks in each suite, with further technical details available.

SPEC CFP95 and SUIF Compiler/Parallelizing Research
Pointer to information/code available from the Stanford Suif compiler group during their investigation of the SPEC CFP95 codes.
Common Problems
Potholes and other road hazards that have been encountered by those using the SPEC CPU 95 benchmarks.

SPEC Newsletter Articles

Reprints of articles about CPU95 or its benchmarks, as they were published in SPEC's own newsletter.
For more information on the availability of this product, please contact SPEC directly.