Both epidemiological and laboratory studies have suggested an inverse association between consumption of green tea and the prevalence of some cancers. The anti-tumorigenicity of green tea has been related to its content of specific polyphenols. The molecular mechanisms underlying the anticancer and antiangiogenic effects of green tea polyphenols (GTPs) are currently under intensive investigation. The purpose of this article is to update a previous review on the effects and biological activities of GTPs in relation to their therapeutic usefulness in preventing cancer in humans [1]. GTPs mainly consist of catechins (3-flavanols), of which epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most abundant in green tea and the most extensively studied. Moreover, the biological effects reported for GTPs have been mainly associated to EGCG. New perspectives on the applications of dietary GTPs as potential therapeutic and preventive agents against cancer are presented.
Keywords: camellia sinensis, catechins, green tea polyphenols, high performance liquid chromatography