Goals Of Artificial Intelligence

Goals Of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence

It is the intelligence participated by machines. In computer science the term “artificial intelligence” is applied when a machine is cognitive(perceptional) functions, such as learning and problem solving as that other fellow human beings with the human mind.

It is generally a way of making a computer-robot, software think intelligently, just like a way of intelligent humans think.Now a day’s many companies (google, facebook etc) are working on it to provide customers a better support and reliability.To build an intelligent system you will need planning, Natural language processing (communication), learning, Perception, Motion and manipulation, Long-term goals, General intelligence, Creativity, Social intelligence etc.

Goals of artificial intelligence

1. Intelligent execution of user requests in the operating system.
2. To provide reliability and better support to customers.
3. To Create systems that understand, think, learn, and behave like humans for the purpose of learning, behaviour etc.

Agent Types

  1. Reflex agents
  2. Reflex agent with internal states
  3. Goal based agents
  4. utility based agents

Multiple areas to build an intelligent system

1. computer science
2. Cybernetics and brain simulation
3. Social intelligence
4. maths
5. biology
6. psychology
7. philosophy
8. creativity

Growth of artificial intelligence will ultimately result in significant unemployment as machines begin to work with modern artificial intelligence and capability of workers to perform most routine and repetitive jobs. In future it may lead to unemployment problems.

Advantages Of Artificial Intelligence  

1. Artificial intelligence or say robot technique can complete task faster than in comparison with human.

2. By this error and defect problems can be less.

3. Also Function is infinite.

Problem Solving and Searching Techniques

  • Breadth first search
  • Depth first search
  • Bidirectional search
  • Local search
  • Heuristics search techniques
  • Best first search
  • A* algorithm
  • Constraint satisfaction problem
  • Means end analysis


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