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As usual, in this new edition proximity to our public and technical quality will be our hallmarks. With an estimated capacity of 200 people, EuskalHack Security Congress has established itself as the most relevant congress specialized in computer security in the Basque Country, and as a national reference. The profile of attendees include specialized companies, public organisms, professionals, hobbyists and students in the area of security and Information Technology. Date and location ----------------- The congress will take place on 20 and 21 June 2025 in the city of Donostia-San Sebastin (Gipuzkoa). Take part as a speaker ---------------------- We are pleased to make a call to all those who wish to be part of this eighth edition of EuskalHack Security Congress in one of the various categories of talks and workshops that we propose. We are looking for small workshops or talks related to digital security, information security or tech in general, such as: - Robotics, Drones, Consoles, Hardware Hacking, Gadgets, mobile environments... - Security in critical infrastructures, industrial environments, Smart City, financial... - Security in Cloud, virtualization, containers, hardening, DevOps, cloud forensics... - GSM signal hacking, SDR, LTE, 4G/5G, Satellite links, VoIP... - Cryptography, steganography, forensic and evasion techniques... - AI, Neural networks, Data mining, statistical modeling... - Malware in general, APTs, Bypassing, Sandboxing... - Corporate security and intelligence, Social engineering, OPSEC, OSINT... - Web Hacking, SQL and NoSQL injection, LDAP injection, Hacking with search engines... - Hacktivism, net neutrality, Deep web, darknet, cryptocurrencies... - Reverse engineering. All proposals will be evaluated based on its originality, educational value, technical level, contribution to the community and the capacity to make our attendees have a good time. Likewise, priority will be given to those proposals that have not been previously exhibited in any other event. If this is not the case, please let us know when sending the proposal. Language and internationalization --------------------------------- At EuskalHack we value linguistic diversity and internationalization. Therefore, we will accept presentations in Spanish, Basque and English. For this purpose, each speaker must indicate in which language/s he/she wishes to develop his/her presentation (both the oral part and the projected presentation). Note: Bilingual options will be positively valued, in order to reach the maximum number of attendees possible. Talks and Workshops ------------------- We will have several spaces for the course of this event, which may include talks and workshops, admitting two types of approaches: * Standard talks: 45 minutes duration * Specific workshops: 120 minutes duration Once all the proposals have been received, the total number of presentations of each type will be determined, considering aspects such as technological diversity and the audience. Workshops will be taught on June 21 with an approximate capacity of 40 attendees. In addition, we kindly request that the proposal submission includes information regarding the required infrastructure and materials for its delivery. Proposals --------- Proposal submissions should be sent before April 16th through the forms found on the following links: ENGLISH https://forms.gle/iz3b4Pn8i3b67bCC9 SPANISH https://forms.gle/PigjnkGTBSZTS9eB6 EUSKERA https://forms.gle/BK2fpdBTbiGT5vsH8 Dates to consider ----------------- The following are the dates and milestones which should be considered during various phases by the speakers directly involved: 16/12/24 Opening of registration for speakers 16/04/25 Deadline for speaker registration 05/05/25 Deadline for confirmation of speakers by the Organization 30/05/25 Follow-up communication 19/06/25 Speakers reception 20/06/25 EuskalHack Security Congress We kindly request commitment from all stakeholders to adhere to the specified deadlines in order to ensure proper planning and effective execution of the conference. Speaker rights and privileges ----------------------------- * Take part in the most important security congress in the Basque Country. * Travel to and from the conference at the organization's expense. In international cases, prior arrangements may be required. * Accommodation in a hotel in the city close to the congress. * Complete access to the conference. * Dinners with the other speakers and conference organizers. Obligations of the speaker ------------------------ * Provide the documentation associated with the presentation as well as its details. * Send the documents on the appropriate dates in order to facilitate their correct development. * Use the official logo of the organization during your presentation at the congress. * Explicitly accept the publication of the materials presented, as well as any image and audio-visual recording in the media required. Important notes ------------------- * Priority will be given to papers and workshops not published in other security congresses and other media. * Compliance with obligations and regulations by all concerned parties is vital to avoid any setbacks for the speaker and the congress. * The duration of the talks must stick to the terms of the agreement, allowing the audience to have time for the round of questions. * It is recommended to use the presentation template, typography and design provided by the organization in order to avoid problems in the projection. * The talks and workshops must stick to the computer security ethical code, common sense and the applicable laws. * It is essential that you indicate the needs regarding travel and accommodation in order to manage your stay with us in the best possible way. The organization reserves the right not to take charge of this aspect if it is not expressly indicated. Sponsors -------------- Being part of EuskalHack as a sponsoring company implies having presence and impact in a unique and singular environment, allowing to address a message to a target audience, and facilitating the consolidation of your brand and credibility in an event of relevance for the community. If you wish to take part in this congress, please contact us at the following address: info@euskalhack.org Contact ------- Web: https://securitycongress.euskalhack.org/ Mail: info@euskalhack.org X: @EuskalHack