DTN Routing Algorithm Based on Region Segmentation

Computer Science ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (10): 113-116.

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DTN Routing Algorithm Based on Region Segmentation

HAN Jin, SHI Jin and REN Yong-jun   

  • Online:2018-11-14 Published:2018-11-14

Abstract: The randomly moving DTN nodes are often trapped for a period in highly connectivity regions of a undirected graph,which consists of DTN’s paths.So in the period,the messages whose receiver is in the same region with its sender in current local region should be exchanged first.Meanwhile,the messages whose receiver is in different regions with its sender nodes in current local region should be exchanged first when the nodes are leaving the message sender’s current local region.According to this strategy,a new DTN routing algorithm was presented in this paper.In the algorithm,a undirected graph is segmented into regions by random experiment method,and DTN’s messages are routed according to a node’s currently local region and the currently local region of receivers of messages.The results of experiments show that compared to PRoPHET,Epidemic,SAW,the algorithm can get relatively high message delivery successful rate and effectively reduce message copies transit times.

Key words: DTN routing,Region segmentation,Region location judgment

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