1ִää̻ϳءܤο鸽¤ʪޤǰסǽΨޥͥȥISBN: 978-4800592521 2̻ҤȤϤʤ ۤˤΤߡס̼ ֥롼ХåISBN: 978-4065200001 3ֻ֤ȤϤʤ ǿʪؤõֻפΡס̼ ֥롼ХåISBN 978-4065020319 4ֱưϤϲ狼ѤʪáסĬISBN 978-4-10-610643-9 5֥ǤMCMCޥ륳ϢƥˡμŪס̼ҡISBN 978-4065201749 ʸ 6"Phases and Duality in the Fundamental Kazakov–Migdal Model on the Graph", PTEP 2024(8) 083B03 7"Gross-Witten-Wadia phase transition in induced QCD on the graph", Physical Review D 108(5) (2023) 8"Graph Zeta Functions and Wilson Loops in Kazakov-Migdal Model, PTEP 2022(12):123B03, 9"Kazakov-Migdal model on the graph and Ihara zeta function", JHEP 09 (2022) 178 10"Supersymmetric gauge theory on the graph", PTEP 2022 (2022) 4, 043B01 °زΡ ʪز 20062008ǯˡ륹ܡꡡܳؽѿ̸ʥǥޡˡNiels Bohr lnstitute, JSPS, Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad, Denmarkϡ20082009ǯ䥲ʪزʡݥɥʥݡɡˡDepartment of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Postdoctoral Fellow, Poland |