
  • ´ȡذ̼ˡ
    • 1990ǯ´ȡʸ 1992ǯ´
    • State University of New York at Buffalo 칶
    • 2001ǯ M.A. in Linguistics,
    • 2007ǯ Ph.D. in Linguistics
    • 1986ǯιع ´
    • 1992〜2000ǯλڹع Ǥ͡ (Ѹ)
    • 2008〜2021ǯɱع (Ѹ졤)2008〜2010ǯǤֻա2010〜2017ǯڶ2017〜2021ǯ
  • 漼733217
  • E-mailkawachikeio.jp
  • ôܡ綵饻ߥʡ (Linguistics)ij齬 (Video talks and papers on introductory topics in cognitive sciences)ߥ˥ (Video talks on social science topics)꡼ǥ (Principles of human conversation)
  • ΰ衧ءʸ෿ǧθء̣
  • Ҳ𡧸෿ǧθؤ濴˸ؤθ򤷤Ƥ롣֤ʸˡ¤ѤˤɤΤ褦뤫츽ݤɤΤ褦˿ʹ֤ǧΥᥫ˥ȿǤƤ뤫Ȥ˴ؿ롣ѸܸΥǡ¾ˡ椬ʤǤʤեꥫ2Ĥθ ԥ Sidaama (Highland East Cushitic) ȥ Kupsapiiny (Southern Nilotic) Υեɥˤåǡ¸ǡȤäˡ̴ط򡤶ְưѲ硤̾餤˴ؤŪ˼ȤǤ롣

1Matsumoto, Y. & K. Kawachi (eds.) (2020) Broader Perspectives on Motion Event Descriptions. John Benjamins. ()
2Kawachi, K. (2025) Does the degree of integration of constructions iconically reflect motion event types? In Motion Event Descriptions across Languages, 129-166. De Gruyter Mouton.
3Kawachi, K. (2025) Kupsapiiny as a predominantly anti-verb-framed, non-head coding language. In Motion Event Descriptions across Languages, 91-128. De Gruyter Mouton.
4Kawachi, K. (2023) Long default and short indefinite noun forms in Kupsapiiny: Synchronic usage and diachronic development. ظ츦163, 79-110.
5Kawachi, K. (2023) Sidaama. In The Oxford Handbook of Ethiopian Languages, 320–343. Oxford University Press.
6Kawachi, K. (2021) The alongǡdeictic-directional verb suffix complex in Kupsapiny. In Associated Motion, 747-777. De Gruyter Mouton.
7Kawachi, K., S. H. Park & E. Bellingham (2020) Directness of causation and morphosyntactic complexity of constructions: Japanese and Korean cases. Japanese/Korean Linguistics, 26, 225-236. CSLI Publications.
8Kawachi, K. (2020) Sidaama. In The Oxford Handbook of African Languages, 543-552. Oxford University Press.
9Kawachi, K. (2020) Sidaama. In Mermaid Constructions: A Compound-Predicate Construction with Biclausal Appearance, 679-733. De Gruyter Mouton.
10Kawachi, K., E. Bellingham & J. Bohnemeyer (2018) Different types of causality and clause linkage in English, Japanese, Sidaama, and Yucatec Maya. Papers from the 18th National Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, 47-59.
ܸزǧθزܥեꥫزAssociation for Linguistic Typology

1996ǯ78: ե˥إС졼 Ѹ춵 Certificate ץʥꥫ罰 [Student, Teaching English as a Foreign Language Summer Institute, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.]
1997ǯ710〜2007ǯ62: ˥塼衼ΩإХե ءǧβʳ Ph.D. ץʥꥫ罰 [Ph.D. student, Department of Linguistics & Center for Cognitive Science, SUNY at Buffalo, U.S.A.]
2008ǯ〜: ϶ʥԥˤǤΥեɥ [Researcher, Sidaama National Regional State, Ethiopia]
2009ǯ〜: ٥϶ʥ ǤΥեɥ [Researcher, Sebei Region, Uganda]
2016ǯ9: ݥ륯 衼åѸ෿ƴֺ¡ʥե󥹡 [Researcher, European Summer School in Linguistic Typology, Île de Porquerolles, France]