International Collaboration banner

Students experimenting with a solar-powered cooling system

International Collaboration

International Collaboration

Enhance and Nordic Five Tech


The ENHANCE Alliance is part of the ERASMUS+ funding programme for European Universities, powered by the European Commission. The initiative aims to create an innovative framework of European networks, fostering increased student and staff mobility as well as innovative forms of learning and engagement with society.

Members of the alliance:


Nordic Five Tech logo

Nordic Five Tech is a strategic alliance of the five leading technical universities in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The alliance was established with the goal of utilizing the shared and complementary strengths and creating synergies within education, research and innovation.

Members of the alliance:



EU flagHorizon Europe

Horizon Europe at NTNU

Horizon Europe is the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

NTNU mapping of expertise and researchers in Horizon Europe provided by NTNU Brussels Office.

EU flagErasmus+

Eramus+ at NTNU

Erasmus+ is the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport.

NTNU has been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHC) for 2021-2027 by the European Commission.

Centres and institutes abroad

Norhed II

NORHED II is Norway's key programme to boost higher education and research in developing countries, aiming to produce quality graduates and research to support the 2030 Agenda.

The NORHED II projects

NTNU’s collaboration with LMIC – report 2018 (pdf)

Centres abroad

NTNU collaborates with:

Departments abroad

In collaboration with several Norwegian universities, NTNU has
eight departments abroad where both academic staff, students
at bachelor's and master's level can take ordinary courses and
summer courses.

NTNU Alumni

Man and woman in conversation

NTNU Alumni

  • network for collaboration
  • knowledge sharing
  • a gateway for companies and organizations who want to collaborate with NTNU

How to collaborate with us

How to collaborate with us

Support for researchers

Support for researchers

International Development Plan

International Development Plan

HR Excellence in Research


HR Excellence in Research. Logo.


Professor Maria Fernandino

Professor Maria Fernandino in lab. Photo.

Video 3

Video about a medieval skeleton

Video 1

Video about newborns

Video 2

Video about Arctic