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Realtime data

System SCALAR detects lightning on Slovenia and West Balkan theritory. Realtime data are shown only few seconds after the event.


Archive data

System SCALAR measures and arhives lightning data for almost 20 years. Data can be used for insurance companies, statistical analysis, risk evaluation and protection against lightning.


Lightning alarm service

Lightning alarm service informs users about storms over the area of interest. Benefit of alarm service is mostly human life protection, reducing the material and financial damage caused by lightning.



Long term lightning arhive is used for different evaluations: lightning density map, map of maximum values of lightning density, thunderstorm days map, lightning amplitude map, etc.


Research and development

Archive data are basis for different research analysis such as calculating of risk for prottection against lightning, risk analysis, lightning exposure analysis and others.

System SCALAR and coverage area

System for automatic lightning localization SCALAR is specialized for intercloud and cloud to ground lighting detection. SCALAR system operators are constantly following the technological progress. In cooperation with the manufacturers of measuring equipment Vaisal and their own findings and knowledge, the system and services are constantly upgraded and updated.  System provides quality and reliable data in the field of atmospheric discharges.

Nowadays system operates in the wider Western Balkans region and covers several countries:

  • Slovenia
  • Croatia
  • Bosnia in Herzegovina
  • Serbia
  • Montenegro
  • Northern Macedonia
  • Bulgaria 

Currently system SCALAR consist of more than 13 sensors in the field of coverage. So far, many advanced technological solutions in the field of lightning detection, software and advanced services have been developed. System serves it's customers with lightning data and many advanced services, developed with the colaboration with its partners and customers.

More informations about SCALAR services are available at the link.

Information about SCALAR system technology and more details about the system can be found at the link.

mScalar - weather in the palm of your hand
The mobile application mScalar enables precise real-time monitoring of rainfall and lightning strikes. Download mScalar and stay infromed.
Lightning alarm - service with Telekom Slovenija
Electroinstitute Milan Vidmar in cooperation with Telekom Slovenije, developed an alarm system to inform Telekom users on lightning activity. When lightning strikes near your home, you will receive a text message, notifying you about lightning storm in the vicinity of your home. You can subscribe to the service free of charge on the website.