Terms of Use | Lawson

Terms of Use

Users of this website, which is operated by Lawson, Inc. ("the Company"), are requested to abide by the terms and conditions of use set forth herein. By using this website, you will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.

The Company reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event that any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions shall be posted on this website immediately. Please check the latest information posted herein to inform yourself of any changes.

  • 1. Website Operation

    The Company may change, add, suspend, cancel, remove or otherwise modify the services offered on this website at any time without prior notice.
  • 2. Prohibited Actions

    Users of this website are prohibited from engaging in the following actions, including those prohibited by other provisions of these terms and conditions.
    • 1. Actions that will or may infringe on the copyrights, privacy, property and other rights or interests of other users of this website, third parties, the Company or its partner companies.
    • 2. Actions that will or may cause disadvantage, financial loss or other damages to other users of this website, third parties, the Company, or its partner companies.
    • 3. Actions that will or may be offensive to public order and morals, or violate laws, regulations, and ordinances.
    • 4. False declarations when using this website for membership registration or other purposes.
    • 5. Illegitimate use of email addresses, passwords, or other personal information.
    • 6. Using this website to solicit business or achieve other commercial ends for profit, or for preparations thereto.
    • 7. Other actions that may interrupt the operation of this website or interfere with the provision of services.
  • 3. Personal Information

    The Company will properly handle personal information of users in accordance with the Privacy Policy posted separately on this website.
  • 4. Disclaimer

    The Company and its partner companies shall be exempt from the matters outlined in the Disclaimer posted separately on this website.
  • 5. Copyrights and Other Rights

    • 1. Copyrights, trademarks, portrait rights and all other rights relating to this website belong to the Company or its partner companies, unless specified otherwise. Users are asked to respect the protection afforded to holders of copyrights, trademarks, portrait rights and other rights.
    • 2. Users are prohibited from using, transposing, copying, distributing or modifying all or part of the data, images and any other form of content obtained from this website for any purpose other than personal use, as specified in copyright laws, or that which is explicitly permitted by other laws, without the consent of the Company or the holders of rights to said data, images and content.
  • 6. Members

    • 1. Copyrights, trademarks, portrait rights and all other rights relating to this website belong to the Company or its partner companies, unless specified otherwise. Users are asked to respect the protection afforded to holders of copyrights, trademarks, portrait rights and other rights.
    • 2. Users are prohibited from using, transposing, copying, distributing or modifying all or part of the data, images and any other form of content obtained from this website for any purpose other than personal use, as specified in copyright laws, or that which is explicitly permitted by other laws, without the consent of the Company or the holders of rights to said data, images and content.
    • 3. The Company reserves the right to immediately cancel a membership, at any time without prior notice, if any of the following conditions apply to a member:
      • A. The member gave false or inaccurate information to the Company when applying for membership.
      • B. It becomes clear that the member has had his/her membership revoked or received some other form of censure for violating these terms and conditions of use or other regulations in the past.
      • C. The member engages in activities prohibited by the terms and conditions of use, or other Company regulations.
      • D. The member cannot be contacted via email, telephone or other means.
      • E. The Company deems any other act of a member as inappropriate.
    • 4. The Company shall assume no responsibility, whatsoever, for any damages caused to members or third parties as a result of the stoppage of website services to a member to whom any of the previous provisions apply.
    • 5. A member shall notify the Company of any changes in his or her registered name, address, phone number or other personal information using means specified by the Company.
    • 6. A member shall notify the Company when canceling his or her membership to this website using means specified by the Company.
    • 7. A member shall use his or her email address and password only for personal use, and must not transfer, loan, or otherwise provide them to third parties for the use of such third parties.
  • Users of this website, which is operated by Lawson, Inc. ("the Company" ), are requested to abide by the terms and conditions of use set forth herein. By using this website, you will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.

    The Company reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event that any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions shall be posted on this website immediately. Please check the latest information posted herein to inform yourself of any changes.

  • 7. Recommended Settings for Viewing this Website

    For optimal viewing of this website, users should use an Internet-enabled PC and Web browser with the recommended settings posted separately on this website. Please note that certain features of this website may not be available, and may cause inappropriate display or operation when the recommended settings are not used.
  • 8. External Links to this Website

    The Company allows, in principle, external links to this website.
    However, please read and observe the cautionary items regarding external links, which are posted separately on this website.
  • 9. Governing Laws

    The formulation, legal force, application and interpretation of these terms and conditions of use shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
  • 10. Jurisdiction

    Disputes between a user and the Company or partner company over the use of this website shall be exclusively heard first in the Tokyo District Court.