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FIDIS Events 2009

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18.05.09 10:53

FIDIS @ Twitter

You can now follow FIDIS and the FIDIS Summit Event at Twiter: https://twitter.com/fidis or…

16.05.09 11:16

Press Release: FIDIS urges mobile users to be aware of data disclosure

…Research from Future of Identity in the Information Society highlights the information many of…

27.04.09 18:05

Press Release: Identity is everywhere: Summit Event of the FIDIS Network of Excellence

After 5 years of research, the Future of Identity in the Information Society (FIDIS) network of…

20.04.09 10:20

FIDIS Summit Book: The Future of Identity in the Information Society - Challenges and Opportunities

We are happy to announce that the FIDIS Summit Book will be available soon. 

On the…

The FIDIS Summit Event will take place on May 18th and 19th, co-located with the  IFIP Sec conference 2009 @ Cyprus. [read more...]

After 5 years of research, the Future of Identity in the Information Society (FIDIS) network of academic institutions and companies from across Europe has discussed the changing face of identity at a Summit Event to be co-located with the IFIP Sec 2009 conference, May 18-20 in Pafos (Cyprus). [Read More…] [Download Press Release]

Welcome at FIDIS.net

FIDIS (Future of Identity in the Information Society) is a NoE (Network of Excellence) supported by the   European Union under the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development within the Information Society Technologies (IST) priority in the Action Line: "Towards a global dependability and security framework". read more

FIDIS Summit Book: The Future of Identity in the Information Society - Challenges and Opportunities

On the book: Digitising personal information is changing our ways of identifying persons and managing relations. What used to be a ‘natural’ identity, is now as virtual as a user account at a web portal, an email address, or a mobile phone number. It is subject to diverse forms of identity management in business, administration, and among citizens. Core question and source of conflict is who owns how much identity information of whom and who needs to place trust into which identity information to allow access to resources. This book presents multidisciplinary answers from research, government, and industry. [read more at book.fidis.net]

Booklet: Identity R/Evolution

The identity [r]evolution is happening. Who are you, who am I in the information society? In recent years, the convergence of several factors – technological, political, economic – has accelerated a fundamental change in our networked world. On a technological level, information becomes easier to gather, to store, to exchange and to process. [Read More at booklet.fidis.net]

Topics and deliverables of FIDIS