Eurocrypt 2009

Eurocrypt 2009

Cologne, Germany, April 26-30, Maritim Hotel

Eurocrypt 2009 is the 28th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques. It is devoted to all aspects of cryptology. Eurocrypt 2009 will take place in Cologne (German spelling: Köln) from April 26-30, 2009. Eurocrypt 2009 is sponsored by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), and is organized by the IACR in cooperation with the Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Program Chair:
Antoine Joux
DGA and Université de Versailles
45 avenue des Etats-Unis
78035 Versailles Cedex, France
Tel: +33 1 / 39 25 43 23
Email: Antoine.Joux (at)

General Chair:
Alexander May
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
44780 Bochum, Germany
Faculty of Mathematics, NA 5/73
Email: alex.may (at)

Roberto Avanzi, Christof Paar, Ahmad Sadeghi, Jörg Schwenk, Christopher Wolf

Students whose papers have been accepted and who present their talk at the conference will have their registration waived. A limited number of stipends is available to those unable to get funding to attend the conference. Students presenting their papers will be given preference. Requests for registration waiver and/or stipends should be submitted to General Chair.