Eurosmart | The voice of the Digital Security Industry | Eurosmart | The voice of the Digital Security Industry

The voice of the Digital Security Industry

With more than 25 years of experience, Eurosmart gathers technological experts in the field of the Digital security

Market & Technological Analysis

Eurosmart provides market analysis and market forecasts related to the area of the digital security. We analyse the critical technologies enabling EU's digital sovereignty.


Eurosmart advocates for an increase in the security level of digital interactions in Europe and wold-wide. We promote “security by design” and “security by default” principles towards the policy makers.

Technical contributions

Eurosmart provides its expertise and contributes to several fora, consortia, european and internatiolan standardisation organisations. We also are committed in several EU expert groups and European Public-Private partnerships.

  • Eurosmart welcomes the proposal to digitalize national identity cards, enhancing free movement within the EU/SAC Area and leveraging the EUDI Wallet introduced by the amendment to the eIDAS Regulation. However, Eurosmart identifies the following comm...

  • Introduction With the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), Europe is making important steps towards building a cyber-resilient digital society. With the global trend of digitalization, the multiple benefits derived from it, and the exponential growth of digit...

  • An Unacceptable Risk for Citizens and Businesses The European Commission pledges future EU digital Identity (EUDI) wallets that will provide a safe, reliable and private means of digital identification for everyone in Europe. The current technical an...


“Enter the digital secure world”

Supported events

EU Cyber Acts Conference

A Comprehensive Forum for EU Cyber Leadership: The Global Standard for Cross-Border Certification.

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