Welcome to the UCI Office of Research

Supporting the creative and scholarly activities of UCI faculty and researchers

Impact of Federal Executive Orders and Directives on Federal Grants and Contracts

Under the direction of the new administration, Federal agencies are making plans and taking actions to implement the new EOs. This is a fluid situation with updates being issued frequently. We understand that many UCI researchers have questions.

Current Topics in Research Administration

Person with clipboard and checklist, inspecting a lab

Ensuring Safety in the Research Community

Safety is critical to conducting high-quality research.  Click "learn more" to read a letter from VCR Pramod Khargonekar on the three annual safety requirements identified in UCI’s Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)...

Direc Vs Indirect

Understanding Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Costs

Indirect (F&A) costs support and maintain UCI's research infrastructure, ensuring that our scholars have the resources they need to conduct groundbreaking research...

Globe with interconnected points - networked globe concept

Research Security & International Engagement

At UCI, international collaboration is very important. However, it is also important to be aware of disclosure requirements and compliance procedures in place to protect faculty members...

Research Funding & Proposal Development

The Research Development team is charged with leading large-scale proposal development efforts, and providing resources and support to the Research Development Officers  across the Schools of UCI.

The Office of Research also supports fundopp.uci.edu, a website created to advertise and consolidate limiteds and other internally competed funding opportunities held across UCI. The site also provides additional information resources related to research funding.

Centers & Institutes

Research Centers and Institutes at UC Irvine provide a mechanism and organizational structure for collective research activities that are fundamentally different from those that occur normally within the schools and departments. They are intended to foster the development of short- and long-term research programs that span disciplines and academic units, thereby making it possible for faculty members to acquire extramural resources for which they might not otherwise qualify.

photo: Steve Zylius/UCIMichael Yassa group demonstrating MRI brain scan technology in FIBRE lab
Steve Zylius/UCI
GHEI  Steve Zylius/UC Irvine Communications