NIES International Advisory Board (IAB)|International Activities|National Institute for Environmental Studies

The NIES International Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting

NIES International Asvisory Board
The 1st NIES IAB (August 17-19, 2015)

The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan, invites internationally active experts in the field of environmental studies to participate in and comprise the NIES International Advisory Board (IAB). The 1st NIES IAB was convened on August 17-19, 2015 in order to benefit from the advice and suggestions of these invited international experts (hereafter “IAB Member’) in relation to forthcoming research activities. (NIES-IAB2015).

NIES IAB for Fourth NIES five-year plan (2016-2020) will be held three times consisting of working groups related to earth environmental studies, risk studies, and environmental research infrastructure in 2017; working groups for Environmental Emergency Research Program in 2018; and an overall review on NIES research will be made in 2020.

Future IAB

2020 (To Be Announced)

Previous IAB

2018 (August 28 - 30, 2018. The tentative program can be downloaded here.)

In April 2016, we established our NIES Fukushima Branch within the Environmental Creation Center in Miharu Town, Fukushima Prefecture as our first regional branch. In collaboration with NIES Tsukuba headquarters, NIES Fukushima Branch is committed to supporting the reconstruction and environmental recovery of disaster areas through research and technology within the framework of the Environmental Emergency Research program consisting of three problem-solving research programs: Environmental Recovery Research (PG1), Environmental Renovation Research (PG2), and Environmental Emergency Management Research (PG3) (also shown by the figure below)., and to helping to shape Japan’s future as an environmentally sustainable society equipped to withstand disasters. In IAB 2018, These 3 researches will be reported.

Three Research Program

2017 (held on August 29 - 31, 2017. The program can be downloaded here.)

The earth environmental studies include three problem-solving research programs: Low-Carbon Research Program; Harmonization with Nature Research Program; Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program. The risk studies include two problem-solving research programs: Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program; Health and Environmental Safety Research Program. They include one of the environmental research infrastructure, Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS). These 6 research programs (also shown below in 6 squares) were reported.

Low-Carbon Research Program Harmonization with Nature Research Program Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety Japan Environment and Children's Study Programme Office