

Our customers' privacy is of paramount importance to us. Although we have many satisfied customers world-wide, we feel that it is inappropriate to impose on our customers to provide a quote endorsing the services that we provide to them.

However, we'd like you to look into the following:

  1. A list of independent third party reviews, references, as well as press releases releases issued by us;
  2. We have customers world-wide from virtually every business sector. Included are government agencies, banks, ISPs, insurance firms, equipment manufacturing, media organizations, with a number of high profile, recognized names being among them;
  3. E-Soft Inc., the publisher of, was formed in 1995 and has more than 150,000 customers subscribing to our on-line services;
  4. Some of our more visible partners include:
    Third largest Certificate Authority in the world, and owners of InstantSSLTM
  5. last, but not least, a quick search on Google should provide you with thousands of on-line references, independent of any bias that we might introduce.

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