Sustainability | Makita Corporation Global Site

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Contributing to Achieving a Sustainable Society

The constantly changing global society is confronting myriad challenges accompanying climate change and other Phenomena.
By striving to solve social issues through our business, Makita delivers new value and contributes to the sustainable development of society.

Environmental Initiatives(E)

  • 3 good health and well-being
  • 6 clean water and sanitation
  • 7 affordable and clean energy
  • 9 industry,innovation and infrastructure
  • 11 sustainable cities and communities
  • 12 responsible consumption and production
  • 13 climate action
  • 14 life below water

In quest of both environmental preservation and the sustainable growth of Makita’s business, the Company has established the Environmental Management Promotion Framework, under which it is promoting environmentally conscious business activities. In 1998, the Company formulated its Environmental Policies, in line with which it has been committed to various environmental programs. At present, we are further reinforcing our commitments under the following two major themes: “Contributions to Decarbonization” and “Contributions to Resource-Circulating Society.”

Social Initiatives(S)

  • 4 quality education
  • 5 gender equality
  • 8 decent work and economic growth
  • 10 reduced inequalities
  • 16 peace,justice and strong institutions

Makita is expanding its global business and has created an environment in which diverse human resources can play active roles regardless of race or gender. Going forward, Makita will continue to actively promote initiatives and working environments that enable diverse human resources to make the most of their abilities while fulfilling its responsibilities as a global company by ensuring respect for human rights and implementing CSR procurement in order to grow together with society.

Corporate Governance(G)

  • 4 quality education
  • 5 gender equality
  • 8 decent work and economic growth
  • 16 peace,justice and strong institutions

Makita strives to strengthen and enhance corporate governance in order to increase corporate value and earn the trust of shareholders and other stakeholders.