I am a software engineering researcher, interested in
software quality and safety. My goal is to help engineers build better
systems, and to diagnose their weaknesses. This ranges from design, model
driven engineering of software systems, design of languages, to bug finding,
testing, static analysis, and verification. I study actual systems in order to
understand what quality problems can be addressed. I also design new
technologies, including modeling languages, code generators, or analysis and
verification tools to improve quality of software. My recent interests are in
AI and robotics, considering classical properties like safety and reliability,
but also newer challenges like privacy.
I have worked with systems in multiple domains: robotics
(ROS), safety critical embedded systems (such as an electric engine safety
controller for an elevator), operating system kernels (Linux, Free BSD, eCos),
and business software (such as an open source ERP system Open for
Business). I have spent a lot of time researching software systems that
are produced in families of similar products - the so called software product
lines. I am very invested in work with Open Source communities and with
industrial partners.
Fall 2008: System
Architecture and Security in the graduate programme (SDT). I will not
actually give any lectures but I actively influence the design of this
Fall 2003: Inżynieria
oprogramowania (Software Engineering, in Polish) at Warsaw
University of Technology. The course is given by Krzysztof Kaczmarski. I
am only responsible for a small fraction on formal methods.
Fall 2000, in Polish: Niektóre ćwiczenia laboratoryjne
z przedmiotu Programowanie w Internecie
do wykładu Macieja Grzendy.
(Ostatnio prowadzone: Wydział MiNI PW, semestr zimowy
2000/2001 NIEAKTUALNE)