Carina F. Dorneles: homepage


Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina - Informatic and Statistic Department

Member of LISA Lab.

Professor of Graduate Program in Computer Science - PPGCC/UFSC



The best way to reach me is by email:
dorneles at
carina.dorneles at

Professional Address:
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC
Departamento de Informatica e Estatistica - INE/CTC
Predio do INE, Sala 410 - fone +55.48.3721.2731
Caixa Postal 476
CEP 88049-900 - Florianopolis/SC

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Short Bio

Professor at the Department of Informatics and Statistics (INE) of UFSC. Member of the Database Steering Committee of SBC (Brazilian Computer Society). Member of the Graduate Program Quadrennial Evaluation Committee/Capes - 2017. Productivity research grant holder - Level 2/CNPQ from March / 2011 to March / 2017. She works in research, teaching and advising Scientific Initiation, undergraduate, master, and doctoral levels. She has been Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Computer Science at UFSC from October 2015 to May 2017. During the Ph.D., she held a sandwich internship at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, in the Database and Artificial Intelligence research group, under the supervision of prof. Alon Halevy. In 2016 she served as CTIC/SBC Chair and SBSI/SBC WTDSI Chair and member of the Special Evaluation Committee of FAPERGS in 2016. Her research interests include Data Management, Information Retrieval, Mining Data with an emphasis on the Web, Discovery of Knowledge, and Data Extraction and Matching. She coordinates and participates in research projects in the area, with scientific publications in periodicals and conference proceedings of good quality. Also participates as a member of technical committees of program conferences and workshops realized in Brazil and abroad. She serves as an ad hoc reviewer of development agencies such as CNPq, Capes, FAPESC, FAPERGS, and FAPESP, as well as CTIC/RNP. She has been a reviewer of articles in national and international journals and events since 2000. She has served as a member of the Education Committee of the SBC between 2013-2015 and as Coordinator of Research Support at the UFSC Pro-Rector's Office (PROPESQ/UFSC) during 2012-2013. She participates in projects of international collaboration, among them the VIDAS project, with France, within the CAPES / COFECUB program. In 2005, she co-created the Regional School of Database and the Demos Session of the Brazilian Symposium on Database. Se has served as Editor of the "Bits, Bytes and Lipstick" column of the electronic magazine SBC Horizontes.

Research topics of interest

Content Detection, Web Data Extraction and Knowledge Discovery, Data Matching and Textual Similarity, Data Management, Information Retrieval, Data Analysis.

Academic Degrees

.:PhD. in Computer Science, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil (Jan 2006)
.:MSc. in Computer Science, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil (May 2000)
.:BSc. in Computer Science, Universidade de Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo, Brazil (1996)

Last update: 2022, Sept.