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1Matsumoto, Y. & K. Kawachi (eds.) (2020) Broader Perspectives on Motion Event Descriptions. John Benjamins. () ʸ 2Kawachi, K. (2025) Does the degree of integration of constructions iconically reflect motion event types? In Motion Event Descriptions across Languages, 129-166. De Gruyter Mouton. 3Kawachi, K. (2025) Kupsapiiny as a predominantly anti-verb-framed, non-head coding language. In Motion Event Descriptions across Languages, 91-128. De Gruyter Mouton. 4Kawachi, K. (2023) Long default and short indefinite noun forms in Kupsapiiny: Synchronic usage and diachronic development. ظ츦163, 79-110. 5Kawachi, K. (2023) Sidaama. In The Oxford Handbook of Ethiopian Languages, 320–343. Oxford University Press. 6Kawachi, K. (2021) The alongǡdeictic-directional verb suffix complex in Kupsapiny. In Associated Motion, 747-777. De Gruyter Mouton. 7Kawachi, K., S. H. Park & E. Bellingham (2020) Directness of causation and morphosyntactic complexity of constructions: Japanese and Korean cases. Japanese/Korean Linguistics, 26, 225-236. CSLI Publications. 8Kawachi, K. (2020) Sidaama. In The Oxford Handbook of African Languages, 543-552. Oxford University Press. 9Kawachi, K. (2020) Sidaama. In Mermaid Constructions: A Compound-Predicate Construction with Biclausal Appearance, 679-733. De Gruyter Mouton. 10Kawachi, K., E. Bellingham & J. Bohnemeyer (2018) Different types of causality and clause linkage in English, Japanese, Sidaama, and Yucatec Maya. Papers from the 18th National Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, 47-59. °زΡ ܸزǧθزܥեꥫزAssociation for Linguistic Typology 1996ǯ78: ե˥إС졼 Ѹ춵 Certificate ץʥꥫ罰 [Student, Teaching English as a Foreign Language Summer Institute, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.] 1997ǯ710〜2007ǯ62: ˥塼衼ΩإХե ءǧβʳ Ph.D. ץʥꥫ罰 [Ph.D. student, Department of Linguistics & Center for Cognitive Science, SUNY at Buffalo, U.S.A.] 2008ǯ〜: ϶ʥԥˤǤΥեɥ [Researcher, Sidaama National Regional State, Ethiopia] 2009ǯ〜: ٥϶ʥ ǤΥեɥ [Researcher, Sebei Region, Uganda] 2016ǯ9: ݥ륯 衼åѸƴֺ¡ʥե [Researcher, European Summer School in Linguistic Typology, Île de Porquerolles, France] |