

Notice of the Rising Anti-virus Software


Dear valued customers,

We will terminate the Rising official English website, including website information, purchase and renew services and online technical support as from September 09, 2013.

Rising products are fully free for all the customers. We will still support the product update normally. You may download free Rising Antivirus from http://down.rising-global.com/for_down/11globalver/ravintfree11.exe, and also report the false positive files from here http://mailcenter.rising.com.cn/filecheck_en/

or you may call customer service (8610) 82678800 or 4006608866 (toll-free) for further help.

We feel very sorry if there is any inconvenience we brought to you.

Rising sincerely appreciates your support and great kindness for our products for a long time.


Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 1305, Zhongke Building 22 Zhongguancun Street,
Haidian District Beijing, 100190 P.R.China