Merpay, Inc.


Buy and sell things you no longer use to make money with Mercari.
Experience a new way to shop using credit born from transactions (buying and selling) with Merpay.
Our dream: a world where your life practically enriches itself, with money and credit at your fingertips.

At Merpay, we go beyond offering a simple payment service, setting our sights on a wide range of financial services.


mercari Pay

Discover new value through
a cycle of buy, sell, and pay

Buy and sell things you no longer use to earn money and credit.
You may budget based on your regular income, but this is different—it’s a little extra value, free to use how you want, born from the cycle of items being passed from person to person.
Enjoy small luxuries you don’t normally have. Buy things you’ve given up on. Try things you’ve been wanting to do.
A gentle push forward to creating your happiness—that’s Merpay.