The NetBSD Project

The NetBSD Project

NetBSD is a free, fast, secure, and highly portable Unix-like Open Source operating system. It is available for a wide range of platforms, from large-scale servers and powerful desktop systems to handheld and embedded devices.

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10.1 available!

The NetBSD project is pleased to announce the first update to the NetBSD 10 release branch » NetBSD 10.1 «

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NetBSD 10.1, released on December 16, 2024. » Release Notes

CPU Machines Install media
amd64 64-bit x86-family machines with AMD or Intel CPUs USB image, CD
arm ARM systems like Raspberry Pi, PINE64, ODROID, "ServerReady" machines more Various boards, original RPi
i386 32-bit x86-family generic machines USB image, CD
mips MIPS systems like EdgeRouter, Loongson, Malta octeon, mips64el, mipsel
powerpc PowerPC systems like Nintendo Wii, DHT Walnut, RouterBOARD wii, others
sparc64 Sun UltraSPARC CD
others Amiga, Alpha, Apple PowerPC/68K, Dreamcast, SPARC32, VAX, more architectures various

A signed list of hashes for the NetBSD 10.1 distribution.
The NetBSD Security Officer's PGP key used to sign the list of hashes.


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