newzBin :: The Ultimate in Usenet Indexing

newzBin - The Ultimate Usenet Binaries Index

Welcome to newzBin, the most comprehensive Usenet Indexing site available.

We offer listings of what is currently available on Usenet, in two forms — the Posts view, which has been hand-edited to show you precisely what is available, and the Files view, which shows you every file that has been posted, on all the newsgroups, for the last 45 days or so.

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Here are the latest developments in the newzBin world…

New faster search implemented [ 89 comments | View | Add a Comment ]

Written by Admin Caesium at 05:30PM -- Thursday March 03 2005 GMT

I have just implemented a new faster search algorithm.

This is on a trial basis. If you experience any problems with it please punt them my way - leave a comment or something.

If it turns out to be crap then I'll remove or rework it until it's not ;)

WorldPay now available [ 18 comments | View | Add a Comment ]

Written by Admin Caesium at 11:49AM -- Monday February 07 2005 GMT

You will be pleased to see that we now have another payment method - we have just added WorldPay to our topup page.

This is a fully automated payment system - you will get credit within seconds of payment.

Outstanding Payments [ 20 comments | View | Add a Comment ]

Written by Admin Caesium at 09:40AM -- Tuesday February 01 2005 GMT

We are aware that there are still quite a few outstanding payments that have not been credited.

We will be crediting the affected accounts manually today. There is no need to mail us about this - we simply do not have time to reply individually to hundreds of queries.

If you have already mailed us about this, it is quite unlikely you will receive a reply - sorry, it's nothing personal, but again, we just don't have the time - don't worry, you WILL receive your credit, and you will also receive some free compensation time.

We appreciate you bearing with us. Some of you may be glad to hear that we are halfway through setting up a new automated payment processor. We're hoping to get this live as a realistic alternative in the next month or so.

PayPal Problems [ 6 comments | View | Add a Comment ]

Written by Admin Kalante at 01:20PM -- Monday January 31 2005 GMT

The PayPal situation has still not been resolved, thus the majority of payments that have been made over the past few days have not yet been processed. We will not be able to do so correctly until PayPal fix their notification system, but as soon as they do our system will begin processing the backlog of payments.

We have received a fairly large amount of emails about this issue and have been reluctant to deal with them individually until we knew exactly what the situation was - However, any that haven't been dealt with yet will be informed via an email to come read this news item.

Again, I would like to apologise on behalf of Newzbin for these issues - We will be extending the free 14 days to all affected users once this situation has been resolved. You can check the status of PayPal's IPN system here:

We will provide updates as we find out anything new. In the same way that PayPal appreciate our patience, we also appreciate yours - There isn't much we can do until PayPal resolves their situation. :)

Update: The situation appears to be resolved according to PayPal . Please note that transactions may take anytime between a few seconds to a few hours (or days in the case of eChecks,) that is normal - Hopefully all accounts in the backlog have been updated now. Let us know if you have any further problems!

End of Christmas Promotion [ 51 comments | View | Add a Comment ]

Written by Admin Caesium at 09:57PM -- Monday December 27 2004 GMT

The double-time offer is now closing - lots of you took advantage of it.

Watch this space for significant site developments early next year!

Christmas Credit Promotion [ 55 comments | View | Add a Comment ]

Written by Admin Caesium at 04:00PM -- Friday December 24 2004 GMT

You all know the drill by now. It's Christmas, that gives us a good excuse to bring on a promotion. So, until the 27th of December, every week you buy in premium credit will be doubled for free.

So if you buy 4 weeks, you'll get 8. For the price of 4. It's like a half price offer, only a slightly different way of looking at it.

Put simply, if you want a years credit, then buy 26 weeks. The free time will make you up to a year. Got it? :)

Enjoy your Christmas, everybody!

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