ImageCLEF 2009 | ImageCLEF / LifeCLEF - Multimedia Retrieval in CLEF

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ImageCLEF 2009

ImageCLEF is the cross-language image retrieval track run as part of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) campaign. This track evaluates retrieval of images described by text captions based on queries in a different language; both text and image matching techniques are potentially exploitable.

The participant's working notes papers are available from the CLEF 2009 working notes page.

The following tasks took place in 2009:

* a photographic retrieval task,
* a photographic annotation task using a simple ontology,
* a medical retrieval task,
* a robotic image visual task,
* a medical automatic image annotation task, and
* an image retrieval task from a collection of wikipedia images.

More information on the details of these tasks will follow shortly.


The exact schedule will depend on the individual tasks. Most databases have been released now but topic development has not yet finished.

A tentative global schedule can be found here (please look at the page of each task for more details):

* 15.1.2009 : registration opens for all CLEF tasks
* 15.3.2009-30.4. : data release, depending on the tasks
* 15.4.2009-5.5. : topic release, depending on the tasks
* 1.6.2009- : submission of runs
* 15.7.2009 : release of results
* 15.8.2009 : submission of working notes papers
* 30.9-2.10.2009 : CLEF workshop in Corfu, Greece